The development of modern technology does not stand still. And this makes it possible to improve the quality of life of each person. So, the medical industry receives its advantages from this. This article will discuss such a procedure as an orthopantomogram: what it is, when it is applied and how it is performed.
To make it clearer, you first need to deal with the main terms. So, orthopantomogram - what is it and what does this word mean? In short, this is just a panoramic, that is, completely covering two dentition, x-ray. This study provides an opportunity to consider:
- The structure of the teeth of the upper jaw.
- The structure of the teeth of the lower jaw.
- Also the maxillary joint.
- Sinus (nose), etc.
That is, the picture shows complete information about the patient's dentition. The dentist himself from the picture can draw any conclusions that he needs and consider the desired object of attention.
How are such images obtained? Everything is simple here, during X-ray diagnostics, various tissues of the human body absorb radiation with different intensities. Pictures can be obtained in two ways: on film, as with all the familiar photographs, or on a special sensor that is connected to the computer.
A few words about the equipment
If you need a panoramic dental picture (orthopantomogram), you will have to go to the dental clinic. After all, this procedure requires a special apparatus. It is called an orthopantomograph and looks completely intimidating. So, a person sits on a chair, puts his chin on a special stand and just waits for it to be done. During the procedure itself, the patient does not feel any pain or discomfort. It is completely painless.
So, an orthopantomogram is assigned to a person. How do you take a picture of yourself? The principle of operation of the apparatus is as follows: the emitter will move in a circle of the region that is being studied. In this case, the receiver will receive a photograph of the captured material. The receiver can be either a conventional film or a digital medium (today it is most often used because of its convenience and economy).
Analog orthopantomograph is today a more obsolete model of a device for panoramic photography. Over time, their digital relatives will completely replace them. And all because digital photography is of higher quality and can be stored for a long time. A snapshot from an analog device quickly fades and loses its clarity. It is also an additional cost for film, development, photo printing.
The most commonly used digital orthopantomogram today. A snapshot obtained from such an apparatus is stored electronically in a computer and can be printed if desired. In addition, modern researchers say that digital orthopantomographs are less harmful, since they emit harmful rays in a smaller amount.
The picture itself is taken for a couple of seconds, and the procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes. So the patient does not have time to get a dose of radiation that is harmful to the body . In addition, for protection, a special apron is put on a person, which helps to minimize exposure to the body.
Digital or analog shot? What to choose?
What should I know if an orthopantomogram is prescribed? What is it - figured out. It is also clear that in modern clinics there are two types of equipment. So which one is best to turn to? From the foregoing, a simple conclusion can be made that it is nevertheless necessary to choose digital orthopantomographs. Their advantages are as follows:
- A digital device takes much less time to take a picture. As a result, patient exposure is reduced by 90%!
- High speed image acquisition. So, there is no need to show the film, print a photo. After the procedure itself, the image appears in seconds on special equipment. In addition, a huge plus also lies in the fact that there is no need to take a repeated panoramic picture if there are problems during the development of the film. And this is again a great advantage for human health.
- A digital picture can be viewed in more detail. If necessary, it can be increased in order to more carefully analyze certain nuances.
- All digital pictures are stored on a computer. That is, they can be obtained if necessary as quickly as possible without going to the archive and without rummaging through the patient's paper cards.
- Great convenience is also in the fact that the tooth picture itself instantly gets to the treating doctor. This can be done through electronic data transfer.
A little bit about the harmfulness
Having understood the term “orthopantomogram”: what is it and how is the procedure performed - a few words I want to say about how harmful it is to health. After all, nevertheless, irradiation occurs, which, according to many people, is clearly not good.
As already mentioned above, the procedure is carried out for a fairly short time. In addition, the human body with the necessary protection and safety measures is subjected to minimal exposure.
Information in figures: if an orthopantomogram of the teeth is prescribed, the radiation dose in this procedure is 0.02 mSv. For comparison, it should be noted that over a year a person receives about 3.0 mSv from the environment. It is also important to emphasize that there are certain medical standards. For 12 months, each person should not receive artificially more than 1.0 mSv. At the same time, it is very important that all x-rays that a person passes over a year should be entered in his medical record. This is necessary in order to keep records and monitor the level of artificial exposure of the patient.
As a small conclusion, it must be said that the use of a panoramic image has more weight for health than the small dose of radiation that the body can receive with this type of study.
Indications for the procedure
It is worth noting that making an orthopantomogram is not at all difficult today. To do this, you just need to go to the dental clinic, where there is appropriate equipment. However, to undergo this procedure, there must be evidence.
Initially, it should be noted that you need to take a panoramic picture without fail in the case when it comes to implantation. In this case, this study allows you to:
- To study the bone tissue of teeth: density, volume.
- To study the condition of the roots of the teeth: their placement, condition.
- Consider the condition of the maxillary sinuses, see their location.
- A panoramic picture makes it possible to choose an implant suitable for the patient.
- It is very important that this picture helps the doctor to navigate much better with surgery.
- And, of course, the orthopantomogram makes it possible to draw up the correct and competent treatment plan for the patient.
By the way, you will have to do an orthopantomogram also during the implantation itself. This is necessary, because the doctor should see the result of implantation. And since this procedure is practically harmless when using digital devices, it is used throughout the entire process of surgical intervention.
Other indications
In some cases, you may still need panoramic picture of teeth ?
- In the treatment of various diseases that relate to gums and teeth. This can be either ordinary flux, as well as cysts, granulomas, periodontitis, excessive tooth mobility, etc.
- This image is important in preparation for prosthetics.
- An orthopantomogram is often prescribed for various injuries of the patient's jaw system.
- The image is important in preparation for the tooth extraction procedure.
Step by step procedure
Separately, I also want to give a description of the orthopantomogram. That is, describe the procedure that the patient must perform when passing this procedure:
- First of all, the patient will need to protect his body from the influence of rays with a special apron.
- The device itself is taller than the patient. However, the procedure can be performed both standing and sitting. It all depends on the growth of the person who undergoes the procedure. So, the device is adjusted to its size.
- The jaw is necessarily fixed, fixed. It is very important. Indeed, to obtain the most clear picture, the patient must be immobilized.
- Further, the scanner will move around the patient’s head. Its purpose: to read the data and transfer it to a special device that will help the doctor to consider everything that is necessary.
Diagnostic time takes no more than 15 minutes. This is quite enough to get the necessary information for further processing.
Orthopantomogram during surgery
As already mentioned above, a tooth picture (orthopantomogram) can be taken throughout the entire process of implantation. This is necessary, because the whole procedure is to some extent jewelry work, which requires accuracy, correctness, accuracy from the surgeon. Even the smallest mistake in this case can lead to undesirable consequences. It is worth noting that this procedure is able to give answers to the doctor to all questions that may arise during the surgical intervention.
Stage One: Preparation. It is worth noting that in this period the orthopantomogram is very important. After all, the doctor needs to accurately assess the condition of the jaw, teeth, bone tissue. Understand whether there is enough space for implantation and whether everything is ready for surgery. So, on the basis of the image, the surgeon draws conclusions about whether to perform bone building, which type and size of the implant to choose.
It is also worth noting that during the implantation, certain risks may arise:
- If we are talking about the upper jaw, you can damage the maxillary sinuses.
- If we are talking about the lower jaw, there is a huge risk of damage to the trigeminal nerve.
And only this procedure - the orthopantomogram of the teeth - minimizes these risks.
If bone tissue has been building up for the patient, this procedure makes it possible to qualitatively monitor the healing process.
Implantation: contraindications
It is also worth noting that there are some contraindications to the operation of implantation. So, this, for example, periodontitis or various kinds of inflammatory processes in the area of surgical intervention. An orthopantomogram of the jaws makes it possible to see these problems in the pictures, to examine the foci of inflammation, various problem areas (carious cavities, formations on the roots, etc.). And as a result, avoid serious problems during surgery.
Procedure after surgery
Be sure to take a panoramic picture after the operation. An orthopantomogram in this case makes it possible to consider the quality of the actions during the operation, the process of implant engraftment. Also, this procedure makes it possible to recognize various kinds of complications that may occur after any surgery. Including after implantation.
As a small conclusion, I want to note that the orthopantomogram allows the doctor not only to perform his work in a high-quality manner, but also to minimize the risk of developing postoperative undesirable consequences.
Treatment plan
This procedure is very important, because after receiving the pictures, the attending doctor can draw up a competent treatment plan that will lead to the fastest recovery. In this case, all actions should be indicated with an approximate deadline for their implementation. This list mainly consists of the following critical items:
- Treatment of gums, teeth: is it necessary.
- Does the patient need bone (bone tissue) buildup. This procedure is prescribed according to indications when its natural volume is insufficient.
- The choice of type, model of implantable implant. Also, this procedure helps to determine using other equipment that may be needed in the process of surgical intervention.
- The choice of material, type and model of dental crowns, abutment, prosthesis.
It is also important to note that each of these points must be agreed with the patient. The doctor himself can make recommendations. This is all necessary, because the price may vary depending on the quality and choice of the model of implantable parts.
In what cases is it best to abandon a procedure such as an orthopantomogram? First of all, it is undesirable during pregnancy. However, if the risk of developing a disease or problem is quite high, it can still be carried out.
Separately, parents are interested in whether this procedure is prescribed for children. Of course yes. For babies, it is absolutely not contraindicated, since an extremely small dose of radiation occurs. The orthopantomogram of the child is the same important point during treatment, as is the case with adults. Its indicators can give the most important information to the doctor about the condition of the baby's teeth and gums.
Method of reading a picture
Where is the orthopantomogram done? Dentistry, i.e., a dental clinic, is the place where this procedure can be performed. However, just taking a picture is not enough. You must be able to read it as well. The reading technique consists of three main points.
Quality assessment of the image itself. So, the doctor looks to see if the clarity of the image, sharpness, and contrast are sufficient. Whether the field of study can be fully considered. The doctor also assesses various tooth distortions and the condition of the patient's jaws.
The next stage is an assessment of the patient’s bone tissue. In this case, the doctor draws attention to the following points:
- In what condition are the interdental septa, their shape, height, condition, mineralization.
- Is there such a problem as the reconstruction of the bone structure of the tooth.
- The state of the joints of the jaw (pits, articular heads: whether there are pathological changes) is assessed.
- Separately, it is necessary to assess the condition of the mandibular sinuses and canal (localization, tooth ratio, the presence of pathologies).
The third stage - the doctor determines the object of study. That is, he chooses for himself the subsequent field of activity.
And the last, fourth stage: this is an analysis of the shadow of the teeth. In this case, the doctor should review the condition of the patient’s crown, the cavity of the tooth itself, the condition of its roots, characterize the root canals and evaluate the periodontal gap.
And only after doing all these steps, following these points, the doctor can prescribe adequate treatment that the patient will need to undergo.