How to choose a good mouthwash? Oral mouthwash rating

A good mouthwash is a necessary modern hygiene product. This fluid is used to further cleanse the mucous membranes of the mouth and teeth. By rinsing with an antibacterial aromatic solution, you can quickly disinfect the oral cavity and extinguish inflammatory processes, freshen your breath and protect your teeth from destructive caries.

good mouthwash

Rinse aid is not a medicine, but it is able to treat. It can be used by men, women and children. The range of such products is very diverse, on the shelves of pharmacies and shops are many colorful bottles and inexperienced consumers can be difficult to make a choice. This article will help you make the right purchase.

What is included in the rinse

Before you choose a particular tool, you must have an accurate idea of ​​what is included in its composition. Rinse aid formulas of different brands and manufacturers may have significant differences. However, the common components that make up such hygiene products are usually the same. Rinses for teeth include the components presented below.

Fluorine. This substance is added to strengthen the teeth in order to protect them as much as possible from possible caries. Manufacturers introduce the most progressive fluorine-containing component, aminofluoride, into the rinse liquids. On the package, it can be labeled as olaflur or sodium fluoride.

After rinsing the mouth on the tooth enamel, an invisible thin protective film is created, from which fluorine gradually penetrates the enamel over 2 hours. When choosing a rinse aid, it is important to see what percentage of fluorine is included in it. The most optimal indicator is 250 ppm.


  • chlorhexidine;
  • triclosan;
  • cetylpyridinium chloride;
  • methyl salicylate;
  • benzidamine and others

The listed antiseptic substances give rinse agents special properties. Thanks to them, mouthwashes prevent bacteria from multiplying in the oral cavity, their use can not only prevent gingivitis and stomatitis, but also helps in the treatment of these diseases, as well as in the treatment of periodontitis.

Rinses with antiseptics are not suitable for prolonged use. The course of their use is no more than 2-3 weeks. It is important to study the instructions on how to use mouth rinse and do not use such hygiene products after their expiration dates.

Alcohol. For car drivers and for children, rinse aid should be especially carefully selected. Here, the key factor is the percentage of alcohol in the liquid. This figure is different in different solutions. Alcohol is one of the best preservatives and solvents, so it is part of many popular rinses. This must be taken into account!

Xylitol or Xylitol. Natural substance with a sweet taste. In its pure form, xylitol looks the same as regular sugar, but, unlike the latter, it does not destroy, but protects tooth enamel, destroying the bacteria that cause tooth decay.

Plant extracts, essential oils. People have long learned to use the healing power of medicinal plants. Chamomile, mint, calendula and many other herbs and flowers have anti-inflammatory and refreshing effects. There is nothing surprising in the fact that their extracts are present in most rinses.

Also, manufacturers add essential oils (menthol, eucalyptus, thyme oil , etc.) to tooth elixirs. These additives actively affect the taste and smell of the product.

mouthwash how to choose

Useful properties of rinsing agents

Thanks to the special composition, mouthwash is simply indispensable. People who neglect this hygiene product in favor of ordinary water, apparently, do not even realize how much they lose. Here is how this wonderful liquid works:

  • Protects teeth from caries. Due to the presence of fluorides, it is an effective additional protection against caries. Fluorides cover the teeth with a dense film and nourish the enamel, thereby preventing its destruction.
  • Helps prevent the occurrence of halitosis by washing and destroying pathogenic microorganisms that form plaque on the surface of the teeth and lead to gingivitis.
  • A good mouthwash protects teeth from the formation of stones on them. Most of these products include sodium citrate. When rinsing it gently and imperceptibly removes the smallest particles of solid deposits. At the initial stage of stone formation, the daily mouth rinse with a mouthwash is enough to completely get rid of hard plaque.
  • Prevents inflammation and suppuration after surgery. Dentists often recommend that patients use rinses after complex tooth extractions if there is a risk of infection of the well.

how to use mouthwash

How to apply?

We will figure out how to use the mouthwash correctly. It is advisable to use a similar tool after each brushing and learn how to properly combine toothpaste and rinse aid. Suppose toothbrushing was carried out with a paste, which contains a large amount of calcium, and there is no fluoride. Then rinse your mouth best with fluoride-containing liquid. The duration of the rinse is about 1 minute.

Some people believe that after using a rinse, it is necessary to further clean the mouth with water. This is not worth doing, because water will wash off the active components of the product, and its effect will be reduced to zero. Another important tip: rinse fluids are not intended to enter the gastrointestinal tract, i.e. they do not need to be swallowed. Although, accidental ingestion is permissible and will not be harmful.

tooth rinses


Due to the fact that most rinses contain herbal extracts, antibacterial substances, as well as alcohol, their use is not shown to everyone. The following relative contraindications for use are:

  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding. It cannot be stated unequivocally that pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should not use purchased mouthwashes. But for this category of persons, for security reasons, it is still better to get the advice of a competent doctor.
  • Age to 6 years. Typically, the manufacturer indicates the bottle from which age it is allowed to use rinse aid. If there is alcohol in the liquid, then not earlier than 12 years.
  • Allergy. Some people may develop allergic reactions to certain fluid components, such as herbal extract or an antiseptic.
  • Treatment for alcohol addiction. Such persons are not recommended to use rinsing agents that contain ethyl alcohol. This factor can provoke a breakdown and alcohol intake.

How to choose the right mouthwash

Going to buy? When choosing an elixir for rinsing, it is necessary, first of all, to focus on the problems existing in the oral cavity. It can be difficult to independently determine them. For example, a person wants to get rid of bad breath.

For this purpose, he begins to rinse his mouth with an expensive dental elixir with a mint flavor and a high fluoride content, but the smell does not go away, because the inflammatory process is progressing in the oral cavity, which this drug can not act in any way, because it does not contain an antiseptic.

How to choose a mouthwash, the dentist can always tell. After a careful examination, he can determine the condition of the teeth and gums, heal the carious foci and give the right recommendations for choosing hygiene products. But trying to make a choice through trial and error is a thankless task!

Mouthwashes - a list of the most popular

Consider several categories. The best rinsing agents with anti-carious effect:

  1. Remedy from Colgate Elmex. Protection against caries . " The composition of the liquid immediately includes 2 components that strengthen the tooth enamel: aminofluoride and sodium fluoride. Colgate mouthwash perfectly strengthens the enamel, preventing the formation of foci of caries. Another advantage of this tool: the lack of alcohol in it. The only relative disadvantage of this universal dental elixir can be considered a high price. "Elmex" - mouthwash, which can be used several times a day for a long time. Rating - 10.0.
  2. Rinse aid “President. Classic Plus. " It does not contain ethyl and antiseptics, but it contains sodium fluoride and xylitol. Additional components: extracts of lemon balm and chamomile. It can be safely used by drivers and children who have reached the age of 6 years. It is a good mouthwash. Rating - 9.5.

mouthwash reviews

The next category. The best rinsing fluids for comprehensive oral care for periodontal diseases:

  1. Lacalut active is alcohol-free. The composition of the liquid, in addition to sodium fluoride, includes a fairly strong antiseptic - chlorhexidine. This component actively suppresses infectious processes in the oral cavity. Additional element: aluminum lactate (has an astringent effect). Lakalyut is an oral rinse that can not only strengthen tooth enamel and freshen breath, but also be a reliable tool in the treatment of periodontal diseases. Rating - 10.0.
  2. Russian remedy "Asepta" . Alcohol-free, with antibacterial and refreshing effect. Contains benzidamine (has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects) and chlorhexidine antiseptic. Due to the content of xylitol and citrate, potassium has a firming effect on tooth enamel, and substances such as sodium and potassium pyrophosphates included in Asepta prevent plaque. The composition of the product also includes sage extract and chamomile, mint and lime. Rating - 9.8.
  3. Mouthwash "Listerine". The whitening effect is one of its main advantages, and the disadvantages include a small amount of ethyl. But, in addition to alcohol, this product includes such components useful for teeth and gums as sodium fluoride, eucalyptus extract, thymol, as well as an anti-inflammatory additive - methyl salicylate. Rating - 9.7.
  4. Rinse aid "Parodontax". Does not contain alcohol, contains chlorhexidine and sodium fluoride, eugenol; It has a mint flavor. Helps with bleeding gums and gingivitis. In general, a very good mouthwash. In the reviews about it, you can read that the liquid has a burning taste, not all consumers like it. Rating - 9.6.
  5. Elixir "President Profi" . Another mouthwash from President, but no fluoride. But it contains xylitol, chlorhexidine and extracts of lemon balm, sage, and chamomile. Ethyl is not included. Rating - 9.5.
  6. Rinse aid "Glister". A good antiseptic ethyl-containing agent that is manufactured by Amway. It has a long refreshing effect, removes inflammation in the mouth and can even help relieve sore throat. Rating - 9.0.

The best plant-based conditioners:

  1. "Split Complit" from the Russian manufacturer. A popular herbal mouthwash, the price of which is very low. It contains neither ethyl, nor antiseptics, nor dyes. Despite the fact that the tool is relatively inexpensive, this elixir copes with inflammation in the mouth, removes plaque and makes breathing fresh. Its main components are: nettle extract, biosol (relieves inflammation), polydone (dissolves tartar). Rating - 10.0.
  2. Group of mouthwash "Forest Balsam". The composition of these funds may vary significantly. There are about a dozen different variations of this brand. Moreover, in some of them, despite the fact that they are declared by the manufacturer as herbal natural remedies, nevertheless, there are perfumes and an antiseptic. Therefore, when buying, you need to carefully study the composition indicated on the label. Rating - 9.5.

mouthwash rating

Children's mouth rinse

Important: for children under the age of six, you should not use such means! A child can simply swallow a liquid that contains ingredients that are not intended for eating.

Types of baby conditioners:

  1. Fluids to be applied before brushing your teeth. They have the property of staining enamel in places where plaque accumulates in any color, thereby clearly demonstrating to the child which zones need to be given more attention during the hygienic cleansing procedure.
  2. Rinsers that go into action immediately after using toothpaste and brush. They neutralize bacteria that remain in the mouth, are a preventive measure against the formation of plaque and caries.
  3. Rinses that do not contain sugar and alcohol. The main components of such products are medicinal plant extracts and xylitol.
  4. Special anti-caries rinses. They strengthen the tooth enamel of children and effectively protect it from destruction due to the fluorides that make up their composition.

Some parents believe that it is not necessary to force the child to rinse his mouth with special formulations. They believe that a good toothpaste can protect the baby’s teeth by itself. This is not entirely true. The regular additional use of a good mouthwash can bring many benefits and make oral hygiene almost perfect. The effectiveness of rinse products for children is that they have the following advantages:

  • Strengthen protection against the occurrence of pathological disorders in the tissues of the teeth. It is known that childhood caries is a very common phenomenon. Children's mouthwashes provide double prevention, which in no way can be superfluous.
  • They have a healing effect. When milk teeth fall out, wounds form in the child’s oral cavity, which heal much faster if a therapeutic mouth rinse is used.
  • Useful for guys who wear braces. In such cases, the use of rinse aid is simply necessary for the reason that the mechanical effect of the toothbrush will not be enough to fully clean the oral cavity, because its bristles are not able to penetrate into inaccessible places. Rinse aid successfully copes with this problem.
  • They help develop a good habit in the child to take care of the oral cavity as thoroughly as possible. This habit will help him keep his teeth in good condition throughout his subsequent life.

baby mouthwash

Children's teeth products - how to use?

These tools are equipped with both measuring caps and special built-in dispensers, thanks to which you can not worry about the fact that the child will not be able to measure the right amount of liquid. The procedure itself is very simple and does not differ from the one that adults regularly perform.

To make it easy for kids to be interested in this method of oral hygiene, some manufacturers produce bottles of baby rinses with bright stickers that depict characters from popular fairy tales or cartoon characters. Teaching a child to use rinsing liquid, parents must make sure that the baby does not swallow the product, but spits it out after rinsing.

Rating of baby mouthwashes

Many adult elixirs can be used by children. However, there are hygiene products specially designed for babies 6-7 years old. They differ from adult products in the most safe and gentle composition. These include:

  1. Rinse "Dragon". Children love this mouthwash. Reviews of parents eloquently testify to this. The product smells very nice. It contains aloe vera extract, which has the ability to soothe mucosal irritation and relieve inflammation, as well as minerals that strengthen the enamel of children's teeth. Rating - 10.0.
  2. A series of rinsing agents "Rocks". Products of this series are suitable for the whole family, including its smallest members. Rox includes exclusively natural ingredients.There is no fluorine, antiseptics and ethanol, but there are minerals necessary for teeth. These rinses are produced with different tastes: raspberries, grapefruit, peppermint, etc. Rating - 9.9.


Now our readers know a lot about mouthwashes: how to choose, how to use, which of the best are the best, etc. It remains only, armed with the information received, to choose the most suitable elixir and start using it. Do not forget that tooth rinses are very effective.

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