Dimorphant honey: reviews, price

Honey is a product resulting from the partial processing of nectar by bees. In nature, it serves as this insect for food - collected in the summer feeds the hive throughout the winter.

dimorphant honey

Honeys differ in color, aroma and viscosity. Since the bees collect nectar from different plants, the result is different types of product. On sale you can find honey dimorphant, buckwheat, acacia, dandelion, maple and others. Most often mixed varieties are obtained, since insects collect nectar from flowers of different species. The name is given to that plant from which the nectar is most there.

How to make honey

Before becoming a familiar product, nectar or a pad goes through several stages. After collecting the nectar, the insects put it in a honeycomb, gradually adding more and more until the cell is completely filled. While this process is ongoing, striped workers constantly add the secret of their glands to honey.

honey bee

Under the influence of enzymes, nectar is processed, excess water evaporates, sucrose breaks down into fructose and glucose. During this time, the bees several times transfer the product from cell to cell. When less than 21% of water remains in honey, insects seal the honeycombs with a wax stopper. It is a ready-made, ripe and edible product.

Since bees make honey not only from nectar, there are two types of natural product: floral, which is made from nectar, and mortar - from the sweet secretions of aphids or other insects and honey dew. Both of them are good and useful, although the insect itself is not suitable for insects - it is poisonous to them.

Medicinal properties of honey

The composition and properties very much depend on the “origin” - from which plant is collected, whether it was harvested and stored correctly. Bee honey of many types has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, wound healing properties. Some varieties are effective against fungi, while others are able to regulate pressure and digestion.

For gynecology, the most useful - linden, lemon balm and from forest flowers. Strong bactericidal effect in sweet clover, linden and chestnut honey.

cough honey

Against streptococci, staphylococci and other gram-positive bacteria, according to S. Mladenov and other authors, lime, burdock, alfalfa, clover and acacia are good.

But among all species, dimorphant honey stands out. Bees make it from seven-bladed kalopanax nectar - a rare, relict tree that grows only in some parts of Japan, China, the Korean Peninsula, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. This is one of the rarest and most valuable species, it has strong antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and other properties.

Kalopanax seven-blade, or dimorphant

This is a relic tree, which is also called white walnut, or spike tree. It has large, wide five- and seven-bladed leaves, the bark from light gray and spiky (in youth) gradually turns into dark and furrowed (in “adult” age).

The tree lives up to 200 years, and it is quite picky and demanding - it does not always agree to grow even in places where these plants are common. It is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. It blooms only once every few years.

Wood Pharmacy

The kalopanax tree itself is a valuable medicine. In folk medicine, its bast, roots, inflorescences and leaves are valued. The spectrum of action is very wide - it helps against fungi, fights cancer, diabetes, soothes, tones, protects the liver.

It has anti-allergic, antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties. White Walnut wood used to be used as a raw material for furniture and for interior decoration.

honey application

Healing honey plant

A large set of medicinal properties has bee honey from it. Every four years, the tree blooms white-yellow flowers, collected in large inflorescences. Bees willingly collect nectar from them - as a result, a multifunctional medicine is prepared, prepared by nature itself.

how do honey

Kalopanax nectar product is a powerful anti-allergenic, tonic, stimulant. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, you can use this honey for cough and sore throat. It acts on the entire digestive tract, while it is able to stimulate the hormonal and mental functioning of the body without affecting the pressure.

Effective against edema and stagnation in tissues, improves microcirculation and helps with cardiovascular diseases.

Dimorphant honey - an excellent tool in the treatment of acute and chronic hepatitis, helps with alcohol poisoning, has an antitoxic effect. Thanks to a rich set of biologically active substances in its composition, this product perfectly acts as an antimalarial, antifungal, sedative and hepatoprotective agent.

The product from the "white nut" nectar is good for treating scabies, ringworm, ulcers, boils, for healing wounds and abscesses. Healthy people should also try this honey - its use in food increases resistance to diseases, improves overall well-being, increases potency and performance.

All this together makes it a universal medicine. In apitherapy, it is valued very highly, despite the fact that all types of honey, in fact, are medicines.

Deficit cost

According to the reviews of those who have tried it, it cannot be confused with anything else - it has a very peculiar and original taste. It can remain liquid for a long time, several years. It crystallizes very slowly, turning into a fine-grained mass. Dimorphant honey transparent, thick, with its own unique aroma.

Russian online stores offer a 2014 fee at a price of 550 rubles per liter. For comparison, flower (from different types of plants, 2013 harvest, from the same seller) - 275 rubles, taiga (2014) - 247 rubles, and from linden - 176 rubles.

Prices vary several times - in another chain store, the cost of 1 kilogram already exceeds 1000 rubles. Experienced honey lovers are advised to buy it whenever possible, since the tree blooms only once every few years, and the entire stock from the seller can quickly end.

How to distinguish a real product from a fake

The only reliable way to distinguish kalopanax honey from others is to ask a specialist. Price does not mean anything - only a seller’s reputation can give some guarantee; serious stores will not want to risk customers.

Private traders, however, are a different matter. There are many ways to fake a product - change the color, density and texture, add a new flavor to it or enhance an existing one.

how to distinguish honey

It is possible to find out if there are impurities by applying simple chemical tests, although only laboratory analysis will give full confidence. Under the brand name kalopanaksova, they can also sell linden or some other, cheaper variety. In this way, you can only deceive a person who has not tried honey from dimorphant before, but the main conclusion is the same - trust only serious, reputable shops and beekeepers.

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