In the process of repair work, the question always arises of how to putty corners, because uneven lines or sloppy bends can ruin the result. The evenness of the corners depends on how the plastered walls were, if mistakes were made in the process, this will affect the corners.
Putty during deformation
It is not difficult to work with the surface, which is finished with drywall, because irregularities here arise due to the thick layer of plaster. At corners, it is considered laborious to remove the top layer of plaster.
In the case of repairs in old rooms, where the solution layer is deep enough and dense, the work becomes more complicated. The answer to the question of how to putty corners in this case is difficult. First you need to prepare the surface and remove the upper part of the plaster. After that, spend several times with a primer and already further apply a new layer, leveling all the flaws.
There is another option for how to putty corners. Grinding will be involved here. The method is not suitable if the joints of the wall were poorly concreted. The third option of leveling the wall using finishing putty is considered one of the most simple and effective. Everyone chooses how to putty corners according to the type of problem.
Work on outside corners
Although the process itself does not differ from the study of internal angles, there are some divergences. Putty should be applied immediately to two surfaces and evenly distributed.
- The angle element is cut off the slope for lining and alignment. If the angle is even, then the slope must be attached immediately to the finish layer. If there are irregularities, then first the starting surface is made, and then the putty finishing ball is applied.
- To determine the evenness of the angle, a metal square is applied, slightly pressed into the putty.
- Be sure to use the building level.
This option is suitable as an answer to the question of how to putty the corners of drywall, since several types of putty are also used there . The metal angle that is applied to the surface is also necessarily coated with putty so that it is not visible.
Internal joints
It is much more difficult to process the inner corner, because here you need to not only create a straight line, but also pay attention to the evenness of the walls. If there are deformations, then this negatively affects the corners.
The sealing process resembles working with seams. The technique is suitable for both ordinary surfaces and drywall. There, when the sheets are joined, cracks and bumps can also form. It is necessary to cut and process this place well. After that, using a spatula, fill the joint with adhesive mixture, put a net-sickle in the corner.
The superimposed mesh should completely repeat the bends of the angle, help them form. The first layer of putty is used to seal corners, after which the level of the wall is checked with the help of a level and the main layer of the mixture is applied. Before you putty the inner corners, you need to clean the surface and remove the old layer of plaster. To prevent corners from spreading (the mixture for decoration has a soft consistency), a stable low temperature should be maintained in the room. In the process of applying layers, you do not need to rush so that the surface dries well.
Drywall corners
The outer corners in this case are formed by joining two sheets. If a depression or unevenness forms between the surfaces, then through them the putty layers will look sloppy. In the process, the angles need to be aligned, which will significantly increase the amount of work.
Before you putty the inside corners of drywall, you need to use a level to check the evenness of the surface and how close the joint is tight and without flaws. To strengthen the drywall, plastic or metal corners are used. They strengthen the material and help withstand mechanical stress.
The entire surface of the corners in the holes through which the remainder of the putty mass comes out. Thanks to this, the design does not become heavier, and its technical characteristics become several times better. The mixture is applied from top to bottom simultaneously on two sides. The first layer should not be too thin, but evenly distributed on both sides.
Putty residues must be removed from the surface, so that then they do not fall off together with the top layer. In how to properly putty corners, there is nothing complicated. When stripping with the sharp side of the spatula, be extremely careful not to damage the surface. After the priming process, you can begin to perform decorative finishes. Between the stages of the work, you need to take breaks so that the mixture solidifies well.
The composition and type of mixture
According to the composition of the cementitious material, the mixture can be cement and moisture resistant. This option is ideal for decorating the kitchen and bathroom. During drying, small cracks can form on the surface, this is the only drawback of the material.
The gypsum composition in terms of work and finish is more plastic and well covers the surface imperfections. He handled the living quarters. If you compare the materials at cost, then the first will be cheaper, but the second option is responsible for the quality.
By type, you can highlight the finished mixture, which is immediately used for decoration, or powder, which must be diluted in the right amount of water to carry out the necessary work. In quality, both options are well manifested in the work and have characteristics that make them durable.
Material Purpose
One of the conditions for how to properly putty the corners of walls is the choice of the desired type of coating and additional materials for work. By type of purpose, the mixtures are divided into several categories. Specialized are used only on the recommendation of manufacturers, applied to specific places.
Leveling copes well with the smoothness of the surface, while they do not create cracks after drying. Their consistency is softer, but plastic enough to penetrate the recesses and mask them well.
Finishing is applied at the final stage of work. One of the conditions for how to properly putty corners is the use of the final layer of the mixture. Universal putty masses can be used, like all of the above.
The decorative type of the mixture well conceals imperfections and at the same time helps to create an interesting surface through the use of different elements. Thanks to decorative putty, you can create original textures and styles.
Additional tools
To make the workflow as productive and efficient as possible, you need to use special tools. It:
- Corner spatula for aligning internal and external corners. It differs from the usual form and functionality.
- The construction level is long. It will be used in order to be able to trace the evenness of the angles.
- Metal or plastic corners to form the base of the corner. They can be purchased at any hardware store.
- Wide and narrow type metal spatulas . They work out the surface near the corners well and eliminate irregularities.
At each stage of work, their own tools are used, thanks to which the process is moving faster and efficiency is increasing. If you use only one putty knife when working with putty, the process will be ineffective.
Outside corner and linings
It is simply unrealistic to form a basis without decorating the joints of planes. Moreover, to achieve an evenness of the angle. For this, special parts made of plastic or metal are used. The second option consists of aluminum and therefore has sufficient lightness and endurance. The surface is covered with perforation, due to which the mass of the product is reduced.
The main disadvantage is considered to be corrosion in places of moisture. If the surface is well protected by the finish layer, then the process of destruction does not occur. The plastic square behind the form resembles a metal one, it does not oxidize and does not lose endurance after a while. For work, both one and the second material can be used.
To form the outer corner, a small layer of mass is leveled on the surface, after which a square is applied and pressed. Then, using the spatula, the remainder of the putty is removed and distributed over the surface. After that, a level is used to determine the evenness of the angle.
Masters Tips
Before you begin, you need to buy all the materials. If you do this in the process, then the work will be delayed. The process of how to putty the internal corners of the walls does not differ from the creation of external ones, the sequence of work is important here.
Before each new step, you need to wait until the putty dries. You can not immediately apply several layers of the mixture. As for how to properly putty the inner corner using a conventional spatula, it is better to buy a special tool with the appropriate nozzle for work.
You can finish the corners with putty yourself without the help of a wizard. This requires only a desire and a set of necessary tools.