'Fun liver' salad with liver and carrots

Salads are the simplest and most affordable dish, which you can feed your guests to your satisfaction and, if you wish, it is pleasant to surprise. Even the most inexperienced housewives are able to cook salads that are original in their taste combination, because any edible mixture of products seasoned with oil or sauce can already be called an independent dish. The most common salads are from meat, fish, mushrooms and game, but if you want to try something new and more savory, we recommend preparing a liver.

The main feature of liver dishes is its preparation, since tender and juicy slices, if time and temperature limits are not respected, can be turned into hard and tasteless slices, which few people like. Salad with liver and carrots is one of the simplest and most healthy. A nice addition can be the fact that the same salad can be filled with its amazing aroma, choosing duck, pork, chicken, beef or other liver to taste. Now we will consider three recipes, of which everyone will find the most suitable for themselves.

"Cheerful liver" salad with liver and carrots.


- 360 g of fresh liver

- two large eggs of the highest grade

- two medium or large carrots

- two small pickled strong cucumbers

- 30 ml of vegetable light oil

- 110 ml non-acidic mayonnaise

- a pinch of black and red pepper, salt

Preparing a salad with liver and carrots is easy:

It is necessary to prepare the liver: rinse and clean the veins and film, cut into small sticks, put in a hot frying pan with oil, seasoning with salt and pepper mixture, cover tightly with a lid and bring to readiness (in no case, dry!). Rinse and peel the carrots, grate coarsely and put in a separate pan, put the onion chopped into small cubes into the same pan, make the frying. Boil and cool eggs in running water, chop. Squeeze out the pickles and chop, drain the excess liquid. Cool the liver and transfer to a prepared container, put the rest of the ingredients there, add sauce and mix thoroughly. Transfer to a salad bowl and decorate with herbs.

Pechalka salad with liver and beans.


- 420 g of fresh chicken liver

- a jar of large red beans

- 200 g of hard fresh cheese

- a small salad of lilac onions

- 180 g of Beijing cabbage

- mayonnaise and sour cream in a proportion of 50/50

- greens and a couple of cloves of garlic

- salt and red ground pepper

Cooking method:

Peel and boil the liver in salted water (13 minutes), cool and cut into medium sized slices. Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater, divide the onion into halves and chop the thin rings into rings. Chop greens, and pour into a blender, send a couple of cloves of crushed garlic, sour cream and mayonnaise there, carefully beat into a homogeneous mass. Put all the ingredients in a prepared container, pour the resulting dressing and mix. Serve on the table in the following form: rinse a piece of Beijing cabbage and put the salad in the center and stick a toothpick with a triangle of cheese, making a β€œboat”.

Spicy salad with liver and cucumbers.

To prepare the salad, you can take both salted and fresh cucumbers, the first will complement the beef liver well, the second - chicken.


- 350 g of fresh beef liver

- 180 g salted cucumbers

- 180 g of fresh potatoes

- three large eggs

- a can of selected canned peas

- lilac salad onion

- 15 ml mild mustard

- dressing mayonnaise (preferably olive)

Cooking method:

Cut and clean the liver from films and veins, cut into small pieces and cook in well-salted water for 19 minutes. We wash the potatoes and cook together with the peel so that it does not crumble. Boil the eggs and cut into cubes. We cut pickles into medium cubes, and onions into thin petals in half rings. We spread all the components in one container, season with mayonnaise and mustard, knead and spread in a prepared salad bowl, decorating with greens.

Liver salads will not only please fans of savory snacks, but also those who do not like to eat it as a main dish. Salad with liver and carrots is recommended for children to improve digestion and make up for the lack of iron in the body. The main difference between such salads is their rich taste and satiety, which favorably affects health and raises hemoglobin.

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