Ovarian teratoma: symptoms, causes and treatment features

Today, women are increasingly faced with the problems of the reproductive system of the body. Ovarian teratoma is one of them. At the same time, representatives of the weaker sex of any age category are subject to an unpleasant ailment.

Ovarian disease

This disease is often overlooked due to the fact that there is not much information about teratoma that could facilitate the diagnosis of pathology. However, some data can still help avoid this dangerous ailment.

General information

Ovarian teratoma is a tumor characterized by its complex structure. The fact is that it can consist of several so-called embryonic leaves at once. It is believed that this pathology develops due to the influence of the epithelium of the germ cells of a woman. If a growth disorder has occurred and trophoblast has developed, then in this case a benign neoplasm may appear. Under these conditions, the formation of various types of ovarian tumors, including teratoma, takes place.

Initially, this neoplasm appears in the ovaries, however, it is possible that it can also appear in the retroperitoneal zone or even the ventricular brain. In rare cases, tumors of this type appear in the nasal or oral cavities.

Ovarian teratoma: causes of formation

If we talk about violations associated with the embryonic development of the reproductive system of the fair sex, today there is no exact definition of the signs that can cause such a problem.

But scientists are inclined to believe that certain disorders associated with the natural separation of the germ layers can cause ovarian teratoma. This leads to the fact that in the ovary itself (or both at once), small particles of ectoderm remain, which are responsible for the formation of fragments of the skin and bones.

Stomach ache

Since there are no more accurate data, surgical removal of ovarian teratoma is almost always recommended when identifying this pathology.


With the primary development of this ailment, there is no obvious symptomatology, which is the main danger of the pathology. With the clinical manifestations of the tumor, only large tumors can be said. As a rule, when ovarian teratoma increases greatly, this leads to strong pressure on the nearest organs.

Hormonal changes in a woman’s body do not occur, since the appearance of a tumor does not affect this parameter. But according to statistics, the most common cases are when an increase in the neoplasm falls on the puberty, pregnancy and menopause.

Most often, ovarian teratoma does not occur in any way. Because of this, she is called a "mute" tumor. The first alarming signs may occur when the size of the teratoma is more than 8-10 cm.

If we talk about possible symptoms, some patients complain of an unpleasant sensation of heaviness in the lower abdomen, which periodically passes and returns again. Also, one of the manifestations of the disease can be attributed to a violation of urination and defecation (frequent constipation). Ladies, distinguished by asthenic physique, note a rather noticeable increase in the abdominal cavity.

In rare cases, against the background of a large teratoma, anemia can develop.

If we talk about the most obvious variety of this pathology, then it is worth noting the dermoid cyst. When it appears in the body of a woman, inflammatory processes begin. At the same time, patients suffer from high body temperature, constant weakness, pain in the abdomen.


If we talk about the structure of the neoplasm, then mature, immature and malignant teratomas are distinguished.

Medical examination

Also in medical practice there is (albeit very rarely) a bilateral lesion. This type of pathology is recorded in no more than 7-10% of cases.

Teratoma of the right ovary is quite common. This kind of ailment is diagnosed in 62% of cases or more.

Right side

Teratoma of this type is most often found in medical practice, since it is in this area that blood circulation is much higher. This is due to the fact that on the right side are the liver and aorta, due to which the nutrition of the ovarian arteries is carried out.

Most often, a right-sided tumor appears on the background of venous architectonics. There is also a risk of such a neoplasm with anatomical mismatch of the ovary dimensions (as a rule, in such cases the right one is slightly larger).

If the appendix is ​​located very close to the ovary and begins to become inflamed, then this is also a favorable condition for the appearance and sharp growth of this type of tumor.

Left side

If we talk about a teratoma located on the left side, then this phenomenon is found in medical practice much less often. This is because ovulation in the left ovary is not as common as in the right. Due to this, this body experiences much less stress. In this case, the risk of developing anomalies is much lower.


This variety is a tumor made up of individual embryonic cells, often referred to as germ layers.

Mature ovarian teratoma can be single, whole, or cystic. In this case, the tumor at any size can remain benign. If we examine in detail the structure of this neoplasm, then in it you can find parts of the cartilage, bone elements, mucus and cystic formations.

If we talk about the main features of mature teratoma, it is worth noting that it is very treatable. Having started therapy in a timely manner, you can safely count on a full recovery. In addition, formations of this species are never converted to malignant tumors. The risk of metastases is also absent. However, this does not mean that you can leave such a teratoma without attention.

Woman at the doctor

The main risk lies in fairly decent dimensions of the neoplasm. Therefore, even when this type of ovarian teratoma occurs, the operation to remove the tumor is performed without fail. If we are talking about women who are in position, then you can wait with surgical intervention, but only on condition that the size of the neoplasm does not exceed 5 cm. If the dimensions increase rapidly, this can lead to inflammation and suppuration. Because of this, there is a huge risk that the pregnancy will be interrupted spontaneously.

Ovarian cystic teratoma is also benign. According to statistics, in 90% of cases after removal of the tumor, a full recovery occurs. However, this variety is different in that it can develop into a malignant teratoma. As a rule, this happens on the condition that the pathology develops simultaneously with chorioepithelium.

You can diagnose mature teratoma only during an ultrasound scan. There is no obvious symptom in the disease.


This variety is considered quite dangerous, since it represents an intermediate stage of tumor development, which can develop into a malignant formation. Its composition includes a large number of cells of tissues of the germinal sheets.

An immature tumor most often develops in the front of the uterus. The formation contains mesenchym-like and nerve cells. However, this type of tumor is extremely rare, in only 2-3% of cases and in the fair sex exclusively at the age of 18-25 years.

As a rule, this kind of pathology is detected during histological studies. In this case, the tumor can develop both in the right and in the left ovary. The size of the formation can vary from 5 to 40 centimeters. A characteristic feature of a tumor is its smooth surface.

Visit to the doctor

In this case, hemorrhages from the neoplasm quite often occur. Because of this, metastases can develop in any of the internal organs.


This type of tumor is considered the most dangerous, but it is rarely diagnosed. A malignant tumor appears when a cyst appears in an ovarian teratoma. It can be melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, or adenocarcinoma.

Initial manifestations

At the initial stage (due to the too small size of the neoplasm), the problem may not manifest itself in the form of pronounced symptoms. As a rule, the presence of a tumor is detected only after a standard examination. The patient may consult a doctor for a routine examination or for a completely different reason.

If the pathology is not detected and continues to develop, then often in this case, women begin to experience discomfort in the lower abdomen. In this case, the “pull” will be on the right or on the left, depending on in which particular ovary the tumor formed. In addition, some women report more severe pains that come before the onset of menstruation.

When the teratoma increases so much that it begins to put pressure on the bladder, this provokes the fair sex to visit the toilet “more by little” much more often. In other cases, patients on the contrary complain that they cannot empty the bladder, which brings pain.

It also happens that the neoplasm begins to squeeze the rectum. Because of this, women begin to suffer from frequent constipation. For girls of short stature, a sharp increase in the abdomen is characteristic for no apparent reason. At the same time, neither dieting nor intensive training can help lose weight.

Late manifestations

If the pathology is not diagnosed and remains in an immature form, then in this case a huge number of non-specific symptoms can be expected. Some note that their level of performance has plummeted. In this case, women experience severe fatigue, pain in the lower abdomen. Against the background of pathology, normochromic anemia can develop. In this case, the hair becomes too brittle, the skin is very dry, the nails are thinning.

With the onset of a late stage, symptoms that are provoked by metastases may develop. Moreover, it all depends on where exactly the new education appeared. Metastases can be in the lungs, brain, spinal column or intestines.

At the next stage, there is a risk of cachexia. In this case, the patient is very thin, weakens. In this case, severe intoxication syndrome may develop .

During pregnancy

If a woman is diagnosed with this pathology during the bearing of the baby, then the patient's interesting position can cause a rapid growth of teratoma. After this, there is a high risk of rupture of the cyst. If this happens, then foreign bodies enter the abdominal cavity. Against this background, peritonitis appears.

Woman in position

Ovarian teratoma during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage and other sad consequences. For this reason, it is important to carefully examine and monitor the tumor, if it is detected.


It should be said right away that there are no conservative methods for treating ovarian teratoma. Removal operation is the only option. However, the type of surgical excision is determined individually, depending on the size of the tumor and other conditions.

For example, a cystectomy may be performed. In this case, the cyst will be carved within the ovary. This operation is considered the safest, since in this case there is no risk of impaired reproductive function.

During resection, part of the ovary is removed, which in the future can lead to problems with conception.

Pregnant woman

If the doctor decides to have an ovariectomy, then in this case the entire ovary will be removed along with the resulting tumor. However, such operations are performed in rare cases.

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