Pregnancy is a special great time. A woman in this state becomes mysterious, sentimental. It is easy to guess about her interesting position: if you ask about a certain time period in life, pregnant women consider everything in weeks. That is, the expectant mother will immediately respond, what is her gestational age by weeks. Which month is due? Pregnant women often answer this question through a pause.
Usually you get to know about pregnancy at 4-5 weeks, not earlier. This is due to physiology. When a delay occurs, a woman begins to listen to her body, buys a test. This corresponds to a period of 4-5 weeks of pregnancy. But some feel pregnancy much earlier. Such women are able to "calculate" their interesting position before the delay. This is quite possible if you are very attentive to yourself, because changes associated with the onset of pregnancy begin from the moment of fertilization.
Months and weeks: we will understand
The gestational age for weeks and months is 40 weeks or 10 months. This refers to 10 obstetric months. This value differs from the standard calendar months, of which there are 9.
What is the reason for this difference? The starting date for calculations during pregnancy is the first day of the last menstruation, and not the day of conception. It is practically impossible to accurately determine the moment of conception, therefore, doctors have adopted this practice of calculating the duration of pregnancy.
Pregnancy trimesters
The total gestational age is divided into trimesters.
I trimester - from the 1st to the 13th week;
II trimester - from the 14th to the 27th week;
III trimester - from the 28th week until the birth of the baby.
Each of the trimesters of pregnancy has a specificity and features that every pregnant woman needs to understand.
I trimester
The first trimester is the most responsible in terms of the formation of all the important systems of the baby. At this time, the woman gets used to a new state. The gestational age for weeks and months corresponding to the first trimester is 1-3 months.
Changes in the psycho-emotional state, mood swings may appear. Signs of toxicosis also manifest themselves: nausea. Often pregnant women note drowsiness, dizziness, headaches during this period.
Since the first trimester is the most dangerous, you should protect yourself as much as possible and try to avoid any diseases. A common cold at this period can lead to a miscarriage. To do this, if possible, avoid visiting crowded places, use preventive measures.
First screening
At a period of 10-13 weeks, a woman undergoes the first screening. This is an important examination, during which serious pathologies of the development of the fetus can be identified. An ultrasound specialist analyzes the fetal parameters, checks how well all vital systems are developed, and blood is given for analysis.
II trimester
The gestational age for weeks and months corresponding to the second trimester is 4-6 months. By the 14-15th week of pregnancy, the formation of the placenta is completed, and the fetus becomes not so vulnerable. He begins to actively grow and develop, receiving all the necessary nutrients from his mother through the placenta. All organs have already been laid in the first trimester, now they are being improved. At this time, the stomach is rounded, becomes noticeable.
After 15 weeks, you can reliably find out the gender of the unborn baby.
In the second trimester, you must also pass the second screening. It is carried out for a period of 16-20 weeks. The condition of the placenta, the size of the fetus, the degree of development of internal organs, the amount of amniotic fluid are analyzed.
30 weeks of pregnancy: time for maternity leave
So time flew by, the time has come for 30 weeks of pregnancy. How many months is this? This period corresponds to 7.5 obstetric months or 7 calendar months.
In Russia, maternity leave is issued to women exactly for 30 obstetric weeks, in case of multiple pregnancy - in 28. For this, it is necessary to arrange a sick leave at the place of pregnancy and provide it to the employer, write an appropriate statement. A sick person during normal pregnancy is given 70 days before delivery and 70 days after delivery, that is, only 140 days. The maximum length of maternity leave reaches 194 days. This is when the fact of multiple pregnancy is detected only at the time of birth. The sick leave is paid in total for 10 days from the date of provision to the employer.
III trimester
This is the final period of bearing a child. At this time, the woman begins to visit the doctor conducting the pregnancy more often, undergoes a lot of examinations, prepares for childbirth.
The gestational age for weeks and months is 40 weeks and 9 months. But these figures, as we already understood, cannot be considered accurate, since childbirth in the normal course of pregnancy can occur at a period of 38-42 weeks. Nowadays, an increasing number of women carry a child up to 41-42 weeks. This is not alarming for doctors, because until 42 weeks, if the mother and baby are all right, the doctors do not interfere in the natural process.
The most important characteristic of a time period during pregnancy is the gestational age in weeks and months. Photos of different periods of pregnancy will become an invaluable memory. Easy pregnancy, uncomplicated childbirth and, most importantly, a healthy baby!