Healing and Magic Stones: Beryl

Since ancient times, people use stones as amulets and talismans. Beryl is one of the most expensive minerals. Some of its varieties are among the ten most popular and valuable crystals. The following varieties of this stone are known to mankind: green-blue - aquamarine, dark blue - augustite, apple-green - geshenit, yellow - heliodor, green - emerald, colorless - simple beryl, yellowish-green - chrysoberyl, also called true beryl. The color depends on the color of the mineral, as well as its healing and magical properties.

beryl stones
Since time immemorial, these stones have been divided into three types. Beryl green - emerald, golden - heliodor, aqua - aquamarine. These minerals were revered by different peoples, they were used to make jewelry for the royal people, they decorated crowns, scepters. Emerald in value takes third place after diamond and ruby. Initially, it was mined in the Cleopatra mines in Upper Egypt, the extraction of minerals stopped every now and then, because their quality could not be compared with the South American ones.

Europe saw the largest and most beautiful emeralds during the Spanish conquest of South America. They took out almost all the stones mined by the locals. Green beryl is very pleasing to the eye. For many centuries, people believed in his healing abilities. If you look at the crystal for a long time, it will give its owner strength and enrich it spiritually, protect it from longing. If you always have an emerald with you, it will help to develop the gift of foresight, drive away nightmares and insomnia. He will bring maximum benefit if a person wears a ring with a stone on his little finger.

beryl stone for twins
Another very common beryl is aquamarine. This crystal has the color of a sea wave, but depending on the weather or the mood of the owner, it is able to change color. A turquoise ray appears in the mineral, then it is filled with a thick blue. From time immemorial, these stones were considered very strong charms for sailors. Blue beryl symbolizes the elements of the sea, so he was repeatedly present in the royal symbols of the states located near the seas.

Aquamarine protects against seasickness, remains faithful to the spouses. It was also believed that the stone gives the owner courage, ensures safety on long journeys. Recommended for nervous and irritable people, as it has a calming effect on the nervous system. Also, the mineral improves vision, treats toothache and headaches, and helps to remove excess fluid from the body. It allows you to expose the deception, so they also called the blue beryl, the โ€œmineral of honest peopleโ€.

beryl stone magical properties
The stone, whose magical properties can hardly be overestimated, gives people confidence in their abilities, fills the soul with kindness and sincerity. Beryl is considered a female mineral, as it helps with many diseases of the fair sex. If you wear a bracelet with a crystal, it will protect against diseases of the ovaries and bladder, the earrings will allow you to forget about toothache and headache, and the ring will help to avoid omission of the uterus. Beryl stone for Gemini is considered the most faithful talisman and helper, because it is able to calm this restless sign and drive away the negative energy emanating from ill-wishers.

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