Masonry of brick stoves: scheme, materials, technology

The ideal solution for cooking and heating the house is a brick oven. Her masonry will not cause difficulties for an experienced master. If you did not deal with such work before, then first you need to familiarize yourself with the technology, choose the right building materials, prepare the solution and plan the order in stages. If you comply with all the rules, then the stove masonry brick will not be difficult even for an inexperienced mason.

It is necessary to begin construction with laying the foundation. Even a small structure in a bathhouse or cottage will weigh more than a ton. It should not be placed on the floor, but on its own separate foundation. Its upper slice should coincide with the level of the rough floor. Particular attention should be paid to ensure that the upper plane is horizontal. This will eliminate row skew and simplify the work.

Brick stove laying must be accompanied by foundation waterproofing. To do this, after his readiness necessary to lay a base surface with two layers of roofing, building wrap or parchment. A steel sheet and a heat insulator are laid on top so that the heat does not go down. On the whole "pie" laid the bricks of the first layer.

Design selection

brick stove masonry

Proper laying of the stove is possible only if you follow the technology. It differs in different designs. Among others, Dutch or Swedish should be highlighted. They are quite popular among consumers. The Swedish is a heating and cooking stove, but the Dutch is heating equipment. The first is good that it is possible to cook food, used for heating and to add a built-in oven. Such designs are universal.

But Kuznetsovka famous for a special design that allows gases to move so that the efficiency reached 95%. The complete absence of soot and minimal maintenance allow stove stoves to choose blacksmiths more often.


Masonry stove in the house involves the installation of the base. To dig a pit has a depth which will depend on the soil type, the design weight, and the presence of groundwater. The length and width must correspond to the dimensions of the heating system and have a certain margin of distance to the formwork. It will not be required if the soil is very hard.

Further, if necessary, formwork is installed, the dimensions of which must correspond to the final values ​​of the dimensions of the structure. Next, waterproofing is laid, which is attached to the plywood with a stapler. Pieces of brick or large stones are poured at the bottom so that the slab does not sag and adheres well to the ground.

Then you can start pouring concrete mortar. The foundation must rise above the surface of six centimeters. When pouring, make sure the surface is flat with a building level. If necessary, it is leveled. The ground part of the foundation can be lined with concrete or brick. This decorates it in a certain way.

Sometimes, in order to save money, the foundation is carried out on piles. It differs in the method of construction. Instead of pouring, you can use a ready-made reinforced concrete slab. For the solution you need crushed stone, coarse sand and cement. If the foundation is pile, then pipes should be prepared from asbestos or polyethylene. For such work, you will need an earth drill, shovel and bayonet shovel, a sledgehammer for installing piles, a container for preparing the mortar and measuring tools.

Preparation of adhesive compound

Masonry brick stoves usually performed using not a conventional cement slurry, and clay-sand mixture. Such compositions may differ when you use ceramic or fireclay bricks. In the latter case, the solution should be prepared on the basis of chamotte marl or white kaolin. Minerals have high refractoriness and are able to undergo temperatures above 1,500 Β° C. Dry masonry mixture for solution sold in commerce.

When using ceramic brick, it is necessary to carry out masonry on a mortar of ordinary clay, which can be found in your area. It can also be purchased at the construction supermarket. Before laying a brick kiln, you must calculate how much material it will take. For 100 units of brick, about 40 kg of clay will be required. Sand will also be required.

The proportions of the ingredients of the solution are determined by the test batch method. To do this, clay for a day must be soaked in cold water. Weight is divided into five parts, each must add a quarter, half and three-quarters, and equal parts by weight of sand. The resulting samples should be kneaded to a uniform consistency and left for four hours to allow excess moisture to come off.

The next step is to start testing the samples. They rolled into centimeter sausage and wrapped them round pyatisantimetrovym subject. If cracks larger than 2 mm form on the sample, the solution can be considered unsuitable. If their depth is less than 2 mm, the composition can be used for those parts of masonry construction, where the temperature will not be above 300? C. If the surface of the sample is not cracked or has a fine mesh, the solution can be used for laying the furnace. Since the price of sand is lower than the cost of high-quality furnace clay, the essence of the samples is to determine the maximum possible proportion of filler in the mixture.

Masonry technology

furnace diagram

Having considered and studied the layout of the stove, which is presented in the article, you can start work. If the design is small, then it is suitable for heating one room or a small garden house. The furnace will have an area of ​​0.4 m 2 . It will take a little brick to build, so the final weight of the structure will be small.

Laying must begin from the first row. In order to get a perfectly flat horizontal plane, under a brick is filled with mountain or river washed sand. This will smooth out the difference in the thickness of the material and will play the role of an additional heat insulator. When laying a Russian stove, it is important to ensure a certain distance between the bricks, which should be from two to three millimeters. If the seam is thicker, it will crumble.

For masonry should choose the most smooth product with the same size, since unevenness in thickness can not be smooth solution. On the second row should install the blower door. In order to compensate for thermal expansion, the accessories are wrapped around the perimeter with an asbestos cord. The door is fixed by steel wire, which is mounted in the masonry. So that it does not interfere, in a brick under it, grooves should be cut using a grinder.

The third row is laid out of fireclay bricks. Grid-irons at this stage are established after setting of clay. Laying in the fourth row is carried out on the edge. If the grid-irons cannot be entered into free space, the brick is cut, and at the same time, gaps of three millimeters should be left on all sides.

The layout of the stove implies the presence of a brick without mortar in the back. It is necessary to clean the channels. On the fifth row, a furnace door should be installed by analogy with the blower door. The fifth row provides for laying brick flat. The protruding elements will act as an external heat exchanger. From the seventh to the ninth row, the brick is flat. Next, lay the cast iron hob. For laying between brick and metal, use a fiberglass or asbestos cord. Without it, the smoke will enter the room, and clay mortar crumble out from the thermal expansion of cast iron plates.

The last three layers must be laid in such a way as to form a place for the chimney. On the penultimate row there should be a metal valve. Separate it from the stone with an asbestos cord. After laying is allowed to dry, rear mortarless brick is taken out from the channel to have an opportunity to remove debris. When the laying of the stove with your own hands was completed, it is necessary to nail the baseboard along the perimeter of the structure so that the sand does not spill out.

Smoke removal

The chimney for the furnace can be a metal or asbestos-cement pipe, the channel of which is 200 cm 2 , which corresponds to 11.5 cm in diameter in the case of a round cross-section. The top edge of the outlet must rise four meters above the grate furnace chamber. The pipe should protrude half a meter above the roof. If the furnace starts to smoke during the first starts, the pipe should be increased by at least 25 cm.

Bath structure

brick masonry

Before laying the stove photo of such structures should be well considered and explored. They will allow you to understand what features a product should have. In addition, it is also important to choose the right materials. For example, clay is the main component of the furnace. It has high ductility, which means it requires the addition of sand. If the viscosity is not high enough, less filler should be added.

It is important to remember that there are more at the soaking volume of clay. When it dries, it decreases in size. If the clutch performed in conditions of high humidity or temperature below 0? C, the clay will swell. Such masonry is unsuitable.

When preparing a mortar for laying brick stoves, you must remember that the clay mixture is used in the construction of pipe heads, in the manufacture of foundations, in the construction of ventilation ducts, in the manufacture of chimneys and the construction of the outer walls of the chimney. Clay is also used for waterproofing. This helps the quality, because it absorbs excess water. There are three types of clay, these are:

  • refractory;
  • refractory;
  • fusible.

This should be considered before construction begins.

Materials: brick

stepping the stove

Laying the stove in the bath will include the use, most often, of burnt red brick. Such products have smooth edges and walls, and when tapped, the surface emits a metallic sound. The unburned pink brick, on the contrary, has a dull sound. It can be used when laying less important sections of the structure. In the manufacture of the foundation used dark brown burnt through brick.

Masonry recommendations

masonry Russian stove

The location of the furnace should be determined by fire safety regulations. From the wall in the bath design must be removed by 30 cm or more. The distance can be reduced, pasted on wooden structures asbestos board. This will eliminate the violation of fire safety rules.

In work it is necessary to use exclusively strong and high-quality material. The use of silicate, hollow and slit bricks is unacceptable. He is of poor quality and does not heat the room, collapsing quickly.

After preparation, you need to cover the clay-sand mortar, which will be used for masonry. Brick must have one size that the seams have turned out the same. For the correct location without a solution, the first row of the furnace is laid out, after - the first row of the chimney, while checking the alignment of the corners of the structure.

Step-by-step laying of the stove involves wetting the brick in the first stage. Using a trowel, the required volume of solution is applied to the right place after wetting. The brick is laid in place until the joints are filled, the excess mixture must be removed. During the laying process, it is periodically necessary to check the corners with a rail or a plumb line. The factor of smoothness of the inner walls is important - there should be no chips and solution residues on their surface. This condition must be fulfilled.

Claying the inner base with clay should not be. After drying, it exfoliates and clogs the chimney. The next row should be laid out only after the complete completion of the first. Additional furnace elements are installed during masonry. For example, the doors are mounted using an annealed three millimeter wire. On the edge of the door you need to make a seal of asbestos cord. This will smooth out the expansion coefficient of the metal surface. After completion of the masonry work, the stove is left for three days.


masonry stove

Traditional ovens have a simple design. But this one allows to achieve high indicators of efficiency and productivity. Having examined the circuit of the stove, you can notice that the firebox acts as the main element of the body. Cooking ovens are complemented by stoves and ovens. If desired, you can install a tank for heating water.

Firewood or coal is loaded into the firebox. It can have all kinds of dimensions. When determining its size, several factors should be taken into account, for example:

  • required performance;
  • type of fuel used;
  • necessary volume.

If it is planned to be heated with wood, then this part of the structure can have a height of 50 to 100 cm. The stove circuit provides for the installation of a firebox from refractory material. Walls must have a thickness of at least 0.5 bricks. Among the main elements is the chimney. It is designed to discharge gases with harmful inclusions. At the stage of its design it is necessary to provide that its design has as few turns and bends as possible. Ideally, it is best to make this part fully vertical.

Bending can cause poor traction, which will reduce heating efficiency. The stove circuit also provides for the presence of a chamber - an ash pan. The spent fuel is collected here. It also provides air to the firebox. The ash chamber is located under the grate, its height is usually three bricks, it has its own door.


laying the stove in the bath

In order to provide furnace heating in the house, masonry work should be carried out. But first you need to determine the type of furnace and build a foundation for it. It should be separated from the base of the house so that they do not interact with each other. This is especially true for the case when the work is carried out after the construction of the dwelling.

It is important to observe the fire safety rules when laying brick stoves. So, from the wall, the structure must be removed at a certain distance or the surface should be protected along the perimeter with refractory material.

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