Chicory: composition and calories

Soluble chicory, which can be found in any store, is a powder or liquid concentrate obtained by drying, grinding and extracting dry root. This is a pretty tasty product that can replace black tea or coffee. In the composition of chicory there is a mass of useful substances necessary for human health.

Origin history

Plant benefits

The idea to make a drink from chicory first appeared in Italy back in 1600. However, soluble chicory gained extraordinary popularity in France after 180 years. At the time of Napoleon, he was called "Prussian coffee" and was highly appreciated for its unusual taste and aroma. Until now, in France annually grown a huge amount of chicory. According to statistics, this country ranks first in Europe in the use of liquid chicory.

Plant features

How chicory grows

It is a nice tall bush with a dense stiff stalk and blue flowers. This attractive plant can be found on almost the entire territory of the European continent. It grows in meadows and forests, preferring to settle along rivers or roads. For industrial purposes, as a rule, the root of the plant is used. Due to the aroma identical to coffee, it is used in the food industry as a coffee flavoring. A well-prepared liquid chicory extract contains all the beneficial substances inherent in this plant.

Unfortunately, unscrupulous manufacturers are trying to dilute precious raw materials with various additives. Thus, they not only reduce its healing and nutritional value, but also harm the health of the buyer.

The composition of chicory

Chicory powder

The birthplace of this herb is South and North America. There are two types: salad and ordinary, from which liquid or dry extract is made. Salad chicory is used in cooking for the preparation of salads. According to the composition of chicory on the package, the root of the plant contains the following useful substances:

  • A sufficiently large number of B vitamins, without which it is difficult to imagine a healthy digestive system.
  • Vitamin C is also found in fairly decent amounts. It helps strengthen immunity in the cold season and has a beneficial effect on the vascular system.
  • The plant has a lot of inulin, which improves metabolism.
  • The trace element calcium helps strengthen bones, hair and teeth.
  • Magnesium helps to restore the nervous system and helps to cope with mood swings.
  • Iron is involved in the process of hematopoiesis.
  • Potassium and vitamin PP strengthen blood vessels and prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques.

And also in the chemical composition of chicory there is carotene, glycoside, pectin, tannic and organic acids, as well as fructose.

One hundred grams of soluble chicory contains 268 kilocalories. It contains a fairly large amount of carbohydrates (60.5) and about ten grams of protein. The amount of fat is negligible and amounts to 0.1 g. Caloric composition of soluble chicory and its energy value are small.

The benefits of inulin

This substance has extremely useful properties, which are as follows:

  • It improves metabolism, due to which the work of all organs is restored.
  • It signals the brain about satiety. Thus, inulin promotes weight loss.
  • Scientists have proven the hepatoprotective properties of this substance. Thanks to it, damaged liver cells are restored. No wonder chicory is recommended for people with hepatitis B and C.
  • Thanks to it, trace elements such as copper, iron and phosphorus are absorbed much better and faster.
  • And also, the property of inulin was noticeably strengthened and bone mass increased. Therefore, chicory is useful for patients with bone fractures, as well as for older people.

Among the side effects, increased gas formation and a negative effect on the absorption of antibiotics are distinguished.

To date, the record for the amount of inulin is chicory root. Seventy percent dry powder consists of this substance. In second place is burdock root, and in third elecampane. A little less inulin is found in dandelion.

Beneficial features

Healthy drink

Thanks to its chem. The composition of chicory helps to cope with many diseases. It is recommended for use by people with poor blood vessels, diseases of the nervous system and organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Soluble chicory also helps to heal the microflora of the stomach. It inhibits the activity of pathogenic bacteria, which are the main cause of dysbiosis. This disease is accompanied by bloating, gas, diarrhea, or, conversely, constipation. Due to the unhealthy microflora of the stomach, a person's immunity is noticeably reduced and a lot of diseases occur.

Soluble chicory can be consumed instead of tea or coffee, as it is completely caffeine free. The composition of chicory benefits more than harm. It can be safely drunk for people with high blood pressure or impaired cardiovascular system.

Therapeutic action

This plant has a number of medicinal properties, thanks to which a person can significantly improve his health:

  • A chicory root broth can be used externally to treat wounds. Its constituents are able to stop the inflammatory process that occurs on the surface of the skin.
  • Due to the chemical composition of soluble chicory, this drink is able to dilate blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure and relieving headache. Regular consumption of soluble powder or liquid extract can prevent cerebral spasms.
  • In folk medicine, this plant has long been used to treat a diseased liver.
  • If we replace morning coffee with chicory, then a person will not only receive an excellent charge of vivacity for the whole day, but will also strengthen immunity.
  • Due to the composition of soluble chicory, this drink perfectly reduces body temperature and acts as an anti-inflammatory.
  • For women, it is of particular importance, as it is able to alleviate their condition during menstruation. Due to the ability of chicory to expand blood vessels, menstruation passes quickly and painlessly.
  • The composition of chicory in powder helps the body absorb such important elements as calcium and magnesium.
  • Scientists note the property of this product to fight obesity and help maintain a slim figure.
  • He is also able to fight cellulite. Thanks to the normalization of lipid metabolism, the surface of the skin on the hips and buttocks is smoothed out.
  • Scientists have identified the property of this plant to affect the muscular system of the eyes. To do this, prepare a special mixture of carrot, celery and parsley juice. They are combined with chicory and drunk during the day.

In a word, for health, the composition of chicory brings invaluable benefits. This product is indispensable during pregnancy. It regulates the gastrointestinal tract and prevents the occurrence of constipation. In addition, it, unlike coffee or black tea, can be used by pregnant women to maintain tone and vitality.

Chemical composition

Harm to drink

One cup of chicory contains a third of the daily intake of such an important vitamin as C, and 36 percent of the daily intake of vitamin A. These are pretty good indicators that allow us to talk about the value of this product for human health. In addition, half the daily rate of folic acid is also present in one cup of instant drink. Together with vitamin A and C, this substance visibly rejuvenates the body, improves the condition of the skin and hair, and also has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system of both men and women. In a word, the composition of chicory and its properties indicate a rather large use of this plant for human health.

Harm chicory

How to cook

Despite the benefits and clear advantages over other drinks, soluble chicory also has a number of contraindications for use and side effects. Soluble chicory contains a lot of vitamin C, which sometimes causes an allergic reaction. The thing is that an excess of vitamins is equally harmful, as well as its lack. All useful substances necessary for the body should be delivered gradually. A sharp increase in any component leads to a malfunction of the internal organs.

And also, despite the benefits of chicory for the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, however, this product should not be consumed in cases of gastric and duodenal ulcers. In addition, it has been observed that people with an allergy to ragweed also cannot tolerate chicory. It is forbidden to use this product for chronic or acute bronchitis, as well as asthma. People with poor blood vessels should be careful, as doctors do not recommend this drink to patients with varicose veins.

Storage and selection

To date, a wide selection of products from this plant is presented in stores. You can find chicory root, ground into powder, liquid extract, as well as dry raw materials for cooking at home. It is sold in supermarket departments along with tea and coffee. Store it in containers with a lid, subject to the minimum possibility of air penetration. Any liquid is extremely dangerous for chicory. Due to moisture, it hardens, changes its appearance and very often becomes completely unsuitable for further consumption. Shelf life of dry powder is six months. After the end of the period indicated by the manufacturers, the product should be disposed of, since it has a markedly reduced taste and aroma.

Chicory powder

Its color ranges from deep brown, even black, to caramel. The hue will depend on the degree of roasting of the plant material. A good product should not contain any lumps or impurities. Sometimes in the store you can find chicory with milk and sugar. Unfortunately, in order to reduce the price of their products, some manufacturers add starch to the powder and tint it with chemical dyes. Determining the presence of starch is quite simple. A few drops of iodine are added to the container with the dissolved chicory powder. The starch should turn blue. If this does not happen, then there are no additional impurities in the composition of the chicory drink.

How to use it

Chicory instead of coffee

There is a whole category of people who prefer to drink only this drink from soluble chicory. The natural composition of chicory has many advantages over tea or coffee. Fans perfect their taste by adding ingredients such as honey, jam, cream and even chocolate. Soluble chicory is prepared as follows: two teaspoons of dry chicory are dissolved in 200 milliliters of hot water. This is the optimal norm that doctors recommend. If desired, you can make the drink stronger and even add coffee to its composition.

If a person wants to switch from morning coffee to chicory consumption, then it is advisable for him to do this gradually. For example, in the first week you can breed a drink with coffee in a proportion of one to three. Next, the amount of coffee is reduced, and after a week they use one part of chicory for one coffee. After two weeks, coffee is no longer added and completely transferred to chicory. Thus, the body gets used to the changes gradually and does not react with a sharp decline in strength or a decrease in blood pressure.

Powder preparation

As raw materials take the leaves and root of the plant. By itself, this flower is quite bitter. The weight of the middle spine is not more than one hundred grams. In the food industry, the root obtained in the second year of the plant's life is used. They dig it out, as a rule, only in the autumn.

After the roots are cut into small parts, they are listened to at a temperature of about forty-five degrees. The hardened raw materials are crushed. One of the advantages of chicory is that it initially has a sweetish flavor. Due to this property, sugar can be added to a soluble beverage.

Liquid or dry

Despite the fact that the composition of liquid chicory and dry powder is almost the same, nevertheless, the liquid extract contains much more useful substances. It is more concentrated and it requires half as much. In addition, chicory in a jar can be used in the preparation of sweet dishes: cookies, muffins or cakes. The taste and aroma of them, as a rule, is the same, therefore, it is up to the buyers to decide which product is better.

Growing and harvesting

Growing it is pretty easy. Even a small area with this plant allows you to collect enough raw materials to enjoy a tasty and healthy drink throughout the whole year. This plant is biennial. In the first year, he forms a rather powerful root, the weight of which sometimes reaches 400 grams. It is bred with the help of root processes or seeds. It should be noted that this plant produces seeds only in the second year of life.

Like any wildflower, chicory loves sunshine and plenty of light. The site is selected as sunny as possible, in an open area. With proper care, which includes dressing and watering, the plant can bring a pretty good crop of strong and large roots. Experts do not recommend planting it annually in the same place. The interval should be at least four years.

The roots collected in the fall are washed and eavesdropped in the oven. After that, he easily grinds in a coffee grinder. Dig up the roots after watering. They can also be easily pulled out of moist soil. It should be borne in mind that his root is quite long and sometimes reaches one and a half meters.

Home cooking

Chicory powder can be made independently. To do this, dig roots in the autumn and rinse under running water. Next, the roots are scrolled through a meat grinder or simply cut into small slices. After that, the raw materials are dried in the oven and fried a little in a dry frying pan. If the root after the meat grinder has released juice, then drying in the oven is indispensable. The roasted spine will have a specific pleasant aroma and a golden brown hue.

Next, the raw materials are simply ground in a coffee grinder and poured into a previously prepared airtight container. Prepare it, like a regular store powder, with the calculation of two teaspoons per two hundred milliliters of liquid. Such a drink is absolutely natural and consists of only one component.

Cooking recipes

With the help of instant chicory, you can prepare many delicious drinks. In stores, powders with the addition of Jerusalem artichoke, blueberries and rose hips are sold. The composition with chicory is quite simple to mix with milk, coffee or syrup, as well as add citrus fruits. For example, in order to make a cold drink with lemon, fresh fruit syrup is used. It can be purchased at the store or prepared by yourself. Preparing lemon syrup is quite simple. One large fruit is cut into pieces, mixed with sugar and poured with boiling water. The composition is boiled for ten minutes, after which it is filtered and cooled. Water for one lemon is taken, as a rule, no more than 200 milliliters, and sugar - two tablespoons.

Two teaspoons of the powder are placed in one cup, sugar syrup and honey are added. After the mixture is thoroughly mixed, it is diluted with hot water. The number of components can be adjusted independently depending on taste and preferences.

Chicory with orange

This healthy and tasty drink is made from liquid extract, apple juice and orange syrup. The following proportions of ingredients will be required: one liter of hot water, one teaspoon of extract, half a liter of natural apple juice and two tablespoons of orange syrup. All ingredients are mixed together and consumed in a warm form.

With wild rose or hawthorn

These plants not only improve the taste of the drink, but also have certain benefits. The composition of chicory contains many vitamins A, C, E, as well as trace elements and other substances necessary for the health of the body. Dried rosehip or hawthorn berries are ground to a powder state. Then they are brewed in the usual way along with chicory. A drink with the addition of rose hips is recommended to strain. Also, the extract or powder can be brewed with the addition of cream or condensed milk. Thus, they get rid of the specific bitterness inherent in chicory and leave the chemical composition of chicory untouched.

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