Meet: Kindness is a sin, and very harmless

Even unbelievers are usually fully aware of mortal sins. After all, literature and cinema often mention them. However, the people are inclined to forget that sins are not limited to mortals - there are much more than seven of them, and such acts are considered to be sinful. Another thing is that the harm done by them is much less and is usually done by the sinner to himself, therefore these misconduct are considered less "important". At the same time, all the same offenses are condemned by the church, and not for nothing. Among them, there is a certain “misbehaving” - this is again a sin, and one that is primarily dangerous to the person himself and his immediate environment.

is a bribe

What does this word mean?

Its origin is associated with the Old Slavonic word "Michel". It has several interpretations. The most common thing is a thing, but sometimes it is interpreted more broadly, then it denotes property. The church means by this word mainly profit, self-interest and profit. Accordingly, we can say that misbehavior is thingism, dependence on objects, the desire to accumulate, collect and in no case lose them (in any way: neither sale, donation, nor even use is implied, because the object comes from the latter unsuitability, and the Muslim fellow does not possess it anymore).

Varieties of sin

The simplest and relatively harmless church is defined as bribery. In this version, the sinner takes bribes with things (the classic example is “greyhound puppies”). Next comes the collection of gifts, and they are stored, even if absolutely not needed. A person begins to beg or extort souvenirs from donors, even if he receives some frank nonsense. However, the most difficult option is when the misbehaving is a dumb gathering of everything in a row, pulling into the house and storing in it everything that a person can reach. In Soviet times, this behavior was called "Plyushkina syndrome."


Initially, misbehavior is a sin that was blamed on monks who collected things in cells that did not correspond to the monastery regulations. This was especially true for objects that did not carry applied value, or overly decorated, artsy household items. However, since then, the concept of misbehaving has evolved somewhat and has received new interpretations.

Why is this a sin?

The spiritual fathers give several reasons why such a vice is considered a sin. The main one is the non-use of things for their intended purpose. After all, miserliness is simply the storage of collected, bought or donated items that were created to serve people. Destruction is a neglect of the Lord's instructions. Further: things should be acquired if necessary, and not in order to satisfy a painful addiction. And most importantly - a person becomes attached to objects, begins to serve them and his addiction, although he should serve God. It is appropriate to recall here “do not create an idol for yourself”, and such unbridled accumulation is already quite similar to worshiping an artificially created idol.

Vice or disease?

misconduct is a sin
Modern medicine is inclined to believe that malignancy is one of the varieties of mental illness. Moreover, it is divided into several subtypes. One of them was called pathological hoarding (syllogomania). Affected by this disease, people accumulate a huge amount of things that they never use. Moreover, the cluttering of the premises comes to the fact that its inhabitants can neither move around the house nor lead a normal life: the whole space is clogged with some objects. An additional sign of this branch of pathology is the unsystematic dumping of finds in a heap.

However, this is not the only form that the mussel takes. The meaning of this term changes somewhat when a person does not collect trash, but buys it. The painful craving for constant purchases in the modern world has received the name "shopaholism." In medicine, this type of malignancy is called "oniomania." With it, a person no longer cares what, where and why to buy, just to do it. Often, later purchases are not used. But shopaholics can talk about them for hours, while they know in which stores and at what time there are sales, and they themselves periodically wonder why they bought some kind of trinket.

It is clear that misbehaving is not theft, not murder, not adultery ... However, living with a person weighed down by such a sin is uncomfortable, restless, and very expensive. So if it makes you want to spend money or bring something home that you can do without, think about it: do you want to become a muslim man? As with any addiction, it will be difficult to get rid of this later.

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