What is geophysics? Where to study geophysics?

Geophysics is a relatively young science, which was formed only by the middle of the XIX century. Today, the important goals of geophysicists are: environmental protection, research of natural resources, control of nuclear experiments, making forecasts and the scientific prediction of natural disasters.

What is geophysics?

Geophysics is a whole complex of sciences that investigate the structure of the Earth using physical methods. Geophysics studies the Earth from all sides and is very diverse. It includes the study of the earth's crust, core, mantle, rivers, ice, oceans and the atmosphere of the Earth. The term "geology" was introduced by the Norwegian scientist M. Esholt in 1657.

geophysics is

Geophysics will be interesting to people who are interested in space. Geophysics, space are very connected, since scientific methods allow us to predict some changes in world space. Cosmos is the same substance to study as land or land surface relief.

Exploration Geophysics

Exploration geophysics is very important for science and society. Its methods are simple and convenient, therefore they are used everywhere. Exploration geophysics is engaged in a detailed study of the structure of the Earth. The main goal of research is to find and find minerals. In addition, it seeks reasons that may serve as the occurrence of deposits. The study can be conducted on land and on the water part of the Earth, as well as in air and space. Exploration geophysics is very popular and often used due to the fact that the procedure is carried out quickly enough, is very effective, requires a minimum of funds and provides reliable results.

geophysicist work

The methods of exploration geophysics include: seismic exploration, gravity exploration, electrical exploration, magnetic exploration, radiometry, nuclear geophysics, heat metering and well exploration. Consider these methods in more detail.

Seismic exploration

Seismic exploration is based on the study of the Earth’s structure by recording and exciting elastic waves. Any rocks of the earth's crust can be differentiated by the elasticity of the surface using Young's modulus, the velocity of transverse and longitudinal waves, density and Poisson's ratio. It is possible to find out the geological structure of the rock thanks to the secondary waves that form at the boundary of each layer. The elasticity of the secondary waves provides extensive information for the scientist. Seismic receivers help convert waveforms into an electrical signal. It is best to depict the information received in the form of graphs or seismograms. The structure of the Earth's crust is best depicted using sections and maps. The analysis of such maps allows you to determine the location of possible mineral deposits.


Gravity exploration studies the change in acceleration during free fall and the effect of this factor on body density. This method is often used in the study of deep layers of the earth's crust and the upper part of the mantle. In addition, this method is very effective in studying the surface for tectonic disturbances and in the search for minerals. Gravity exploration allows a detailed study of the internal structure of rocks and their location. For gravity exploration, special instruments are used - gravimeters, which are capable of measuring the acceleration of gravity.

Magnetic exploration

Geophysics is a science in which an important place belongs to geomagnetism, which studies the magnetic field of the Earth and some rocks. The ability to measure the direction and intensity of the magnetic field allows you to study the origin of the rocks, the drift of the continents and plate tectonics. To search for minerals, magnetic ground, sea and aeromagnetic surveys are often used. Magnetic exploration provides a large amount of information for the study of abnormal phenomena.

geophysics space

Electrical intelligence

Electrical exploration helps to thoroughly study the individual parameters of the geological section. The methods of this type of geophysics are divided into types according to the nature of the source and its type.

Geophysics as a profession

Geophysicist work can be very diverse, as there are many distinct areas. Such a profession is very interesting due to the fact that it combines different types of activity: you can work in the laboratory, build graphs at the computer or study rocks in the field. In addition, the work of a geophysicist will allow you to travel around the world, because prototypes may be needed from the desert, river, tundra, mountains, etc. That is why the geophysicist must be trained in sports in order to actively participate in the expedition. Sometimes it will be necessary to make your way to hard-to-reach places, despite the cold or heat.

In this profession, the study of theoretical issues is closely connected with the solution of practical problems. Since the mineral and energy resources of any country largely ensure its economic condition, the profession of a geologist is always in demand on the labor market. The socio-economic role of geologists in society is enormous, as their work allows avoiding economic crises or getting out of them with the least expenditure of resources. In Russia, the profession of a geologist is of particular importance, since the country's territory is very large and rich in mineral deposits. It is interesting that even today it is impossible to reliably say that Russian geologists know all mineral deposits.

construction geophysics

The work of geologists consists of many stages. The main ones are conducting exploratory work, assessing the condition, providing geological services, establishing deposits, studying the geological structure, monitoring and summarizing the obtained geological material.

Instrumentation Geophysics

Since geophysicists carry out complex studies of the Earth’s crust, look for mineral deposits, and are engaged in seismic exploration, there are many tools and instruments in their arsenal that allow you to collect, accumulate and analyze the data obtained. Typically, a geophysicist works with hydrographic, oceanographic, meteorological and hydrological instruments. Based on the information collected, scientists compile maps, graphs, determine the origin, age and composition of rocks, as well as the thickness of glaciers and analyze the heterogeneity of the bottom of the oceans.

climatology and geophysics

Geophysicists are actively engaged in seismic exploration, conducting artificial explosions and creating waves. The results are carefully studied and analyzed on a computer. Geophysics is a science that requires a lot of knowledge from a scientist in various fields. A geophysicist must be able to determine the geophysical features of the study area, be able to work with computer programs and draw up maps correctly. Construction geophysics is a large knowledge base for geophysicist research.

Institute of Geophysics RAS

The Institute of Geophysics was created with the aim of developing geophysical science. Employees and teachers of the institute take an active part in various international conferences. The material and technical base is quite rich: there is digital equipment for the study of geophysical fields, special equipment for conducting thermo-, seismic, and magneto-studies in deep wells, and a complex for monitoring radon is the messenger of earthquakes.

Students can defend their doctoral and master's thesis at the institute, and continue their careers at the institute. There is also a graduate school. The main areas of research are based on the study of seismometry, regional geophysics, electrometry, mathematical geophysics, geodynamics, industrial and environmental geophysics.

Institute of Geophysics of Wounds

The institute is also famous for its developments, which made it possible to simplify and systematize information obtained from primary sources. The Institute invented: a system for regulating seismic activity “Sinus”, a conventional and borehole magnetometer, a hardware complex for conducting geo-acoustic logging, a three-element surface magnetometer and a borehole kappometer.


Geophysics Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of April. The holiday concerns geologists, hydrogeologists, geochemists, geoecologists, etc. This holiday begins its history in 1966 in the USSR. Today in Russia the holiday is not considered a state holiday, but in the circles of scientists they remember it. Some countries of the former USSR even recognized it as a state.

geophysicist profession

The history of the holiday dates back to 1966, when the Supreme Soviet of the USSR decided to thank the Soviet geologists for creating a mineral-drinking base for the country. The official reason was the discovery of oil and gas fields in Western Siberia. Geologist’s Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of April for a reason, because it is from spring that active preparations for expeditions begin. The initiator of the creation of such a holiday was academician A. L. Yanshin. Geologist Day is celebrated in Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Ukraine.

Where to study?

Before choosing a place to study, you should understand in which area the future geologist would like to work. In geology, there are many different directions and specifications. Climatology and geophysics are very promising, since correct weather forecasts will always be necessary for society.

You can study the profession of a geologist at Moscow State University, at the State University of St. Petersburg, at the State Mining Institute, at the Russian State University of Oil and Gas, at the Moscow Mining University, etc. A large number of educational institutions and areas for training allow anyone to choose direction and university.

Geophysicist is a profession where they teach not only theoretical methods, but also the rules of survival in the harsh conditions of nature. After all, the future geologist can work in industrial mining organizations, independent geological organizations, research centers, drilling parties and exploratory expeditions.

It should be understood that work as a geologist will not be available to some students due to physical or mental health conditions. Admission to a higher educational institution will be denied to applicants who have diseases of the heart, digestive system, spine, pressure drops, often lose consciousness, suffer from seizures and impaired coordination of movements, hearing and vestibular apparatus, impaired color discrimination, etc.

Geologist Qualities

A geophysicist is a profession that will require important character traits from a person. In addition to excellent physical health, it is necessary to have developed memory, observation, the ability to work in a team, analytical abilities, the ability to navigate in space, independence, global thinking, logic, perseverance and emotional stability.

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