Dunlop Graspic DS3 tires: description, specifications and reviews

In our country, winter often comes unexpectedly. In this case, not only motorists, but also road services do not have time to prepare. Therefore, you often have to ride on snowy and icy surfaces. On summer tires, this is almost impossible. Therefore, motorists are careful about choosing winter tires. Some models have excellent grip, but quickly become unusable due to the loss of spikes. Others have the opposite. How to find the best option? You should not choose the cheapest models, as well as purchase tires from unknown brands. It is best to consider tires from well-known companies that value their reputation.

dunlop graspic ds3

If quiet operation of the car is important, it is best to give preference to "Velcro" - studless tires. They have excellent grip due to the changed composition of the rubber, which includes various additives.

Among these models, the Dunlop Graspic DS3 stands out most. Most motorists are completely satisfied with these tires. These tires will be considered below, as they have a number of features and advantages over other models.

This article will be useful for those who are looking for winter tires for their car and have already looked after this model of tires, but can not determine exactly.


When creating tires Dunlop Graspic DS3 were used only the most modern technology. One of them allows the tire to have excellent traction, passable properties, as well as perfect directional stability and a short braking distance. This largely depends on changes in the composition and tread pattern, as well as other components of the tire.

tires dunlop graspic ds3

Modern technologies

During the development of the Dunlop Graspic DS3, Digital Rolling Simulation Technology was introduced. It allows you to increase the contact area of ​​the tread with the roadway. Because of this, several properties and characteristics are improved at once. Adhesion to any type of road becomes much better, since the tread is in maximum contact with the road surface. Also increases wear resistance. This is already achieved due to the fact that wear occurs more evenly, and not differently in all places.

This improves the overall impression of the operation of the car, as the driving becomes comfortable. Also for motorists, this is an additional savings, as tires last for more seasons than before.

Extra tread stiffness

Many of the properties and characteristics of tires depend on the tread. It contributes to a change in car behavior. Dunlop Graspic DS3 tires respond quickly to steering turns. Traction is also significantly improved.

At any turn of the steering wheel, the car reacts instantly, and not after a short period of time, as on many other models. Because of this, the level of driving safety is significantly increased.

In winter, driving does not always occur on wet or snowy surfaces. Often you have to travel by car on a dry canvas. In this case, the tires Dunlop Graspic DS3 does not lose traction, but retains it.

winter tires dunlop graspic ds3

The tread pattern is designed so that it does not impair grip on any surface. You can operate the car on dry, as well as snowy or icy surfaces. In this case, do not worry about safe driving, it is guaranteed. However, do not forget that when driving on dry asphalt, tire wear increases significantly, so you should not operate a car only on such a surface.

Drainage system

In winter, on the roads often moisture or snow is present on top of the asphalt, as well as crushed ice. Therefore, to maintain traction on such a coating, a drainage system at the tires should be developed. In winter tires Dunlop Graspic DS3, it is represented by many grooves, which are tubules. Moisture gets into them, which is then most effectively removed from the surface of the tires, without compromising traction. Also, snow is clogged in these grooves, and its excess is removed. This produces the effect that is achieved by gluing snowballs together.

Tread blocks

Tread blocks are now significantly changed. In addition to other sizes and shapes, they have become more rigid. Because of this, 2 characteristics have changed. Most important is ensuring safe driving. Now, during the movement of the wheel, they react much more clearly and faster to steering wheel turns, so it is easier for the driver to assess the situation on the road and take the necessary measures. Also, due to stiffer blocks, wear resistance has increased significantly. Now tires can be used longer than before.

dunlop graspic ds3 215 55 r17

Opinion of motorists

Dunlop Graspic DS3 215 55 R17 tires are considered by many motorists for purchase. However, they do not know whether this model is suitable for them or whether it is better to find another. In this case, it is best to find reviews and opinions of motorists on these tires. In different sources you can find a lot of information about them.

So what are the advantages and disadvantages of these tires? Of course, you can find out about this if you drive a car with such tires, but not everyone can do this.

The first advantage is its relatively low cost. It is about 10 thousand rubles, depending on the place of purchase. Also on the tire tread Dunlop Graspic DS3 185 70 R14 there are no studs. This makes the operation of the car quieter and more comfortable. At minus temperatures, the tires do not begin to harden, but remain soft due to the changed composition of the rubber. Grip is maintained not only on ice and snow, but also on dry asphalt. Also, the tires showed excellent results in overcoming snowdrifts.

This model also has disadvantages. They will be described in more detail below, and now only the main points are considered. Dunlop Graspic DS3 175 65 R14 tires are completely unsuitable for regions with predominantly warm winters. The thing is that at positive air temperature the tires become very soft and the operation of the car is much more complicated.

dunlop graspic ds3 185 70 r14

Negative sides

The network has many positive reviews about this model. However, with them you can find reviews that describe the negative sides of tires.

Most often, in negative reviews, it is noted that the stopping distance for tires is longer than for other models. This will seem to some a minor flaw, but most motorists because of this do not buy this model. The thing is that safe driving largely depends on the stopping distance. After all, in winter, roads are often covered with ice and braking, and without this it becomes much longer. Such tires are suitable for those who drive slowly and have an excellent reaction. In this case, the model is able to provide safe driving, because when you see an obstacle on the road, it will be possible to brake on time. If this shortcoming is not taken into account, then tires can be considered an excellent choice.

General impressions

Of course, tires have one significant drawback. However, despite it, tires are in great demand. Most motorists leave positive reviews about the model. In them, they note that the tires contribute to safe driving without extraneous noise, due to which maximum driving pleasure is achieved. Tires have shown themselves best in urban areas. There, roads are most often cleared of snow and dry. In this case, they retain excellent grip and other important properties. These tires are not very suitable for movement along the tracks, since there most often the canvas is covered with a crust of ice. Under such conditions, tires do not perform very well. Studded models are best for these conditions. In general, when you consider the cost of tires Dunlop Graspic DS3, then we can confidently say that the quality of the tires is fully consistent with the price. This is also indicated by motorists.

dunlop graspic ds3 185 60 r15


Basically, all motorists who have installed these tires recommend them. They also leave recommendations for others.

Tires perform perfectly on dry pavement. However, they can also show themselves on a snowy or icy surface, if all traffic rules are followed. Subject to the high-speed regime and a calm driving style, traction is noticeable, as well as a short braking distance. If you drive faster than the permitted speed, especially in winter conditions, then virtually no models, even studded ones, can provide safe driving.

All this is confirmed by testing from Dunlop. When researching the Graspic DS3 model, all declared properties and characteristics are fully confirmed. And this means that the cost of tires is justified.

dunlop graspic ds3 175 65 r14


Tires Dunlop Graspic DS3 185 60 R15 are ideal for motorists who prefer a quiet driving style and operate the car exclusively in urban areas. On ice and snow, indicators are also preserved, but only on condition that the speed limit is observed and sharp maneuvers are not made.

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