Bright and colorful balloons are not only an excellent decoration for a festive hall. They will become indispensable assistants in holding any holiday. No matter how many people come to visit you. It makes no difference how old they are. Balloon contests for a fun company will help make any event unusual and memorable. The holiday will receive only positive feedback from guests.
Silent games
Even if retirement grandmothers come to visit you or you have gathered a large company in which no one wants to run and have fun, balloon contests will help correct the situation. Here are a few options.
"Get stronger"
As the name implies, the essence of the competition is to inflate the ball as soon as possible. Each participant is given 3 pieces. You can pre-specify the size to which you should inflate the ball, or you can continue until it bursts. The one who completes the task will win the fastest. To complicate the task, you can stock up on special balls. To inflate such without a pump will be quite difficult.
"Planet" or "Forest clearing"
Players are given one large ball and a felt-tip pen. It is necessary for the agreed time to depict on the ball as many little people or bugs, butterflies, flies, mosquitoes - in general, those who live in the meadow. The one who got the most drawings won.
This game is suitable for a company with more than 20 people. Players line up and pass the ball to each other. The first considers: "one" and passes the ball to a neighbor. He says: "two" and sends the ball further. The third player takes the ball, bounces or crouches and says: “Oh!” Or “Booms!” And gives the ball to the next. The essence of the game is as follows: the score lasts up to 30, but each number that is divided by 3 is not called. The player who came across it must say “Oh!”, Sit down and pass the ball on. Wrong? You drop out of the game.
Sports contests
For children, contests with balloons can be longer. You can arrange a real competition - both single and team.
Ball Battle or Fencing
Such a competition is best held in a large room or on the street. Draw a circle about 2 meters in diameter. Give the participants a “sword” - a long ball, from which it is customary to twist various figures. The winner is the one who in a game match will force the opponent to go beyond the circle.
"Field hockey"
For the game you will need 2 clubs or at least sticks. About three meters from the players we put a chair, and on the way to it we place 3-4 pins at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other. The task of the players is to use a stick to circle the ball around the pins, then around the chair, and in the same way go back. The winner is the team that will complete the task faster.
If there are a lot of children and there are enough clubs and free space, you can arrange real field hockey. Only instead of the puck, the guys will have a small balloon. The team that will be able to score more goals will win.
For a big fun company, you can come up with relay contests with balloons. Divide the child into several teams and offer to complete several tasks at speed. For example, such:
- carry the balloon on a plastic plate, in a spoon or on a badminton racket;
- run around the obstacle, pushing the ball in front of him through the air;
- hold two balls between the elbows and run a distance;
- carry a balloon on your head or pushing it with your nose;
- bounce around the high chair, holding one or two balls with your knees.
Accuracy Competitions
Competitions and games with balloons will help to identify the most accurate in the team. Here are 2 game options.
"Billiards on the floor"
For each participant, take one long ball for modeling and another round small one. On the floor of cubes build a collar. These will be the pockets. Put the participants back to their starting position and ask them to choose the “pocket” they like. The winner is the one who will be able to drive the ball faster with the help of the “cue” (long ball) into his goal.
Darts "Desire"
Take 10–20 small balls. Inside each put small notes with the names of prizes or simply with numbers. Using double-sided tape, place the inflated balls on the wall. Hand out darts for children to play darts. Everyone can make 3 attempts. The player takes the prize from the bursting ball.
To make the game more fun and interesting, you can put forfeits in some balls instead of a little note with the name of the prize. Anyone who gets into such a surprise ball will have to sing a song or jump on one leg.
Tasks for two
Fun contests with balloons can be arranged even when there are not too many children in the company. Here are a few options for which two to four people are enough.
Here you will need two pieces of linen elastic with a length of about 50-60 cm. They are tied on the belt of each participant. A long ball “sausage” is pushed under the elastic. He will depict the tail of a monkey. Participants are located opposite each other on opposite sides of an obstacle, such as a table. By a whistle, they start chasing each other around an obstacle. The one who manages to be the first to tear off the “tail” of the opponent wins.
Explosive Embrace
To participate in the competition will require a minimum of 4 people. Two participants hold the ball together and hug tightly. The pair that will be able to crush the ball in the arms before will win. Judging by the feedback from the participants, it’s quite scary to burst the ball psychologically. Therefore, during the game there will be a lot of screeching and fun.
Team races
Balloon contests always cause a lot of noise and fun. Of course, the larger the children's company, the more fun the holiday will be.
“Shepherds and sheep”
For the game you will need 15–20 small balls of one color and the same amount of another. The room is conditionally divided into 2 halves, and children - into 2 identical teams. Each “shepherd” is given a staff (stick or long ball for modeling). The task of each team is to move all the balls of its color to half the opponent. The team that managed to do this first wins.
Here you will need a lot of balls, about 3-4 for each participant. The room is divided in half using a rope. Balls are also divided into 2 equal parts, distributed to teams. At the sign of the lead team begin to throw balls at each other. The goal of the game is to get rid of all the balls on its side of the playing field. The team wins on the side of which, at the end of the set time, fewer balls remain.
Players are divided into several teams and line up in the back of the head to each other. The second player takes the ball and presses it with his stomach to the back in front of the standing one. Thus, the couple runs around the chair and returns to the place. The third player takes another ball and "sticks" to the second. Now, three are already running around the chair. The Centipede will consist of as many “legs” as there are people on the team. When all the players grappled with each other, the “centipede” should run to the chair and grab the “strawberry” - a soft toy or a red ball lying on the chair. The difficulty of the competition is that the balls that clutch the “legs” cannot be supported with your hands. You can use only the stomachs and backs.
Creative contests
Similar contests with balloons greatly develop the imagination of children. For holding them, in addition to balls, other items may be useful: markers, ribbons, double-sided tape, beads, scarves and more.
It is necessary in advance to prepare a scarf, marker or parts of the face cut from self-adhesive. Each child is given one item and for a certain time you need to create from the ball "Alyonushka" - put on a handkerchief, draw or stick on your face. To make it even more interesting, children can be blindfolded. The team whose "Alyonushka" will be more beautiful wins.
Theater of Fashion
Give the children balls of different sizes and shapes, beads, ribbons, scissors, double-sided tape and other items. For a certain time, from the proposed set, each team should make, for example, a beautiful hat or skirt. The accessory must be such that it can be used and truly worn. Are you done? We begin the fashion show.
"Young designer"
Give the children oblong balls for modeling. At the host’s command, you need to twist an interesting figure out of it: a flower, a swan, a dog, a bow, and so on. The most interesting and complex design wins.
Games for Moms and Dads
Adult competitions with balloons will also please. You can have fun at any age. Especially such contests will be appropriate at corporate parties, weddings or outing picnics.
"Ball Dances"
Players are divided into pairs, and each receives one balloon. During the dance you should hold the ball with various parts of the body. Which ones? It comes up with a presenter or viewers. The pair that lasts the longest wins. To make the competition more fun, choose different types of music: melon, fast, disco, tango, rock and roll, twist, jazz. A special prize is given to the couple who demonstrated the most original dance.
“Tell another”
The competition will require a few people and a ball-sausage. The first player pinches the ball between his knees. The second takes away his “sausage” without the help of his hands. In this case, each time the ball must be transferred in a different way. For example, one participant takes his armpit, the second takes the bend of the elbow, the third - with his teeth and so on. Anyone who could not come up with their own way to pick up the ball leaves. The winner is the one who was able to come up with the largest number of non-repeating ways to pass the ball.
This is an incredibly fun and entertaining contest. Judging by the reviews of the players, decent places and poses end very quickly. Then you need to either drop out of the game or be smart.
"Air Goddess"
Played in pairs: girl + boyfriend. The girl acts as a model, and the guy as a designer. For the set time, the guy must in any way fix on the girl the greatest number of balls in different places. The prize gets the fastest and most diligent. But the competition continues! Now girls for a while should find on themselves and burst as many balls as possible.
There is simply an incredible number of diverse contests with balloons. If you did not like any of the suggestions here, you can show your imagination and come up with something of your own. Be smart and resourceful, and your holiday will be the most interesting and memorable. And the owners will receive only positive feedback from guests.