Cellulitis during pregnancy: causes and how to fight

Cellulitis during pregnancy is a common phenomenon. Due to this cosmetic defect after childbirth, the woman is embarrassed to wear a dress above her knees or go to the pool. Why does cellulite appear in expectant mothers? Is it possible to deal with this? This will be described in the article.

How to recognize cellulite and why it arises Main causes

Cellulite appears due to hormonal changes in the body of a woman during gestation. There is an accumulation of fat cells "in reserve". Weight gain during pregnancy by weeks becomes noticeable by an increase not only in the abdomen, but also in the hips and buttocks.

The main causes of the appearance of cellulite:

  • Weight gain. Fat is the main source of energy, but a lot is required for its development and growth. Therefore, the body begins to store fat so that the body does not experience a deficiency of energy.
  • Liquid is poorly excreted from the body. There is a load on the kidneys, the fetus compresses the blood vessels, which leads to fluid stagnation. As a result, the water-salt balance in the body is disturbed.
  • During this period, the woman is not so active. Cellulite usually begins to appear from 33-34 weeks of gestation. To lead an active lifestyle to a future mother is interfering with the stomach. Many women spend more time in bed, due to the threat of abortion.
  • Change in diet. During pregnancy, tastes change greatly, a constant feeling of hunger appears. Sometimes women are ready to eat 24 hours a day, but do not feel full.
  • The fetus absorbs most of the nutrients, the mother's body lacks them. It is especially important that the child absorbs a lot of iodine, namely it helps to fight against fatty deposits. Therefore, gynecologists advise to take iodine-containing drugs during pregnancy and increase the amount of products containing iodine in the diet.
  • The hormonal background changes, which affects the metabolic process. Oxygen saturation of the body is deteriorating.
  • Weight gain and the appearance of cellulite will be more pronounced if there is a predisposition to this. During hormonal adjustment, the body begins to gain weight to the mass that is inherent in nature.
  • Clothing also plays a role. Too tight clothing interferes with proper metabolism.
prevention of cellulite during pregnancy

How to detect the presence of cellulite

Changing something in the body is not easy, but possible. Therefore, it is possible to carry out prevention and fight cellulite at any stage of its manifestation. It is very important to know the signs of this phenomenon. Detecting cellulite is quite simple. To do this, in the thigh area, grab a piece of skin with the thumb and forefinger. If the skin is uneven, resembles an orange peel, then it is time to begin to fight cellulite. If the skin is even and smooth, then there is no problem.

Primary signs of cellulitis in women

If skin problems are just beginning, then you can identify them by the following symptoms:

  1. The skin in problem areas began to heal much longer.
  2. The upper layer of the epidermis becomes much thicker. This is due to improper operation of the lymph.
  3. Bruises appear even from finger presses. This means that the nutrition and blood supply to the skin is impaired, there is a lack of vitamins in the vessels.

If during pregnancy cellulite appears on the legs, do not immediately start to get rid of it. It is advisable to consult a specialist, since not all methods and creams can help without harm to the fetus.


How to deal with cellulite during pregnancy? Often after childbirth, when the body returns to normal and the metabolism is restored, cellulite disappears on its own. But it is advisable not to bring the skin to a terrible state and begin to fight it even during pregnancy. Then, after giving birth, you will soon be able to put on your favorite short dress, shorts, and swimsuit.

There are a lot of ways to get rid of irregularities on the skin. But not everyone may be suitable. Much depends on the course of pregnancy and the state of health of the mother. For example, an increase in physical activity helps fight cellulite well. But if there is a threat of miscarriage, this method is not suitable. Below are the main methods of dealing with the above problem.

Massage during pregnancy

Massage will help remove cellulite on the legs during pregnancy. This procedure is carried out only with the permission of the doctor. It is necessary to clarify whether self-massage can be done, at what time, how many minutes to carry out procedures, which creams can be used. Intensive massage is unacceptable, and some creams can cause an allergic reaction, even if there was no allergy to this product before pregnancy. Indeed, during the period of bearing a child, the body is weak and reacts to everything in a different way.

cellulite massage

If massage is allowed, then the permissible area for the procedure is only the thigh area. Do not touch the stomach. This can increase the tone of the uterus and lead to miscarriage. During the procedure, it is not allowed to use vibratory massagers. Only light stroking of the skin using creams is allowed. Without sharp slaps and strong grinding. You can do a contrast shower, but only on the hips. Hot water alternates with cold. Finish with cool water and rubbing with a towel.

It is recommended to conduct massage sessions with a contrast shower in the afternoon. It is better to do the procedure once for 15-30 minutes than several times a day, but for 5 minutes. After all, massage is done lightly. There will be more effect if you make it longer. The procedure is carried out from toes to hips. Lingering on each site for 2-3 minutes.

These treatments help reduce cellulite during pregnancy. With their help, the blood supply to the tissues improves, the lymph function normalizes. If this does not completely remove the irregularities on the skin, then cellulite will not develop further.

Contraindications for massage during pregnancy

There are contraindications for such procedures:

  • It is not allowed to massage with varicose veins.
  • In the presence of hemorrhagic rashes.
  • If the vessels have lost elasticity and become brittle.

Another contraindication is gestational age. It is undesirable to conduct massage sessions in the early stages and after 33-34 weeks of pregnancy.

Skin scrub and cream

Before buying these funds, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition. Ingredients should normalize the state of blood vessels, help remove excess fluid from the body. But they should not be aggressive. The anti-cellulite scrub and cream should contain natural ingredients that will not cause allergies.

The best products are those containing calendula, seaweed, tea (green). They help well in the fight against cellulite. You can also do massage with salt. In this case, it acts as a scrub - tones and restores the functioning of blood vessels, takes away excess fluid. Salt can be replaced with coffee (more precisely, coffee grounds). It can be added to the shower gel and massage the thigh area with this product.

pregnancy weight gain by week

It is strictly forbidden to use warming creams and scrubs, as well as the usual cream against cellulite. As a rule, on such cosmetics there is a note about whether it can be used by ladies in an interesting position. If the choice is made correctly, then these funds help to overcome cellulite during pregnancy.

The fight for beautiful skin on the hips with such cosmetics will be much slower than when using standard creams in the fight against cellulite. But here the health of the future baby is important. The result from the procedures will be, but not as fast as we would like.

A greater effect can be achieved if you massage with a scrub, and then apply a cream that is also designed to fight cellulite. It is desirable that the funds were from one manufacturer. If you do only massage, then skin irritation may appear. And if you use only cream, then the result can be almost zero.

The right clothes and shoes

This rule is much easier to follow than everyone else. Carefully selected clothing will not interfere with blood circulation. It will be comfortable, the skin will breathe normally, which is also very important. You can not wear anti-cellulite clothing, as there may be a threat of termination of pregnancy. If you have a habit of wearing shoes with stiletto heels, then it is better to switch to a lower heel. It is advisable to abandon such shoes during pregnancy, since it is not worth provoking the development of varicose veins.

Physical exercise

What exercises for cellulite during pregnancy can I do? How to carry them out correctly? Follow these guidelines:

  • If there is no time for exercise or it is forbidden, then ordinary walks in the fresh air will be enough. At this time, the body will receive more oxygen, and the muscles will receive a load that will help in the fight against cellulite.
  • When there are no contraindications, it is recommended to visit the pool. You can just swim. And you can do water gymnastics. The benefits of water procedures are undeniable. The excess weight that has appeared does not in the least prevent a woman from exercising, since it is not felt in water. The main thing is to conduct all classes in the pool (even swimming) in the presence of a coach.
  • Fitness for pregnant women at home is carried out only after consulting a doctor. Together with him, a set of exercises is selected. If discomfort appears during the performance of tasks, then you should immediately inform the doctor about this and exclude this type of load.
anti-cellulite scrub

Do not forget that all types of exercises can be carried out only after talking with a doctor, since even a harmless walk can be harmful. Physical activity is best performed under the supervision of a professional trainer who specializes in pregnant women.

Nutrition for a pregnant woman

A correctly composed menu of the expectant mother is the key to a successful pregnancy. The baby and mother should receive all the necessary nutrients. Do not overeat. This is harmful to the baby, and it is difficult for mother to carry her extra weight, as this is an additional burden on the heart and legs.

In the diet of a pregnant woman should be present daily fruits and vegetables. Dried fruits are also very useful, but these products can provoke a sharp increase in body weight during the bearing of the baby.

Starting from the second trimester, there is a weight gain during pregnancy. By week, you may notice changes when weighing. Therefore, during this period, you need to begin to control the use of fluids, so as not to provoke edema. That is why smoked and salted products are banned. It is also not recommended to quench thirst with sparkling water.

pregnant food

For expectant mothers, diet for the sake of a figure and vegetarianism are prohibited. The body should receive everything necessary for the proper development of the baby. Mom’s body should also not experience starvation. If there are any health problems, it is advisable to consult a doctor and jointly exclude prohibited foods. It’s even better if you make an approximate menu with him for at least a week.

Preventive measures against cellulite

Above we have listed measures to combat this defect. Now consider the preventive measures that should exclude its appearance:

  • You need to use a cellulite cream during pregnancy. Maybe you just need this remedy. If you use an anti-cellulite scrub together with a cream, the result will be much better. Procedures should be carried out without unnecessary effort.
  • If baths are allowed, then special salts can be added to the water. But it is better to check with the doctor about them.
  • Clothing should be spacious and comfortable.
  • Exercise and walking will impede the development of cellulite. Be sure to spend more time in motion, but if the period is long, then there should be enough time to rest.
  • A visit to the pool will have a positive effect on mom and baby. You can visit it at least once a week. This useful habit will help during childbirth, as the muscles will be maintained in good tone.
  • Exclude spicy, smoked and salty foods, less sweets. In the diet, there should not be too many high-calorie foods, since pregnant women do not need excess weight. If you abuse food with a high calorie content, then the child can turn out to be large. This entails unnecessary stretch marks and a difficult birth with gaps. The menu should have more fish products. They will replenish the body with the necessary amount of iodine. If necessary, you can buy a complex of vitamins. They should be prescribed by a doctor.
nutrition for a pregnant woman

What is forbidden during pregnancy

We examined what needs to be done to overcome or avoid the appearance of cellulite during pregnancy. But there are contraindications in the fight against skin irregularities:

  1. To get rid of cellulite, it is not allowed to use vibratory massagers, as well as special belts.
  2. It is forbidden to use strong cosmetic products (creams, scrubs) to accelerate the elimination of cellulite.
  3. All products must have a hypoallergenic composition, even if mom had no allergies before pregnancy.
  4. Any diet, even anti-cellulite, is prohibited. An exception is only a therapeutic diet, which is prescribed by a doctor in the presence of any chronic diseases in the mother.
  5. Exercises in the fight against cellulite should be moderate and light, any overload is prohibited.
  6. You can not do a classic massage.
  7. You can not do yoga (in this technique, too, there are poses in the fight against cellulite) even with a short period.
  8. Any anti-cellulite clothes are canceled. She will cause a tone of a uterus faster, than will relieve of an "orange peel".
cellulitis during pregnancy

There are many bans. However, to give birth to a healthy baby, they should be followed. If it so happened that all measures have been taken to restore skin elasticity (nutrition, clothing, exercise, and so on), but there is no result, then do not be upset. After childbirth, the body quickly returns to normal.

Little conclusion

The best thing is the prevention of cellulite during pregnancy. No one is safe from hated skin changes. If there is absolute confidence that cellulite will bypass you, it is advisable not to neglect the tips regarding clothing and nutrition. They will not only not harm, but will improve the condition of your body and help the proper development of the baby.

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