Why does the skin dry on the face: causes, symptoms, ways to solve the problem

Dry skin can cause a lot of trouble to its owner. Peeling, tightness and earlier appearance of the first wrinkles is just a short list of what the owner of this type of skin is faced with. If the skin on the face dries, you should definitely think about the selection of special medical care and familiarize yourself with alternative methods of solving the problem.

Types of skin and their differences

Everyone knows that there are three main types of skin - oily, normal and dry. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages: at a certain period of life, the skin can both please and sadden its owner.

One of the most striking criteria by which dry skin can be distinguished from normal is a frequent feeling of tightness, which appears especially clearly after washing even with plain water, not to mention washing with cleansers (soap, milk for removing makeup and so on) . The second criterion is a finely porous structure (if pores in oily and normal skin are often noticeable or even enlarged, then in dry skin they are not visible).

At a young age, owners of dry skin are happy: it is problem free, people with this type of skin do not have acne and acne. However, from 27-28 years old, facial wrinkles begin to form on dry skin. Owners of normal skin "acquire" facial wrinkles, usually by 34-36 years. Dry skin is more prone to early wilting and wrinkles, especially if you do not moisturize it and do not properly care.

dry skin

How to distinguish dry skin from normal

It is very easy to distinguish dry skin from normal, it is enough to conduct a simple test. If, when pressed on the surface of the face, fingerprints do not disappear immediately, then the skin is dry.

Why can skin be normal in youth and become dry with age? This can happen due to a violation of lipid (fat) and water metabolism, disruption of the functioning of the sebaceous glands in the epidermis, and a violation of the acid-base state of the skin surface. If the skin dries and peels on the face and hands, as well as on other parts of the body, hormone balance tests should be taken. Dry and itchy skin over a large area of ​​the body can portend serious health problems.

how to treat skin peeling

Why does our skin need water

For a decent appearance of the skin, a sufficient level of hydration, that is, fullness with moisture, is required. This parameter is largely dependent on nutrition, on lifestyle. And if it is insufficient, then the skin of the face and body becomes painfully dry, peeling appears. Some dermatologists claim that earlier the appearance of rosacea was characteristic of dry skin. With insufficient and irregular moisturizing, the skin becomes thin, dry, easily injured, the first facial wrinkles appear.

The degree of hydration of the skin from the inside depends on two factors that affect the moisture exchange with the environment. This is the amount of sebum produced and the condition of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. They not only support the protective functions of the skin, but are also responsible for maintaining a normal level of moisture retention in the cells. These two factors are closely related to lifestyle, health status, the presence of chronic diseases, etc.

why does skin need water

Common Causes of Dry Skin

Often, cosmetologists and dermatologists turn to women complaining that the skin on the face is drying. The causes of this pathology are as follows:

  1. Exposure to sunlight (ultraviolet radiation) is detrimental to the upper and deep layers of the epidermis and almost guaranteed leads to subsequent dryness of the skin on both the face and body.
  2. Frost and wind in winter and autumn also lead to deterioration of the skin and its dehydration. Why does the skin on the face peel in winter and what to do in this case? The fact is that inside each pore its own moisture freezes - hence the peeling. And before going out into the cold, moisturizers should not be used. This leads to even more dry skin on the face.
  3. Central heating in apartments and offices, as well as working radiators make the air dry, resulting in a feeling of tightness, peeling. If the skin on the face dries, you should ventilate the room and refuse to use radiators.
  4. Unfavorable ecology - exhaust gases and production poisons in the air adversely affect the state of the epidermis.
  5. Improper skin care, abuse of acid peels, the use of excessively aggressive formulations when washing, the use of lotions and tonics with alcohol in the composition.
  6. Bad habits: alcohol abuse and smoking puts blood vessels in a deplorable state, and the skin becomes fragile, thin and lean.
  7. Hormonal imbalance and some chronic diseases can cause skin problems on the face.
  8. Hot baths, frequent stay in the sauna and bath can also contribute to the appearance of characteristic symptoms.

The reasons why the skin on the face dries may vary depending on the lifestyle and individual health characteristics. If, for example, the cause is hormonal imbalance, then alternative methods of treatment and even pharmacy drugs may be powerless.

The appearance of early wrinkles and dry skin

Alas, dryness and peeling of the skin are closely interconnected with the appearance of early facial wrinkles. If the skin on the face dries, you should start treatment as soon as possible and find out the exact cause of the pathology.

Some girls already under the age of 30 begin to visit the cosmetologist’s office: to make injections of fillers with hyaluronic acid, mesotherapy, "pin up" eyebrows using Botox. Of course, all these measures will help prevent the appearance of early wrinkles. But if the reason is dry skin, then it’s much easier and much cheaper to just moisturize it correctly. Choosing the right dry skin care product can save the owner a lot of money.

Which doctor should I go to?

First of all, you need to undergo a standard examination by a therapist and endocrinologist, take tests and make sure that there are no chronic diseases and that the hormonal background is normal. Often very young girls come to the dermatologist with the question "What to do, the skin on the face peels." The reasons why young girls dry their skin most often lie in a change in the hormonal background, which is actively rebuilt before the age of twenty. In this case, it is usually easy to choose a competent pharmacy care, after a few years the hormonal background is stabilized and the problem with the type of skin disappears by itself.

If everything is in order with health, a woman regularly uses masks for dry skin, but there is no result, you should consult a dermatologist for help. As a result, the doctor will give advice on skin care and prescribe a suitable pharmacy care.

dry skin treatment

Dry face skin treatment at home

The causes of the problem can be different, while the use of masks with moisturizing components will help at least temporarily alleviate the condition of the epidermis. Masks for dry skin make it moisturized for a while, help get rid of tightness and peeling. Of course, the main cause of peeling of the skin on the face should be eradicated, but masks can greatly facilitate the life of the owner of dry skin.

The following ingredients are used for moisturizing masks:

  • egg yolk;
  • linseed, olive oil;
  • fresh cucumbers or their juice;
  • juice of fresh carrots;
  • fat sour cream, fat cream.
homemade masks for dry skin

Facial vitamin deficiency: what vitamins do your skin lack?

If the problem of dry skin is acute, you should choose a vitamin-mineral complex, which includes all B vitamins, carotene, and the mineral zinc. It:

  • "Perfect";
  • "Alphabet-Cosmetic";
  • brewing yeast "Evicent".

Also, the food should contain a sufficient amount of protein and amino acids, otherwise the body will lack the most important components for building beautiful skin. Collagen and keratin are synthesized from the proteins that come with protein food. Also in the diet should be enough healthy fatty acids.

Egg yolk for dry skin

If the skin on the face dries strongly, it is advisable to regularly make a simple mask that will make the epidermis moisturized and nourished for a while. To prepare it, the following ingredients will be required:

  • the yolk of one raw chicken egg;
  • a teaspoon of olive or linseed oil;
  • a few drops of cucumber juice.

If there are no fresh cucumbers - it does not matter, you can get by with two ingredients. Mix them to a homogeneous consistency and apply to the entire face and neck, excluding the area around the eyes (you can apply only a thin layer of oil to it). Leave the mask for exposure for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water. This is one of the most popular folk recipes. What to do if the skin on the face is peeling, but there are no ingredients for this mask? Then you can try to make a mask of sour cream, cream, cosmetic oils, etc.

Ice cube wash for dry skin

This recipe is quite controversial, and in some ways even dangerous. If the vessels are thin, it is best to never wipe the skin with ice: this can trigger the appearance of rosacea. But if there is no predisposition to rosacea, then you can safely use the recipe.

Prepare a cool decoction of chamomile or calendula in advance. When it cools, strain and pour into ice molds. To freeze. Then, every morning and every evening, hold with light massage movements a cube of ice on the skin of the face. The procedure does not imply the appearance of pain: if the touch of ice is too painful, it is better to abandon the procedure and try other masks.

Masks with sour cream to nourish and moisturize dry skin

This mask recipe is the simplest, but that does not mean that it is not effective. If at home there is oily sour cream or cream, then simply apply them with a thin layer on the skin of the face, hold for 15 minutes, then rinse. Sour-milk products contain healthy fats and a lot of protein, so this mask not only helps to nourish and moisturize the skin, but also makes the epidermis more elastic, dense.

The result will be noticeable if you take a course of masks: apply sour cream or cream every evening for 20-25 minutes, then rinse with warm water. After the procedure, you can apply any pharmacy moisturizing or nourishing cream.

dry skin treatment creams

Cosmetic Skin Moisturizing Methods

You can not ignore the "gifts" of modern cosmetology. Mesotherapy, fillers with hyaluronic acid, laser mesotherapy - all these methods are not cheap, but the result from them is noticeable after the first procedure.

Injections with hyaluronic acid can retain moisture in the deeper layers of the skin due to the fact that the acid attracts water. Yes, the first time after the procedure may seem. that the face seemed to swell, but this, as a rule, is the result. Due to the attraction of moisture, the skin becomes dense, moisturized, wrinkles are smoothed.

Many girls avoid salon procedures: they believe that the skin will "get used" to hyaluronic acid and will look even worse over time. This is not so: studies have shown that the sooner you begin to properly nourish the skin, the longer its fresh and flowering appearance will remain.

what is the skin moisture

List of the best creams for dry skin

Of course, one cannot fail to mention the quality store and pharmacy creams. Here is a list of the most popular products for owners of dry and flaky skin:

  • Avene. Hydrance Optimale UV Rich SPF 20 moisturizing sunscreen - a cream from the French brand of pharmacy cosmetics, composed of thermal water, there is also a filter protection from ultraviolet rays, so that the cream is suitable for use in spring and summer, as well as during winter holidays in the mountains .
  • Cream from Librederm with hyaluronic acid in the composition helps to retain and preserve its own moisture in the epidermis, it also contains beneficial fatty acids and vitamin F.
  • D-panthenol pharmacy cream is effective not only after burns, it is also an excellent and cheap remedy for getting rid of peeling and tightness;
  • “Trio asset moisturizing” - a cream from “Loreal”, which, due to the compounds with ceramides, tocopherol and other vitamins, can instantly eliminate the feeling of tightness.
  • "Atoderm" from the company "Bioderma" allows you to moisturize not only the skin of the face, but also the entire body. Of the advantages, it can be noted that the cream does not clog pores and does not contain fragrances. Of the minuses: a dense texture, it is not worth using during the day, as the skin glistens.

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