How to write a term paper yourself? Sample recommendations

In the course of receiving an education, a student will have to perform several independent works aimed at developing his ability to think logically, put forward hypotheses and prove them. Many experience serious difficulties because they cannot allocate enough time to visit the reading room, select literature, analyze sources, develop their own hypothesis. Modern students are often forced to combine work with study and family life, so they prefer to order work in specialized institutions. But often this costs them a very tidy sum, and the result is not happy - even the most conscientious performer does not know the requirements of a particular teacher and cannot fulfill them. We invite you to get acquainted with how to write a term paper, which must be taken into account so that it receives an “excellent” mark.

What it is

The course project is a student’s independent work on a specific topic, in which there is a content analysis of existing literature on the topic, as well as the development of his own proposal. Often in such works there is an analysis on the basis of which conclusions are drawn and suggestions are made.

Course Planning

When deciding how to write a term paper, the student first determines with the supervisor - the teacher with whom he would like to work. If a few years ago special attention was not paid to the choice of a leader (the main thing is not to find fault), now students can engage in real battles for the right to work with a particular professor or doctor of sciences, to learn from his experience.

Distinctive features

Before considering examples of how to write a term paper, we give the main features of this project:

  1. Independence is a key requirement. You can’t just download course text from the Internet. Firstly, practice shows that students rarely can perfectly defend work that they themselves did not write. Secondly, the anti-plagiarism program recognizes an attempt to deceive and does not expect such an “author” except shame.
  2. Scientific approach. He should be present in everything: from the analysis of literature to the development of his own proposals. It is necessary to use the methods of analysis and synthesis, comparative, graphic, trends, and others. This will help the teacher evaluate what the student really is learning to do research.
  3. Mandatory presence of the practical part. This may be the analysis of technical and economic indicators of the enterprise, the calculation of coefficients, a competitive analysis for economic disciplines. It also includes an assessment of current legislation and an analysis of judicial practice for the disciplines of the legal cycle; analysis of a literary work for philology students and so on.

The volume of the course project is 35-40 printed sheets, most often 30% to 60% of the total volume will be allocated to the practical part.


When deciding how to write a term paper, it is necessary to determine what semantic parts will be present in it. Most often, students are given instructional manuals that clearly state the requirements of a particular teacher, it is very advisable to get acquainted with such books, they will help to do everything right and save a lot of time. Now we will get acquainted with the most general structure of work that complies with the state standard. It is presented in the figure.

The structure of the course work

So, after the title page and content, an introduction follows, in which the choice of the project topic is justified, the purpose and objectives of the study are formulated. Then two chapters are written: theoretical and practical, each of which is divided into paragraphs. The size of the paragraph is from 4 to 6 sheets, it is very important to build the text so that the contents of the previous and subsequent paragraphs are interconnected, build “bridges”, transitions. At the end of each structural element, the student summarizes.

The next structural element is the conclusion, in which conclusions on the work are formulated. Sometimes it is written in solid text, but most teachers prefer that the results be divided into sub-items and correspond to the tasks. This will help to visualize whether they have been implemented.

The work ends with a bibliography and applications.

Introduction Work

Consider how to write an introduction to the term paper. This is an essential structural element. As an example, we consider the work of a third-year student on the topic “The economic essence of credit.” The volume of the standard introduction, in accordance with the state standard, is 2-3 sheets (14 size, one and a half interval). It should be clear, concise and contain all the necessary blocks. In the picture you can see an example of how to write an introduction to the term paper.

Sample introduction to the course work

So, the introduction begins with a few introductory sentences, in which the student briefly describes the phenomenon that he will write about, explains why such a topic is chosen. In the example, the block is highlighted in dark green. It is very important not to write the pronoun "I" ("I decided to consider this issue ..."), in the scientific world it is customary to write "We", referring to myself and my supervisor who is directly involved in the work.

Writing Tips

When deciding how to write a term paper on their own, many encounter difficulties already at the first stage - while working on an introduction. Therefore, experienced teachers recommend writing it last, when all the work has already been completed. Therefore, it is best to draft a draft version, and bring it to perfection after the conclusions are reached.

Lectures will help in writing work

Helper Phrases

There are many standard phrases that will help the student most competently and clearly draw up the introduction. Information is presented in table form.

Guidelines for Writing an Introduction

Introduction element

Standard phrases


The relevance of the research topic is determined by the following circumstances.

The topic is relevant, because modern society is very interested in this issue.

We believe that the following realities of the modern world have influenced the relevance of the research topic.


The purpose of the work was formulated as follows.

The aim of the work is to study and develop ...

The purpose of this course project is to test the hypothesis ...


To solve the problem, the following tasks were set and implemented.

The aim of the course work was specified in a set of tasks.

We set and solved several important tasks.

Subject, object

The subject (object) of research is (is)

The study of the topic

The topic (due to its importance) has repeatedly become the subject of research by specialists.

The issues addressed in the framework of this course project, worried many researchers.

... are reflected in the studies of scientists such as ...

However, despite such an abundance of research, the problem does not lose its relevance.


The method of theoretical analysis of scientific and educational literature

Statistical Analysis Method

Questioning Method

Forecasting method

SWOT analysis

Competitive analysis

It is very important to carefully write an introduction, since not all teachers conscientiously read student texts, but special attention is paid to the introductory part, its content and structure. Therefore, all elements must be present.

First chapter

We continue the consideration of the example and recommendations on how to write a term paper. Its first chapter is theoretical in nature, performing it, the student should get acquainted with what has already been said on his topic, that is, study the works of researchers of past years. In the total amount of work, the theoretical chapter should be from 30 to 50%.

An important step is the selection of literature

It is important to use not textbooks, but monographs and articles in periodicals, that is, the primary sources of copyright ideas. When defining terms, one should use legislative acts (if they contain the necessary information), positions of different authors. Each paragraph of the theoretical part should end with a debriefing, and after completing the entire chapter, a general conclusion is made.

Second chapter

We continue to consider how to write a term paper, namely, the practical part, which is an independent student work. The final assessment of the project itself largely depends on the correctness of its implementation. There are several rules that will increase your chances of cherishing "excellent":

  1. The practical part should include charts, diagrams, illustrations, tables. This will give clarity. On average, a picture should be approximately every 3-4 pages.
  2. Of particular importance is the design of the text, the best and most beautiful page looks, divided into 3-5 paragraphs.
  3. Each paragraph necessarily ends with a debriefing, all work ends with a general conclusion, in which the student indicates whether he was able to realize the goal set in the introduction.

When working on paragraphs of the practical part, sources should be used as little as possible, it is very important to show independence. Of course, you can take any methodology as a basis, but analysis and calculations should be carried out on unique material.

Writing a term paper is difficult, but interesting

Chapter elements

The structure of the second part of the course work looks like this:

  1. Description of the object of study.
  2. Definition of his problems.
  3. Development of recommendations for solving these problems.
  4. Economic justification of the effectiveness of the proposals made, calculations. Approbation.

For each question, a separate paragraph is necessary, division within the paragraphs is also acceptable (for example, in paragraph 2.1, highlight subparagraphs 2.1.1 and 2.1.2).

Case Study

We give an example of how to write a term paper, its practical part. Suppose that the theme of the project is “Development of a managerial decision on the introduction of new areas of the enterprise (for example, LLC“ ... ”).” The outline of the second chapter looks like this:

  1. 2.1 General information about the enterprise and the analysis of its technical and economic characteristics.
  2. 2.2 Problems and prospects of enterprise development.
  3. 2.3 Development and justification of the main directions of the enterprise.
  4. 2.4 Calculation of expected cost-effectiveness.

After each paragraph, the student makes a brief summary, the chapter ends with a general conclusion, which indicates whether the goal set in the introduction was realized.

Female student with term paper


There are various techniques called " How to write a term paper for morons." Despite the strange and offensive name, they often contain valuable advice, for example, how best to draw up the practical part of the work, which tables and diagrams to include in it. We continue consideration of an example about the enterprise LLC “...”. In the second chapter of the course is recommended to include the following visual material :

  1. The organizational structure of the enterprise, which shows which employee is subordinate to whom.
  2. The main technical and economic indicators of the enterprise for 3-5 years. The table can include sales, revenue, costs, profits, number of employees. It is also advisable to carry out calculations, for example, calculate profitability, find out the absolute and relative change in the indicator for the period under consideration.
  3. The dynamics of the growth of indicators can be represented in the form of a graph or histogram.
  4. In economic work, you can include a matrix of SWOT analysis or any other analysis conducted by a student (for example, PEST, ABC, competitive).
  5. Present the current problems of the enterprise in the form of a table or picture.
  6. If a survey was conducted, its results are best presented in the form of a table.
  7. The main changes in technical and economic indicators after the implementation of the proposed activities.
  8. Gantt chart - project implementation schedule by year and quarter.

If you wish, you can supplement the work with other illustrative material, the main thing is that it is appropriate, and the student himself can answer any question on the table.

Students working on material


We turn to how to write a conclusion to the term paper. Like the introduction, the conclusion is the most important structural element of the project, so many teachers assure that, even if the work itself is weak, but these two fragments are well written, there is a chance to learn the desired assessment (provided successful defense, of course). Therefore, we must try.

How to write it correctly, and most importantly - about what? In the introduction, the goal and objectives were formulated, that is, in conclusion, the student must show whether they were achieved and how.

Spelling rules

Consider a sample of how to write a term paper, its final part.

First, you should write an introductory phrase, for example: “Let’s summarize the work done, making a set of main conclusions. The first chapter of the project was considered ... Next, for each paragraph, its own conclusion is made, after which it is possible to solve the specific problem recorded in the introduction.”

For example:

“We examined the economic nature of the loan and noted that it is very complex and multifaceted. The most accurate definition of the term seems to be ...”

Then, conclusions on the practical part are written: "Based on the current state of the enterprise and the study of theoretical materials, a set of measures has been developed and justified to solve the following problems (the problems themselves are listed)." “We recommend introducing the proposed activities gradually, step by step, each step should be completed with a debriefing, analysis of achievements and difficulties.”

Students passed the coursework

So, we looked at how to write a term paper in accordance with GOST. Of course, there are a large number of requirements that are not easy to comply with, but do not forget that coursework is an independent study, an opportunity to prove oneself, therefore it is better to be creative in writing it.

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