Islam in Japan: traditional religion, the number of Muslims in the country, the reasons for the ban

Japan is considered a "country without Muslims." Islam is present here, but in a very limited form. Muslims who linger in the Land of the Rising Sun do not try to popularize their religion, since Islam cannot be promoted in Japan. And there is evidence for this.

The history of the formation of Islam in Japan

The first contacts of representatives of the Muslim world and the Japanese were recorded in the 13th century. This happened during the Mongol invasion.

islam in japan

Active penetration of Muslim religion into the country began during the Meiji period. At this time, Japan entered the world political arena in search of independence and support from other countries. In 1878, the first contact of the Japanese with the Ottoman Empire took place. The seiki squadron arrived in Istanbul, and then went on exercises in Europe.

The second contact took place in 1887, when Prince Komatsu Akihito arrived in the Turkish capital to conclude an agreement that laid the foundation for the development of relations between the two countries. Since then, Japan began acquaintance with the Middle East.

The first Japanese to accept Islam was Yamada Torajiro, a businessman who, as part of the delegation, arrived in Istanbul on an official visit. Subsequently, he remained in the country and became its unofficial representative.

Another stage of penetration of Islam in Japan falls on the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905). During the hostilities, the Japanese occupied the Chinese peninsula of Liaodong, where Muslim Turks lived. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Turkic-Tatar diaspora was formed and Islam in Japan began to develop more rapidly.

In 1908, the first design of the mosque, which was supposed to be built in Tokyo, appeared. Since that time, Islam in the Land of the Rising Sun received a new impetus in development. Representatives of Muslim communities began to visit Japan; centers for the study of Islam were created in the country. But the new religion of the East could not be firmly established among the Japanese. Currently, the number of Muslims in Japan is not that big.

How many Muslims are there in the country?

Islam banned in Japan

The traditional religion of Japan is Shintoism (until 1945 it was considered state), which exists along with Buddhism and Christianity. Islam in the country continues to exist thanks to immigrants - visitors to Muslims.

There are no reliable data on the number of adherents of Islam in Japan. In some sources, you can find a figure of 30,000 people, in others - several hundred.

The president of the Islamic Japan Association, Abu Bakru Morimoto, spoke of several thousand Muslims in the Land of the Rising Sun. This included all Japanese Muslims, including those not practicing Islam.

Nur ad-Din Mori, the leader of the Muslim community, cited statistics according to which in Japan the ratio of Muslims to the entire population of the country is 1: 100,000. This means that out of 130,000,000 Japanese, Muslims are only 1,300.

Are there mosques in Japan

islam ban

It is believed that Islam is banned in Japan. However, immigration policies for Middle East representatives are the same as for other citizens. The Japanese themselves are negative towards Islam.

But the Muslims still managed to build 2 mosques in Japan. One of them can be found in Kobe (built in 1935). The second - Jamia - rises in Tokyo.

Japanese Muslims often organize prayer rooms in residential buildings. In Japan, it is believed that a Muslim is better to pray at home. For namaz in a public place give a fine. Now in Japan there are about 30 prayer rooms.

Leaders of islam

Right Islam in Japan is "home" unobtrusive Islam. You can pray in mosques, but the main thing is not to do it publicly. Religion of the East should not be promoted.

what religion in japan is currently

In Tokyo, there is an Islamic center. He is led by Imam Sheikh Ibrahim Sawada. The president of the Japanese Islamic Association is Abu Bakru Morimoto. And the leader of the Muslim community is Nur al-Din Mori.

Islam as a Forbidden Religion

Even in the modern world, many Japanese perceive Islam as a “strange” and even “dangerous” religion, although the government claims to maintain friendly relations with all Arab countries. Japanese Muslims continue to carefully preach Islam, but the ban on its open propaganda is evident:

1. Muslims are not given Japanese citizenship. And there is no clear explanation for this.

2. For the spread of Islam, a person can go to jail.

3. It is impossible to import the Koran into Japan. But it is allowed to use its version adapted for the Japanese language.

4. Prayer ceremonies are permitted only in a mosque, at home and in special prayer rooms.

5. Japanese schools do not teach Arabic, and in general one cannot speak Arabic.

6. Visiting Muslims rarely work in Japanese companies, but they are taken by firms with foreign capital.

7. Japan rarely grants long-term visas to Muslims. The government grants temporary citizenship to a limited circle of law-abiding Muslims.

8. Islamic schools cannot be opened in the country.

9. Muslims are forbidden to buy houses in Japan and even rent them.

10. The Japanese do not accept Sharia law.

11. If a Japanese woman associates with a Muslim, they practically turn away from her.

12. The Japanese, in principle, do not want to coexist with Muslims.

It is worth noting that Muslims have not committed serious crimes in Japan for the past 30 years.

Right islam

So that Muslims do not have problems with the law, Islam in Japan must be "right." This means that adherents of Islam must carefully talk about their religion and be law-abiding residents of the country.

right islam

Muslims are actively coming to Japan in search of new business opportunities. The country is always ready to open doors for new qualified specialists. If you look into the Otsuka Masjid mosque (Tokyo) during the day, you can see that there are a lot of people there. Among them are representatives of the Middle East, Americans, Japanese girls in a burqa. It is seen that Islam is in demand. However, walking along the streets of Tokyo, it is hard to recognize a real Muslim. People here know that if they shout about their religion, they can be deported from the country.

Is there a future for Islam in Japan

It is difficult to give an exact answer to the question of which religion in Japan is currently more in demand, since there is no official religion in the country. However, Shintoism and Buddhism continue to dominate. Islam will not be able to supplant them for a long time. In general, the Japanese are not characterized by religiosity in its Western sense.

traditional religion of japan

Now in the country there are about 10,000 Japanese women who have accepted Islam, who have married foreigners. And this means that their children are likely to give preference to the same religion.

Islam in Japan is still in sleep mode. But every year he is gaining more and more popularity. Supporters of Islam try to share their faith peacefully because the Japanese are considered to be very friendly people towards foreigners. They never provoke others. And they perceive only what comes to them from people with good intentions. Therefore, Islam has every chance to gain a foothold in the Land of the Rising Sun.

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