Adonai is the name of God in Judaism

The Hebrew Scripture, the Tanakh, mentions many of the names of God, each of which is given meaning, to one degree or another, revealing the quality, side of the transcendental, experimentally unrecognizable essence of God.

Hebrew name

It should be noted that for a believer, the name of God is a symbol, an internal space in which a person finds safety and protection. In many religions, divine names have acquired special significance, in the sense that in the sacred representation they are fundamental, determining the external. Turning in prayer to God by name, a person manifests in consciousness that essence that is associated with him. Therefore, the name for a sincere believer is a kind of bridge.

At the same time, neglect and the use of names that are sacred in a religious context, “pronouncing the Lord’s name in vain” entails an opposite change in the person’s consciousness, closes the road to transcendental knowledge, and therefore has a negative assessment of understanding religion and faith.


Among the names that are of paramount importance, in Judaism, it is customary to distinguish seven main divine names. Among those widely encountered in the scriptures, in particular in the Pentateuch, are Adonai, Yahweh, and Elohim. It is quite difficult to trace their etymology; there are many different points of view. A significant number of religious and mystical works of ancient and modern authors are devoted to the study and various interpretations of their origin and significance.

Ein Sof

So, the name "Elohim" in general has the meaning of "the source, creator of the creators", is one of the most used in the Tanakh text. Moreover, according to grammatical and semantic norms, both “elohim” and “adonai” in Hebrew denote the plural. "Elohim" Jewish scholars interpret in the meaning of "higher powers of creation" and "creator of creators", which explains this multiplicity. The name Elohim is one of the seven recognized in Judaism, the main, secret names of God.

Adonai is the name?

Many designations that are considered names in Russian are actually more epithets. “Adonai” is a widespread borrowing of the Hebrew word “adon,” “adoni,” which means “Lord, ” “lord.” This epithet is found quite often in the Tanakh text (approximately 450 times). In sacred texts, as well as during religious rites, the mention of "Adonai" is used to replace more secret and secret names in order to avoid their unnecessary mention and thereby maintain internal purity.

Adonai is a more abstract, abstract epithet, while Elohim is more specific. In the Russian language, the word "Lord" is a natural analogue of the epithet "Adonai", and therefore this word does not occur in the Slavic Bible.

Tree sunset


In the view of Kabbalah, the Jewish religious-mystical system, a certain name of God corresponds to each of the ten Sefirot - one of the emanations of the primordial light of Ein Sof - and represents a certain direction of divine distribution. In the Kabbalistic concept, Adonai is the name corresponding to the Sefira Malchut.

In conclusion, it should be noted that, obviously, the inner religious experience of a person is not determined only by the names with which he gives the divine principle. No matter how profound they may be, the priority still lies on the surface - in the actions of man.

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