What is useful butter: calorie content, taste, amount of minerals, vitamins

Butter is a very traditional product on our table. Most people believe that it has a natural composition, which means it is good for the body. However, adherents of a healthy diet are of the opposite opinion. They believe that a product that increases blood cholesterol should be excluded from their diet, as it contributes to the development of atherosclerosis and other dangerous diseases. So is it really or not and what is the use of butter, we will tell in our article.

The composition and taste of the product

Composition and taste of butter

Butter is obtained by churning or separating the cream. This is a product of animal origin, which is most often made from cow's milk and less often from the feedstock of other cattle or small cattle. Butter is high in fat. As a rule, this indicator varies from 50 to 82.5%. It should be noted that in ghee, the percentage of fat content is even higher and amounts to 99%.

Disputes about whether butter is good or bad are still ongoing. Supporters of a healthy lifestyle urge to abandon this product harmful to the body. But gourmets, on the contrary, appreciate the taste of natural butter. Only practically no one uses the product in its pure form - only as part of sandwiches and other dishes.

There are two types of butter in taste and composition:

  1. Sweet cream - the product is obtained by knocking fresh pasteurized cream. It has a pleasant creamy taste and aroma.
  2. Sour cream - the product is made from pasteurized cream, pre-fermented on a special sourdough.

In addition, butter can be sweet or savory to taste. The percentage of fat content and the type of product (for example, sweet cream, not salty) must be indicated on the package.

Which butter is good?

Which butter is healthier

According to experts and consumers, the best product is the one with the highest percentage of fat content. In accordance with this criterion, the following types of butter are distinguished (in decreasing order of its beneficial properties):

  1. Traditional. This is a sweet cream butter with a fat content of 82.5. It has a pleasant, soft texture and natural composition (pasteurized cream).
  2. Amateur. Oil with a fat content of 80% has a pleasant taste. It is sweet, salty and sour. However, it is worth noting that any oil with a fat percentage of less than 82.5% is considered a spread.
  3. Peasant. This oil is most often found on store shelves. Its fat content is 72.5%.
  4. Sandwich. This oil contains at least 61% milk fat.
  5. Tea. The fat content of this product is 50%.

The spread often contains preservatives, stabilizers and emulsifiers that are hazardous to health. That is why it is not necessary to talk about whether butter with a low percentage of fat is useful. In the diet of a person who takes care of his health, such a product should not be. Three types of oil are rightfully considered the best: traditional, amateur and peasant.

Vitamin and Mineral Complex

So why is butter useful? Finding a good quality product is far from easy, as a spread is often offered under eye-catching packaging. But real butter is good for the body and has a balanced vitamin and mineral composition. It contains vitamins A, B2, D, E, PP, and in certain types B1, B9, C are also present.

A lot of butter and minerals: ash, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Calorie content and nutritional value of oil

Traditional butter contains 0.5 g of protein, 82.5 g of fat and 0.8 g of carbohydrates. In addition, water (15.8 g) and organic acids (0.03 g) are present in this product. The nutritional value of certain types of butter may vary. This is due to the different content of milk fat in the products. But the average calorie content of butter is 717 kcal. At the same time, the traditional product contains 748 kcal, the amateur - 709 kcal, and the peasant - 661 kcal.

Given the high calorie content and fat content of the product, it is easy to guess whether butter is healthy. In fact, in a limited amount, it should be present in the diet of each person. And in order not to harm your body, it is important to comply with the rules.

Useful properties of butter

Useful properties of butter

You can not judge the positive or negative effect of a product on the body only by its calorie content. Despite the fact that butter contains a lot of milk fat, which increases the level of cholesterol in the blood, it still remains useful for humans. Its beneficial effect on the body is as follows:

  • vision support;
  • ensuring the normal functioning of the endocrine system;
  • improving the condition of hair and nails;
  • cleansing the body of free radicals;
  • protection against cancer;
  • stimulation of the intestine and its protection against infections;
  • normalization of fat metabolism in the body;
  • nutrition of the brain and nervous system.

The cholesterol found in butter is good for the body. Without it, the normal functioning of the nervous and other systems is impossible. In addition to all of the above, butter provides the synthesis of sex hormones. This product is essential for the body to maintain its reproductive function. That's what butter is good for women.

Harm and contraindications

Drinking large amounts of butter can be dangerous for humans. First of all, the presented product is a source of cholesterol, an excess of which in the body can lead to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the vessels. In addition, excessive consumption of butter can cause:

  • obesity (due to high fat content and calorie content);
  • heart disease (due to the high content of cholesterol and unsaturated fats);
  • allergic reactions (since it is made from natural cow's milk).

But spreads and margarine can do much more harm to the body, since they include trans fats. These products do not benefit even if they are consumed in small quantities. In addition to the diseases listed above, they lead to the development of diabetes and increase the risk of cancer.

The rate of butter per day

This product, rich in saturated fats, needs a careful dosage. Only by observing the daily intake rate will we be able to avoid those health problems that β€œscare” the proponents of proper nutrition. But the fact that butter should be present in the diet of every person is a proven fact. Daily product consumption rates are as follows:

  • for children under 7 years - 5-10 g;
  • for adolescents and adults - 10-30 g;
  • with peptic ulcer - up to 20 g;
  • during the ARVI period - up to 60 g.

It should also be noted why butter is useful. Subject to the norms of consumption, the product, despite the high calorie content, is not stored in fat, but provides the body with energy. Butter contributes to the healing of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines in people with peptic ulcer and allows you to protect yourself from infections during the growing incidence of influenza and acute respiratory infections.

Melted butter


It is believed that the higher the fat content of butter, the more useful it is. But there are exceptions to the rules. They include ghee, the fat content of which is 98-99%. Such a product is nothing more than refined milk fat. The melting of butter, which removes water, milk proteins and sugar from it, has been used since ancient times. This is one of the effective ways to save the product.

If we compare the usefulness of ghee and traditional butter, then the latter has much more advantages. In it, all vitamins and minerals are stored in full, while after reheating they practically do not remain.

Ghee, unlike butter, is more suitable for frying, because it does not smoke. At room temperature, such a product can be stored for up to 9 months.

Butter in children's diets

Butter in children's diets

This product is introduced into the diet of a child from 5 months. At this age, the daily intake is 1-4 g. Gradually, by the age of three crumbs, the amount of butter in the diet can be increased to 10 g. At the beginning of feeding, it is recommended to add the product to vegetable purees or cereals.

Butter is essential for children. It nourishes the brain and nerve tissue, which contributes to the development of mental abilities and intelligence of the crumbs. This is a source of energy, well-being and harmonious development of the baby. You can safely say that butter is good. The higher its fat content, the better it is. And just such oil should be in the diet of the child.

Healthy Butter Options

Butter snack

In its pure form, no one consumes this fat-rich product. It is spread on bread, added to vegetable dishes and cereals. If you do not exceed the above consumption norms, then the answer to the question of whether butter is good for breakfast will always be positive. And if you add greens, spices, vegetables or fruits to this product, you will get a very tasty and interesting snack. Recipes for its preparation are presented below:

  1. Garlic snack. Leave the butter on the table at room temperature for 2 hours. When it becomes soft, add 20 g of garlic squeezed through a press and salt to taste. Stir the appetizer and spread on bread.
  2. Dill. Combine 300 g butter with 50 g finely chopped fresh dill. Such an appetizer is very useful for the intestines, as it eliminates the signs of flatulence.
  3. Carrot. One boiled carrot needs to be peeled and mashed with a blender. Combine with butter and mix.
  4. Apple. Prepare 300 g of oil. Bake apples in the oven, then cool them and rub through a sieve. Combine applesauce with butter and honey (3 tbsp. L.).

When cooking snacks, do not forget that the oil should be softened.

How to store oil?

So that the product does not lose its useful properties, it must be stored properly. It is important to provide all the necessary conditions for this:

  • wrapped in parchment, oil should be stored in the refrigerator for 10 days;
  • in a plastic dish - 15 days;
  • in laminated foil - 20 days;
  • in a metal tin can - 3 months.

Excellent conditions for storing butter are available in the freezer. In this form, the product fully retains its useful properties, does not deteriorate and does not grow moldy.

Of course, traditional butter is healthier than ghee, but the latter can be stored even at room temperature. It does not spoil for a long time.

Which butter is better than butter or vegetable?

The dispute between supporters and opponents of animal products has not subsided to this day. He does not stop looking for more and more arguments as to which oil is healthier: vegetable or cream. Let's try to figure it out.

Vegetable oil does not contain cholesterol. That is why it is believed that it is more useful. But not everything is so simple. Firstly, the caloric content of vegetable oil is higher than butter by almost a third. It is 100% fat, while milk proteins are also present in the cream. Therefore, generously dressing salads with vegetable oil and thinking that it is useful, is impossible. Secondly, butter is essential for the body. In childhood, it promotes the division of brain cells, and in adolescence provides the production of sex hormones. The main thing is to comply with the rules. Then both butter and vegetable oils will bring exceptional benefits to the body.

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