Wheat bread: calories, which is better to choose

Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle is the motto of almost every modern person. But with the advent of the concepts themselves, a number of stereotypes arose associated with the use of exclusively beneficial food for the body, to which bread is not considered. But in vain, because not every product is saturated with substances useful for the body like wheat bread. Its calorie content is fully consistent with the standards, and in reasonable quantities it can be eaten without any fear of losing harmony.

calorie wheat bread

The nutritional value of bread

Almost the most favorite bakery product among buyers is wheat bread. Its calorie content depends mainly on the flour from which the product is baked, but when choosing bread in the store, it is worth paying attention not only to this fact. In addition to starch and flour, a useful product contains various additives necessary for the body in the form of sunflower seeds, pumpkin, raisins, slices of vegetables, fruits, and other unprocessed cereal crops.

Premium wheat bread

Bakery product of oblong shape, often with classic transverse incisions - wheat bread. The highest grade of flour included in it determines the category of the product. This also includes a baking food enhancer, salt, yeast and water. The flour contains some useful vitamins and minerals (PP, H, E, B, calcium, cobalt, zinc, phosphorus, copper), but most of them are removed and remain in the bran. After the thermal processing of vitamins, there is very little left in such bread, so if you buy it, then only with additives in the form of bran, wholemeal flour, dried fruits and cereals. But the uncontrolled consumption of such a product can lead to metabolic disorders, impaired bowel function and even obesity.

The calorie content of premium products is 254 kcal; for bread, the price of wheat varies from 20 to 30 rubles.

how many calories in a piece of bread

Wheat bread first grade

Such bread will contain more substances necessary for the body due to the quality of the flour. It is not subjected to additional processing and cleaning, all this should be considered when buying. Nutritionists argue that the most useful of the โ€œwheatโ€ category is bran (from the most coarse flour) wheat bread. The calorific value of such a product is slightly less - 242 kcal, and the body benefits more. Its price is about 18-25 rubles.

The harm of bread

Historically, white flour and its products are considered more expensive, but they do not bring practical benefits to the body. In the production of bread, not simple flour is used, but specially baked flour, products from it turn out to be lush and beautiful, and their shelf life will be much longer, but the consumer benefit from them is twofold.

A number of studies were conducted that showed that daily consumption of large quantities of white bread (including buns, pastries , etc.) three times faster leads to the development of diabetes. That is why nutritionists around the world recommend replacing first-class bread with rye bread or made from more coarse flour.

wheat bread Price

Calorie content

Bread, as we found out, is a high-calorie product, but judging by the whole bun. To find out how many calories are in a piece of bread is quite simple: you need to visually divide (or cut) it into 10 equal parts. Using a ruler is not necessary here, we do everything by eye. There is an opinion that white bread is more high-calorie, in fact the difference is small. In white, it is 240-250 kcal, and in black grades there are about 180-220. So, in one piece 0.5 cm wide there will be about 90-120 kcal. Not so much considering the nutritional value of bread.

Theoretically, bread can be completely excluded from the diet, but why? It is much easier to choose the right options for it, and even better - to make wheat bread yourself and at home on your own. The calorie content of such a product will be almost the same as that of the factory one.

Homemade wheat bread

Such a product, prepared according to the classic recipe and from high quality ingredients, can not be compared with any type of bread purchased. Its benefit lies in the vitamin-mineral composition, and the calorie content will not exceed 252 kcal. Each piece of homemade bread contains vitamins PP, H, E, B, A and trace elements useful to the body - molybdenum, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine. At your request, it can include cereals, seeds and aromatic spices.

premium wheat bread

Calculate calories

Usually it is indicated on the packaging of the product, but if one is missing, it is easy to calculate how many calories in a piece of bread, yourself. An average slice of bread weighs about 50-60 g, which means:

  • in a slice of bread from premium flour will be about 130 kcal .;
  • in wheat bread of the first grade and bran, each slice contains about 120 kcal .;
  • rye black bread has the lowest calorie content, it will be 90 kcal in one slice.

We can say that wheat bread, like its other types, can hardly be called harmful or useful. It is good in moderation and as a small addition to the daily proper diet.

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