Depilation of intimate places.

Depilation of intimate places is a must for any modern woman. It is currently fashionable to have smooth and clean skin. This problem becomes especially urgent during the period when swimsuits, frank and open dresses are put on, that is, in the summer.

Means for depilation of intimate places are striking in a variety: from the banal use of a razor at home to expensive and painful procedures in a beauty salon. Women are ready to endure any inconvenience and discomfort, just to get smooth, clean and delicate skin after depilation.

Depilation of intimate places took place in ancient times. In different periods of human development, women used various compounds for these purposes: resins, herbs, minerals. They gave the same effect as a modern cream for intimate depilation. And the ancestor of the depilator is a method that consisted of winding excess hairs onto a coarse thread and then pulling it out sharply.

What is the depilation of intimate places in general? This is not a very pleasant procedure, which consists in removing the hair shaft located above the surface of the skin. It is carried out in sensitive areas - a bikini line and armpits. Currently, this procedure is carried out using all kinds of gels, creams and wax.

Depilation of intimate places can be carried out at home. The most common method in this case is shaving. This is the most unpredictable and dangerous way. After all, no one is safe from introducing infections into microtraumas on the skin, as a result of which pustules appear. Unfortunately, it is not so easy to get rid of them. In addition, such pustules often go to the external genitalia. burning and itching may appear. And also the hair begins to grow quickly, growing into the skin. But these unpleasant consequences are easy to avoid - just thoroughly disinfect and wash your skin before and after the shaving procedure. Now there are many creams designed specifically for shaving, as well as for skin care after. Always use quality machines and shave your hair exclusively along the way.

For home depilation, various chemicals are available. They simply need to be applied to the skin and then removed with a special spatula along with the hair. Be sure to read the instructions before using one of them. Any remedy can cause an allergic reaction, so it must be tested before use. You need to put a little money on the forearm and wait for the swelling to appear.

Depilation of intimate places with wax is very popular. She is extremely painful, but despite this is in great demand. This procedure is carried out both using warm or soft wax, and using hard or hot wax. Hot wax should be applied in the direction of your hair growth. Then the skin warms up, therefore, the pores open, and the hair is removed almost painlessly and easily. But note that hot waxing is best done in a specialist salon. After all, such a procedure requires experience and skill. Hair growth after waxing begins in about two to three weeks.

Very popular is the procedure called shugaring. It is the removal of hair in problem areas with sugar. the principle of operation in this case is similar to waxing, only here there are more advantages: affordable price, low invasiveness, lack of ingrown hairs, hypoallergenicity.

Of course, it is best to get rid of excess hair in a beauty salon. But if you do not have such an opportunity, it can be done quite successfully at home.

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