Unusual crumpled paper drawing

Among the various methods of drawing stands out one, quite unusual - drawing with crumpled paper. This technique attracts attention with its simplicity and uniqueness. And it is available to small children, although it deserves special attention and experienced artists.

crumpled paper drawing

Benefits of Paper Drawing

This method of drawing is very simple, because the smallest child can crumple the paper into a lump. In addition, the kids really like this activity, so why not turn it into a useful game.

Paints for this type of creativity will suit any, but better, of course, gouache or watercolor. They must be diluted with water, which the kids will also be happy to do.

The main advantage of this method is that drawing with crumpled paper contributes to the development of fine motor skills and the manifestation of children's imagination. After all, each stroke of paper will be unusual, unlike the neighboring one. And in each of them the child will see completely different things.

crumpled paper technique

Performance technique

In order to create a small masterpiece, you do not need a lot of material and effort. The simplest and most accessible materials are enough to start the lesson.

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare a sheet of paper where a drawing will be created, paints and containers in which they can be diluted with water. It is also worth preparing several napkins, from which it is necessary to create arbitrary lumps. If the drawing is combined, that is, combine the usual technique of drawing and drawing with crumpled paper, you should prepare a brush.

After all the preparations, it is worth considering the details of the future drawing and trying to reproduce them. The most important thing in this type of creativity is fantasy. It depends on her what the final result of the work will look like.

Care must be taken to ensure that the lumps of paper are of different sizes and degrees of compression. Then the prints that will remain will turn into a wide variety of shapes. It is safe to say that this is the easiest technique. Using crumpled paper will turn a routine into a fun activity.

crumpled paper technique

How to create a picture?

To begin creativity, it is necessary to prepare paints. To do this, they are bred in specially prepared containers with a small amount of water. It is worth remembering that the more water, the lighter the tone of the selected color, and vice versa.

The second step is to prepare the “lumps” of paper. They are preferably made in advance from a paper towel or other type of paper. It is not advisable to take newspaper sheets - the prints may leave prints of black printing ink.

When everything is ready, you can safely start drawing with crumpled paper. A master class for a child can be shown by an adult, so that the principle of creating a picture becomes clear. But since this is one of the simple and affordable types of creativity, learning is fun and exciting.

Undoubtedly, in order to get a full-fledged drawing, it is necessary to draw some lines or backgrounds with a brush - be it the sky, grass, tree trunk or parts of the animal’s body.

From crumpled paper, clouds, butterfly wings, the sun, the trunk of various animals, and the crowns of trees are excellent . The list goes on and on, the main thing is the fantasy of yours and the child.

crumpled paper master class

Similar types of creativity

Using crumpled paper is the easiest way to create. In addition to it, there are some more techniques that are slightly similar to this one. The difference is that the white sheet of paper is first “crumpled”, slightly moistened with water, then evened out and a drawing is applied to it. Unusual texture gives the image a unique look.

crumpled paper technique

With young children, you can draw whole trees in a similar technique. It is enough to take a sheet of wood, apply different colors on one side of it and apply it to a white canvas. That's all - the tree is ready!

As you can see, with the help of various simple exercises you can occupy your baby, develop his color perception, imagination and fine motor skills.

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