No modern repair can go without the use of various paintwork products. Someone uses it for minor decorating work, and someone - as the main material used for decorating walls and ceilings. The reliability of repairs in the latter case will depend entirely on the correct choice of composition, therefore, its purchase should be approached very responsibly.
Thinking about what paint to paint the walls in the apartment, you need to pay attention not only not the color of the product, but also on many other criteria, which we will discuss in detail in this article.
The main functions of the coloring compounds
The use of paint greatly facilitates the entire repair process and opens up great opportunities for owners in terms of decorating the premises. With its help, you can create a cozy monophonic interior or turn the walls into a real work of art, decorating them with various patterns and compositions.
This option of wall decoration attracts owners with its simplicity and unpretentiousness. Bored colors can always be painted over with fresher colors, and it is not at all necessary to arrange global repairs and hire professional workers.
In addition to the decorative function, the paint should play the role of a protective coating that protects the walls from the negative effects of the environment. This quality is especially important in rooms with an aggressive microclimate, therefore, for them, finishing materials are selected more carefully.
But how to understand a huge assortment of compositions and understand what paint to paint the walls in the apartment and in each individual room? To make the right choice, you should consider all varieties of such coatings, their technical characteristics and scope.
What paint options should you pay special attention to
When choosing products for painting internal surfaces, first of all, the characteristics of wall paints should be considered. Particular attention should be paid to indicators such as:
• environmental friendliness;
• wear resistance;
• care requirements;
• hiding power;
• time to complete drying;
• resistance;
• consumption.
When it comes to the repair of residential premises, the harmlessness of the materials used plays a very important role here. Not everyone knows that many coloring compounds can harm human health even after they have completely dried. Paints unsuitable for use at elevated temperatures and high humidity emit a large amount of toxic substances, which should be considered when using them.
The wear resistance and care of each composition is also different. Some coatings can be rubbed and washed using chemicals, while others do not accept contact with water at all. Given the specifics of the premises to be finished, you should choose the most suitable option.
Hiding power indicates the ability of the composition to overlap the previous color. The greater its value, the fewer layers will need to be used until the old shade is completely painted over.
For rooms located on the sunny side, the light fastness of the paint is very important. So that painted walls do not lose color saturation over time, it is recommended to choose a coating resistant to ultraviolet radiation for such rooms.
The speed of repair work depends on the drying time, and the paint consumption indicates the economy of this coating, which is also very important.
The main varieties of paints
If you cannot decide what paint to paint the walls in the apartment, consider all existing options and determine the best for the particular case.
So, all modern coloring compounds are divided into two main groups:
• alkyd;
• emulsion.
The first group is made on the basis of alkyd resins, due to which the compositions have a rather unpleasant odor, which often persists even after drying. These products are characterized by fire resistance and susceptibility to alkaline effects.
Alkyd formulations include oil and enamel paints.
Oil coatings are made on the basis of drying oil, so they have the lowest price tag. However, this is their only advantage. This paint is very toxic, dries for a long time, quickly loses its original color. Oil-based types of paints for walls are not used for interior decoration.
Enamel coatings are made on the basis of varnish. They dry quickly enough, fit perfectly on any surface, have good durability, withstand the effects of water and light and, most importantly, are non-toxic.
The group of emulsion paints includes harmless coatings that do not emit an unpleasant odor and harmful substances. They are distinguished by fire safety, resistance to alkaline compositions, quick drying and a wide variety of shades. Therefore, if the choice of paint for walls makes you difficult, feel free to give preference to this group, which includes the following compositions:
• acrylic compounds;
• latex coatings;
• water based paints;
• silicone coatings.
Let's take a closer look at all of the above types.
Acrylic paint for walls and ceilings in residential premises
Compositions based on aqueous dispersions of acrylic resins are considered the most suitable for internal work.
They are characterized by high drying speed, minimal toxicity, resistance to abrasion, the absence of pungent odors, resistance to moisture and the possibility of coloring in any shades.
Acrylic paint for walls and ceilings today is presented in a glossy, matte and pearly version. There are also special varieties of these products, designed specifically for bathrooms, kitchens and surfaces located next to heating appliances.
Due to the ability to tint the mixture in a variety of shades, water-based acrylic paint is actively used in decorating interior walls. Its functionality allows you to paint almost all surfaces in living rooms (walls, ceilings, doors and other objects). She perfectly lays down on equal wooden, brick, concrete bases and cinder block.
Water-based acrylic paint has gained great popularity in the decoration of bedrooms, living rooms and children's rooms. Despite its water resistance, it is not recommended to cover the walls near sinks and showers, as this material does not tolerate direct spray.
The composition is applied to the walls with any painting tools in several layers. If necessary, the paint can be diluted to a more liquid state with ordinary water.
Latex paint
Decorative paint for walls with the addition of latex is considered the most expensive subspecies of emulsion compositions. It is completely harmless and fireproof. Its main difference is its very high abrasion resistance. Latex additives contribute to the creation of a durable water-repellent film on the surface, so that walls can be washed often.
This coating is very resistant to moisture, passes steam well and does not form condensate. The antiseptic and antifungal properties that paint possesses allow it to be used in bathrooms, toilets and kitchens.
The latex coating structure helps mask small cracks and chips.
The liquid composition can be applied to the wallpaper for painting and decorative plaster, wooden walls and other plastered surfaces. It should be borne in mind that glossy moisture-resistant paint for walls (latex type) strongly emphasizes all irregularities and defects, while matte perfectly hides them.
The paint is applied to the surface using a roller with a medium pile or a wide brush. The coating is as dense and uniform as possible.
The disadvantages of latex type paints include weak resistance to ultraviolet rays and high cost.
When choosing latex paint, the type of surface on which it will be applied should be taken into account, since the manufacturer produces completely different compositions for ceilings and walls.
Water-based paint
The most short-lived and cheapest water-based paint to date is considered (for internal use). The price of such compositions attracts many buyers, however, in addition to the cost, you should pay attention to some features of this coating.
It can not be used in a room where wet cleaning is often carried out, since under the influence of water the paint is gradually washed off. Nevertheless, compositions of this type are very appreciated for their absolute environmental friendliness and safety for others.
Also, the positive features of water-based paint include:
1. Very fast drying (up to two hours).
2. The absence of an unpleasant odor in the process of staining.
3. The possibility of tinting. Initially, colorless paint can be given absolutely any color (using special pigments).
4. Simplicity in work. The paint is easy to apply. Soiled tools, hands and clothing can be cleaned with water.
5. Excellent vapor permeability.
You can use this paint on any flat surfaces that do not come into contact with water and do not undergo friction. When processing plastered substrates, the paint is applied in three layers, if the walls with wallpaper are finished, two treatments are sufficient.
Silicone paints
Silicone decorative paint for walls does not contain volatile and harmful components, which is why it is used even in children's rooms. It has a high cost, but it has a number of positive qualities:
• Vapor permeability . Due to the fact that when using this composition natural air exchange is preserved, a favorable microclimate reigns in the room.
• Absolute waterproofness . Such a coating can be used in rooms with high humidity, condensation will not accumulate on the walls and mold will form.
• Resistance to sudden changes in temperature and sunlight . Such paint tolerates elevated temperatures, so it is actively used in the decoration of bathrooms.
• Resistance to pollution . The coating does not attract dust and is well cleaned of any contaminants.
• Versatility . The composition can be applied on any basis. They can cover wood, brick, plastered walls and natural stone. Also, this option will be an excellent choice for those who need paint for concrete walls. The composition well camouflages all cracks, crevices and all kinds of defects.
• Durability . Repeated wall decoration will be needed no earlier than 20 years later.
Apply silicone paint to previously prepared surfaces. They are cleaned of debris and dust, and then primed.
Textured wall paint: how to apply and what are its features
It is impossible not to mention another type of paint coatings, which is very popular in the decoration of internal surfaces - textured paint for walls.
With its help, the most unusual and refined relief coatings of a wide variety of patterns are created.
The indisputable advantages of textured compositions include the following qualities:
1. Good UV resistance.
2. The flexibility of the hardened coating. During the natural shrinkage of the building, no cracks form on the surface of the walls.
3. Resistance to moisture. Surfaces are not covered by mold and fungus.
4. Resistance to any pollution. Walls do not attract dust, dirt and do not absorb odors.
5. Absolute environmental friendliness. The product does not include harmful components, which makes it suitable for use in all rooms (without restrictions).
6. Extensive color scheme. The shades of paints for walls (textured type) can be very diverse, which allows you to choose the color for any style of room decoration.
7. A possibility of drawing on any bases.
8. The ability to hide small flaws and surface defects.
Applied textured paint is extremely simple, without the use of any expensive equipment. To create unusual textures, it is possible to add small sawdust or quartz sand to it, which will give the coating a rough relief or create thin lines.
Depending on what effect the owner of the room wants to achieve, one of the following tools is used for application:
• ordinary sponge;
• textured rollers;
• comb;
• metal spatula.
Before applying the composition, the surface is cleaned of debris and old coating. If the walls have deep recesses - they are sealed with putty. An even base is treated with a deep penetration acrylic primer.
The finished mixture is thoroughly kneaded, tinting elements are added, and then re-mixed until color uniformity.
In order to give the coating the desired reliefs, the mixture must be applied with a sufficiently thick layer. Work should be carried out simultaneously on the entire surface of the base. If the wall decoration will be carried out intermittently, the joints of the frozen and new composition may be noticeable.
After drying, the textured paint can be coated with decorating acrylic compositions.
Paint manufacturers
It is difficult enough to make an unambiguous conclusion about which paint for interior walls is the best. When choosing any coating should take into account the specifics of the room in which it will be operated, the characteristics of the product itself and the reliability of the manufacturer. Sometimes expensive products are of lower quality than similar materials (with a lower price tag) from well-known companies.
In today's market you can find coatings of excellent quality from most European manufacturers. For example, Wandfarbe and Dufa paints have shown excellent performance. The Finnish wall paint - Tikkurila and products of the Polish manufacturer under the Sniezka brand are very popular today.
Domestic manufacturers also skillfully withstand competition with foreign products. Excellent quality and availability are distinguished by Russian paints Eurolux, Admiral, Halo, Bindo and others.
How to choose quality paint
If you are considering what paint to paint the walls in the apartment, pay attention to several criteria of your choice:
1. Reviews about the manufacturer.
2. Resistance to various external influences.
3. The complexity or ease of application.
4. Profitability.
To understand whether a particular product is suitable in your case, you can look at its packaging. Typically, the manufacturer indicates on it the main characteristics of the composition and factors that can adversely affect the color fastness and the life of the coating itself.
Do not give preference to very cheap formulations, as a rule, they are the most short-lived.
For example, high-quality matte paint "Halo" has a price tag of 450 rubles per 5-liter bucket. Interior paint "Maestro" will cost about 1400 rubles per 5 liters.
Water-dispersion paints for finishing Oasis internal surfaces have a price tag of 1,700 rubles per 9 liters. The products of the Finnish manufacturer have a higher price tag, which starts at 6,650 rubles per 5 liters.
Domestic water-based paint will cost about 30 rubles per 1 liter, and textured compositions (of good quality) should have a price tag of at least 950 rubles per 18 kg.
In this article, we examined the most popular types of paints, their characteristics and approximate cost. We hope that after reading the above information you have no questions left about their choice. Have a nice shopping and easy repair!