Braces are a modern solution to the aesthetic problems of teeth. With their help, not only children and adolescents, but also adults can find the desired impeccable smile. After all, crooked teeth and malocclusion can seriously affect the health of the body as a whole. In especially serious cases, the face shape changes in patients, problems with the digestive organs begin.
But most often, bracket systems are used for aesthetic purposes, because in the modern world a pleasant smile can solve a lot. So, how are braces placed, and what will you have to face if you decide to correct the bite?
First you need to decide on the clinic and specialist. This service is offered today in very, very many medical institutions. But it is important to choose a truly highly qualified doctor who will not advise too much, but will perform all necessary manipulations in full. Therefore, carefully study the local clinics, collect reviews of acquaintances and friends in order to choose the right doctor. This is the first step to success.
At the first appointment, the doctor must tell you how braces are placed, warn about all the possible consequences and ask your consent for all necessary procedures. Then he should talk about all the existing types of such systems and how to put braces in each case.
Together with your doctor, you will choose the best option. After that, the doctor will make an impression from your jaws. Before
installing braces, the teeth and oral cavity should be brought in full order: no caries, missing teeth,
plaque, stone and gum problems. If such problems exist, the question of how the braces are posed will not be relevant for you.
If everything is in order in the mouth, then the impression is carried out quickly with the help of a special composition and spatula. Installing bracket systems takes about two hours on each jaw. Therefore, the procedure is carried out in two stages. At one time, perform installation on one jaw. Sometimes it happens that due to the characteristics of the bite, simultaneous installation is simply not possible. Before placing braces on the second jaw, you must wait about three months.
The installation itself is the following procedure: the lips are held by special devices, a saliva ejector is installed in the mouth. This is your starting position at the time of installation. Not very comfortable, but it is quite possible to withstand. The doctor glues braces one at a time to each tooth and passes an arc through them. The bracket system, the cost of which today can seriously differ in different clinics, at first is uncomfortable. You will feel pressure on the jaw. At first, pain may even appear. But gradually you get used to it and stop noticing it. But all the sensations are purely individual, depending on the situation. At first, in some cases there is a violation of diction, and you will also have to change the menu and switch to mashed potatoes, cereals and yoghurts. If the system will rub the mucous membrane, the doctor will give you a special wax for lubrication.
When wearing braces, it is important to carefully monitor the
oral hygiene, clean the mouth of food pieces regularly after each intake. Otherwise, correcting the bite, you will find other
problems with the teeth.