Recently, more and more women have to hear about obstruction of the fallopian tubes. You may never have to face a similar problem, but you need to know about it.
Obstruction of the fallopian tubes is a condition when, for one reason or another, an egg that leaves a torn follicle cannot reach its goal and sink into the uterus.
“I have obstruction of the fallopian tubes. How to get pregnant? ”- This is the question often heard by gynecologists in their office.
Normally, a woman has two pipes running from the uterine muscle to the ovaries. It is along this passage that the female cell moves after ovulation. Fertilized or not, it reaches its goal. If this does not happen, it may be about blocking the passage.
Signs of obstruction of the fallopian tubes
In itself, this disease does not make itself felt. It practically does not affect the life and health of women. It is worthwhile to understand in more detail what is obstruction of the fallopian tubes, how to determine its presence.
Pain in the lower abdomen
One of the indirect symptoms of clogging of the fallopian tubes is the discomfort that appeared after the inflammatory process. In this case, adhesions could have formed - thin films that glued the already thin passages.
Prolonged infertility
If a woman who leads a regular sex life without contraceptives cannot become pregnant for a long time, there is a suspicion that there is an obstruction of the fallopian tubes. For a more accurate diagnosis, other factors that may interfere with the onset of conception are first excluded.
When confirming a pathology such as obstruction of the fallopian tubes, no one will tell you how to get pregnant without treatment. That is why a medical correction of this disease is necessary.
How to find out about the presence of obstruction of the fallopian tubes? There are several methods for diagnosing this pathology.
A rather unreliable method by which we can only assume the presence of adhesions in the abdominal cavity according to the displaced position of the organs.
Hysterosalpingography (metrosalpingography)
During this study, a woman is inserted into the uterus with a catheter through which a fluid of a certain color enters. If the contrast medium has left the tubes in the abdominal cavity, then they are passable.
A similar manipulation is carried out under the control of ultrasound or an x-ray machine.
Laparoscopy (or fertiloscopy)
This diagnostic method involves manipulating through incisions in the abdominal cavity or vagina. The advantage of this method is that when a pathology is detected, it can be immediately corrected.
Of course, like any other pathology, obstruction of the fallopian tubes requires medical correction. You should conduct an examination as soon as possible and choose the appropriate tactics. There are several ways to cure obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
Conservative method
Usually, if an inflammatory process is detected, it is eliminated by taking the necessary medications. After this, the patient is prescribed anti-adhesion medications and physiotherapy procedures aimed at resorption of thin films in the female tubes.
It should be noted that this method is effective only if the age of adhesions does not exceed six months.
Perturbation (hydroturbation)
This method of medical correction is quite outdated, but in some institutions it is still carried out. It can also be quite painful for the patient.
The essence of the manipulation is that a woman who is on a gynecological chair is inserted into the uterus tube, air or a special fluid is supplied through the catheter. Under strong pressure, the fallopian tubes straighten, and an independent rupture of adhesions occurs. Manipulation is carried out under the control of an ultrasonic sensor.
The disadvantage of this method of treatment is that there may be a strong stretching of the fallopian tubes and displacement from their usual place.
Surgical method
If after conservative treatment the woman does not feel better or the pregnancy continues to be absent, surgical correction is indicated. With a diagnosis of "Obstruction of the fallopian tubes," the operation can be carried out in two ways:
Both the first and second treatment options are carried out under general anesthesia of the body.
Laparoscopy involves microsurgical surgery. A camera is inserted into the patient’s abdominal cavity, thanks to which the doctor sees everything that happens on the screen. With the help of additional incisions, manipulators are introduced into the stomach, which dissect the commissures. If the films formed in the center of the tube, the surgeon physically cannot get to the desired site. In this case, the fallopian passages are dissected in two places, after which the clogged area is removed, and the healthy ends are sutured.
Laparotomy is a more traumatic operation. During its implementation, a horizontal or vertical incision is made in the lower abdomen, after which the doctor finds the resulting adhesions and dissects them.
The prognosis after surgical treatment is favorable, but the effect of the manipulations does not last long. In a year, repeated adhesions may appear. That is why a woman is recommended to begin pregnancy planning as soon as possible after the obstruction of the fallopian tubes has been eliminated. Folk remedies, however, also cannot be discounted, although one should be careful with them.
What does traditional medicine offer?
Many healers and grandmothers claim that a variety of decoctions and tinctures can cure such a pathology. Herbs such as chamomile, hog uterus, red brush are frequent companions of patients with obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
It is worth recalling that neglect of medicine and the doctor’s advice in favor of folk remedies can turn into rather deplorable consequences and complications. That is why it is not necessary without the recommendation of a doctor to take a variety of tinctures and decoctions in order to cure obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
Many women who have faced a similar problem claim that the most effective treatment is surgery.
After surgical removal of adhesions, 6 infertile couples out of 10 acquire children.
There are also adherents of traditional medicine who claim that conception occurred after they began to take this or that decoction. It was he who helped them cure the obstruction of the fallopian tubes. How to get pregnant, which way to choose? It is better, of course, to consult a doctor for help.
How to get pregnant
Many women who have faced a similar problem panic and believe that they will never feel the joy of motherhood. It is not right. In recent decades, there has been a major breakthrough in the field of medicine, thanks to which there is a chance to have a baby, even if you have obstruction of the fallopian tubes. How to get pregnant? There are two ways:
- treatment after which pregnancy occurs;
- in vitro fertilization.
In the first case, after treatment and medical correction, an independent pregnancy occurs.
The second method is applied, the code surgical intervention did not give positive results.
The method of in vitro fertilization is that a woman is stimulated with ovulation, during which many follicles grow. With the help of a puncture, specialists take them without waiting for the onset of ovulation, after which they are fertilized with male cells in the most favorable conditions.
The cells obtained are monitored for several days, then they are transplanted into the woman's uterus, bypassing the clogged fallopian tubes.
This method has become very popular in recent years. It is thanks to him that many childless couples can have babies.
Many women, with obstruction of the fallopian tubes, can become pregnant, but not always such a conception ends successfully. Having met an egg, the sperm fertilizes it, after which the movement of the resulting set of chromosomes toward the uterus begins. But the existing adhesions do not allow the fetal egg to pass, and as a result, it attaches to the fallopian tube. Since the fallopian tube cannot stretch indefinitely, there comes a time when it ruptures. Such a situation is dangerous for a woman’s life and requires immediate medical attention.
It is worth saying that if you cannot get pregnant for a long time , it makes sense to consult a doctor for a detailed examination. Perhaps you will find obstruction of the fallopian tubes. In this case, it is necessary to conduct treatment, after which a long-awaited pregnancy will occur.