For nursing mothers, many medicines may be contraindicated, despite the fact that their components penetrate in small amounts into breast milk. However, it is not worth taking medications during lactation without first consulting with your doctor.
Dysbacteriosis seriously affects the overall health of not only a nursing mother, but also a child. To normalize the balance in the intestines, doctors recommend taking "Lactofiltrum" while breastfeeding. How is it useful in this crucial period in a woman’s life? Will the drug harm the child? Are there any particularities of taking this drug during breastfeeding? We will answer these and some other questions in this article.
Do not experiment during lactation
Nursing mothers can not experiment with drugs, because now you can put at risk not only your health, but also harm the baby. You yourself will not be able to determine whether the benefit of taking a particular drug exceeds the risk to the health of the baby. After the birth of the baby, follow the main rule - mandatory approval of any medication with the doctor.
Why do you need beneficial bacteria for breastfeeding?
After pregnancy and the birth of a baby, the mother’s body is usually weakened, and therefore susceptible to various diseases. Lactation is also a big expenditure of energy. We should not forget that the woman is very tired of round-the-clock care of the child. All this together leads to a decrease in immunity, which in turn significantly increases the risk of developing many diseases.
Often a weakening of the body leads to an imbalance in the digestive system. Diarrhea develops, women complain of an almost complete lack of appetite and poor general health, worsening mood and decreased activity. The state of the mother is very quickly transmitted to the child. Such a valuable product, which in the modern world can not replace anything like mother's milk, gives the baby the substances necessary for growth and development and inhabits its intestines with beneficial microflora.
Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are actively involved in the digestive process, accelerate the absorption of minerals and vitamins. In addition to these microorganisms, the human intestines also contain pathogenic microflora - staphylococci, yeast-like fungi that actively multiply with a lack of beneficial bacteria. The absorption of harmful substances is very active, digestion is disturbed, various inflammatory processes can occur, immunity is lowered.
Thus, with dysbacteriosis, a nursing mother decreases the nutritional value of milk, since microelements and vitamins are not absorbed by her body and, of course, do not enter breast milk. The baby does not receive beneficial microorganisms and nutrients. As a result, the baby’s immunity suffers, its development is delayed.
More recently, it was believed that the nutritional value and fat content of breast milk directly depends on the culinary preferences of the mother. Today, scientists have proven that this is a fallacy. First of all, the microflora and hormonal background of the intestines of the nursing mother affect the quality of milk.
"Lactofiltrum": instructions for use, reviews
Enterosorbing drug "Lactofiltrum" is based on plant components with antidiarrheal and detoxifying effect. The drug restores the natural bacterial intestinal flora after poisoning with drugs, metabolites, toxic substances.
Enterosorbent is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company Avva Rus in three forms: lozenges, powder for solution, tablets. According to patients' reviews, the Lactofiltrum tablets are most convenient for a long course of treatment. They are dark brown in color with gray or white dots, convex, with a strip in the center.
In one package from one to six blisters for ten tablets. In a plastic bottle - thirty or sixty.
In young mothers, due to a weakened immune system, intestinal microflora are disturbed. "Lactofiltrum" when breastfeeding removes toxins, regulates the balance of the bacterial flora. The composition of the drug includes:
- hydrolytic lignin is a complex compound that is found in plant cells;
- excipients - magnesium stearate and croscarmellose sodium;
- Lactulose - a carbohydrate derived from lactose has a laxative property.
Lignin - binds and removes toxins and pathogenic bacteria. Lactulose - forms a favorable environment for bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. These components stabilize the metabolism and intestinal function. Patients note that when taking the drug:
- the symptoms of dysbacteriosis decrease and then completely disappear (rumbling in the abdomen, diarrhea);
- a protective barrier appears (beneficial microflora);
- signs of allergy disappear;
- vitamins and minerals are more effectively absorbed.
Indications for use
In what situations are Lactofiltrum prescribed to nursing mothers? Application (reviews confirm this) is indicated for the following diseases:
- Dysbacteriosis
- Unstable chair.
- Gastrointestinal Disorders.
- Impaired liver function.
- Colitis.
- Manifestations of allergies.
"Lactofiltrum" during breastfeeding is most often prescribed for dysbiosis, which adversely affects the quality of milk.
It is necessary to find out before using Lactofiltrum during breastfeeding which diseases of the mother can become a contraindication to taking the drug. These include:
- bowel obstruction;
- gastric or intestinal bleeding;
- individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
Many doctors recommend combining Lactofiltrum (instructions, patient reviews confirm this) with other drugs, whose action is also aimed at restoring intestinal microflora. These are probiotics and prebiotics, which contribute to the colonization of the intestines by microorganisms and beneficial bacteria, significantly accelerate the treatment process and improve the general condition of women.
It should be remembered that the simultaneous administration of drugs weakens their effect, thereby reducing the effectiveness of treatment. Therefore, it is recommended that the drugs be taken separately - Lactofiltrum for breastfeeding is taken at intervals of at least one hour with other drugs.
The diet for a nursing mother should first of all meet the interests of the child, the diet during this period should be balanced, containing all the elements necessary for the growth and development of the baby. Comprehensive treatment always gives good results and also as soon as possible. Therefore, when answering the question: “Is it possible to take Lactofiltrum with breastfeeding?”, Experts answer in the affirmative. In addition, this drug has no contraindications during pregnancy, however, doctors recommend using it only for medical reasons.
In each case, the dosage is determined by the attending physician. The instruction recommends that adults take two tablets of the drug three times a day one hour before or after meals. The tablets should be crushed beforehand (this can be done in a spoon) and washed down with a glass of water at room temperature. The preparation in the form of a powder is diluted in 100 ml of water. As a result, you get a uniform suspension.
Do not increase the dosage of Lactofiltrum on breastfeeding. Mom, the reviews suggest this, it threatens constipation, abdominal pain. The child in this case will also experience discomfort (colic, bloating).
A course of treatment
Like dosage, the duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. It usually lasts about two weeks. A course of more than three weeks, as a rule, is not carried out, since prolonged use can interfere with the absorption of vitamins, which will inevitably lead to vitamin deficiency.
Side effects
As a rule, Mom does not cause serious side effects of Lactofiltrum during breastfeeding. In rare cases, bloating, diarrhea, allergic rash caused by the components of the drug are observed. If you have any kind of negative effect after taking this drug, inform your doctor who will either reduce the dosage or select an analogue.
Additional properties
Being interested in whether it is possible to drink "Lactofiltrum" while breastfeeding, many mothers do not know that this drug, in addition to normalizing digestion and strengthening immunity, has another important property: it will significantly improve the appearance of a woman.
After the course of treatment, the skin is cleansed and the skin becomes more elastic, acne disappears. Normalization of metabolism, as well as cleansing the body of toxins, contribute to weight loss, which is especially important if excess weight appears during pregnancy.
Is the effectiveness of the drug comparable with the possible harm?
Lactofiltrum undoubtedly affects the composition of milk. Although the active components of the drug are not absorbed into the blood and do not enter the milk, it still reduces its quality. Along with toxic substances, lingin removes vitamins and minerals from the body. Therefore, the baby does not receive the necessary elements. But it should be noted that this phenomenon is temporary. After treatment, vitamins are quickly replenished with the help of special complexes.
"Lactofiltrum" will not harm the baby if the mother follows simple rules:
- avoid overdose;
- Do not increase the course of treatment yourself;
- do not take the drug for prevention.
In the interests of the baby, the treatment of the mother should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Often, during the course of therapy, the doctor prescribes additional vitamin and mineral complexes specifically designed for women during lactation.
In certain situations, treatment with this drug will be more beneficial than refusing medication. Otherwise, the general condition may worsen. If within a few days the baby does not receive the necessary substances, this will not affect his health. But mother "Lactofiltrum" will help effectively.
Analogues of the drug
If for some reason a woman cannot take Lactofiltrum, the doctor will pick up a similar drug for her. Of lignin-containing products, Polyphepan, Polyphan, and Estegnin are usually prescribed. Of the sorbents, Neosmectite, Diosmectite, Polysorb, Smecta, Enterosorb, Enterosgel possess similar pharmacological properties.
You cannot replace Lactofiltrum yourself with other drugs. Only a specialist can take into account the side effects and contraindications for breastfeeding.
"Lactofiltrum" for breastfeeding: reviews
The vast majority of reviews about the drug are positive. Most nursing mothers claim that Lactofiltrum did not adversely affect their children. In this case, the tool effectively eliminates the symptoms of dysbiosis. Helps to eliminate heartburn, improves skin condition, and even for the course of treatment you can lose a few extra pounds. Some mothers note positive changes in children with problems of childhood diathesis.
The drug receives many positive reviews from mothers who managed to simultaneously establish breastfeeding and improve their health. If, after learning about all the recommendations, having studied numerous reviews, you still doubt whether it is worth using Lactofiltrum, whether you can take it while breastfeeding without harming the baby, many mothers advise you to play it safe a bit.
Taking this medication can be alternated with feeding the baby. "Lactofiltrum" is a drug that does not accumulate, but is rapidly excreted from the body. The interval between taking the medicine and feeding will help you protect the baby from getting the components of the drug into his body. If you notice a change in the condition of the child, immediately stop taking it and inform your doctor.
There are negative reviews about Lactofiltrum, but they are usually associated with the increased expectations that nursing mothers assigned to this remedy in the absence of additional therapy. We should not forget that Lactofiltrum is a sorbent, and its effect will be more effective with the additional use of probiotics.
To summarize
So, we studied the composition and properties of Lacofiltrum and hope that we answered the question of many nursing mothers regarding the possibility of its use during lactation. According to doctors, as well as women who took this drug, breastfeeding and Lactofiltrum are completely compatible. But only with strict adherence to dosages and terms of treatment. Self-medication is never welcomed, but today we considered a special case when not only her well-being, but also the health of a small, helpless and very dear man depends on the observance of the rules of taking the medicine.