Abundant periods - what to do?

From about twelve to thirteen years old, the first menstruation appears in the girl's life. This is the first sign that the body is preparing for the full implementation of its reproductive function. Of course, it is too early to talk about the full maturity of the female genital area, but, nevertheless, from this time on, the girl may hypothetically become pregnant.

The essence of menstruation is simple - the body removes the egg and “rejuvenates” the endometrium, if the sperm has not penetrated the uterus and has not connected with its cherished “second half”. Usually, girls at first often often come across the question: what to do if menstruation goes on? There are no special tricks in this and the mother should teach the child some rules. First, more thorough care of the genitals. Secondly, a sufficient number of gasket changes. Thirdly, compliance with the correct sleep and rest regimen and a varied high-calorie diet, as the body weakens with blood loss. Some girls may have problems with facial skin before menstruation - this is how the body reacts to hormonal changes that occur before menstruation. Therefore, it is important to carefully treat such problems, wash yourself with a special antibacterial soap, so that there are no suppurations.

The nature of menstruation is different. Some researchers are of the opinion that the amount of blood and sensations during menstruation are inherited: if the mother had abundant periods, then the daughter will have the same. So, by nature, menstruation is plentiful, normal and meager. Usually, at the first time the appearance of menstruation, there is no need to talk about a constant number of them - the cycle is only being established, abundant monthly periods can become normal and vice versa.

Usually the biggest problem is caused by abundant periods, although meager ones can talk about violations in the sexual sphere of the girl. If heavy periods come , stomach ache - what to do? Often the issue is solved by taking painkillers that relieve uterine spasm and relax the muscles. However, the question is not completely addressed - it is important to know why there are plentiful periods, what should be done to regulate the cycle?

One of the most common causes of heavy periods is hormonal disorder. Moreover, it is not necessary that "local" hormones take part here - a failure can also occur in the cerebral cortex. In this case, often plentiful periods can contain not only blood, but also clots - endometrial exfoliation. A similar pathology may also indicate endometriosis, a fairly common disease that young girls encounter. Endometriosis is an abnormal, excessive growth of the lining of the uterus tissue, which suffers during menstruation, exfoliates. With endometriosis, girls can feel significant soreness in specific parts of the lower abdomen. Actual question: plentiful periods, what to do? There is no need to panic and make independent false conclusions, because in order to accurately establish the cause, it is necessary to undergo an examination with a doctor who will accurately determine the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

When heavy periods come, what can not be done? First of all, vasodilator drugs and blood thinners cannot be used - in this case, blood loss will only increase. Also, you can not put a heating pad on the stomach in order to alleviate unpleasant sensations.

If there are no painful sensations, there are no blood clots, and the number of secretions decreases after a couple of days, then most likely such menstruation is an individual feature of the girl. Such constant abundant periods, what to do with them? In this case, it is worth taking the process for granted, and take care of hygiene during menstruation.

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