Proper face care

Modern life requires a woman to keep her beauty and youth as long as possible. This allows you to feel more confident not only in your personal life, but also in building a career. Not each of us can boast of the beauty given by nature, but to look well-groomed by all forces. To do this, you need to not only monitor your figure and wardrobe, but also pay special attention to appearance.

How to care for face skin? A lot of useful information can be found on the site. .

However, there are a number of rules that are mandatory for everyone who wants to have healthy, beautiful skin:

  1. You should accurately determine your skin type. With a combined type of skin, you need to know the features of the skin in various parts of the face. This is important in order to subsequently choose the right cosmetics for face care. Even homemade face masks are prepared according to various recipes for dry and oily skin.
  2. Many on the face, in addition to the skin around the eyes and lips, have patches of skin that are especially sensitive to skin care products. In order not to provoke irritation and redness of the skin. It is advisable to use hypoallergenic products or creams for the skin of the eyelids.
  3. Skin cleansing should be carried out regularly, and by means of the most gentle on the skin.
  4. The skin around the eyes is very thin and primarily suffers from improper care. Therefore, do not neglect special means. The main requirement is daily removal of makeup from the eyes.
  5. Deep cleansing of the face allows you to remove the mask from dead cells from the face, renews the skin. Peeling products must be selected in accordance with the type of skin and in no case cause irritation. It is preferable to use drugs with a neutral pH.
  6. Moisturizing is necessary for dry skin in the summer, regardless of age, and after 35 years, this procedure becomes mandatory for everyone. This is due to age-related changes in skin cells. On hot days, it is advisable to periodically moisturize the face with thermal water.
  7. It is important to provide the skin with reliable protection against ultraviolet radiation. It is he who provokes premature aging, and sometimes also causes a severe allergic reaction.
  8. Strong full night's sleep. No wonder the beauty was sleeping.
  9. It is necessary to stop smoking, avoid stress, monitor weight.
  10. Carefully monitor the skin of the lips. To do this, it is not necessary to use hygienic lipstick, it is enough to lubricate the lips in the evenings with honey or any restorative cream.

Of course, taking care of yourself is a job. But the result will delight the eyes of others, allow you to lose a few years and make a woman feel like a queen.

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