How to draw Angry Birds step by step

The hit of the Finnish company Rovio called Angry Birds ("Angry Birds") has long won the hearts of young gamers. The plot of a simple computer game is based on the fact that cunning green pigs steal eggs from birds to cook an omelette for their king, and angry birds mercilessly destroy their offenders. The goal of the birds is to knock down all the guinea pigs that are comfortably placed on various structures from the slingshot. Entered the market in December 2009, the arcade is constantly updated with new series and characters. Today she has special versions. In 2012, the Angry Birds acted as the mascot of the World Hockey Championship.

The bird family, as well as their grunting rivals, have become idols of the children's audience. Books, souvenirs, dishes, stationery, clothes and accessories with the image of your favorite heroes can be found everywhere. The logical question is how to draw "Angry Birds" - the favorite characters of the famous game.

how to draw engry birds

Draw a sketch of the brave Red

One of the main characters here can be called a red bird named Red. Let's look at how to draw an Angry Birds bird. Let's start with the circle. Divide it by two intersecting lines into four parts so that the center of intersection is placed on the left side of the circle. At this point, the eyes and beak of an angry bird will converge. Let us depict two eyes adjacent to each other on the "equator" of our ball, that is, on the horizontal line encircling it. Directly above the eyes, draw two converging rectangles of the character's angrily frowning eyebrows . Under the eyes of Red is a beak. Create it by depicting two adjacent triangles - the upper one will be slightly elongated.

how to draw engry birds step by step

We complete the drawing of the red bird

Before we draw the “Angry Birds” (Red) mischievous crest, we remove the excess lines with an eraser. The crest consists of two laterally tipped feather-eyelets on the crown of the bird. On the right, on the outer line of the circle, at the level of the hero’s eyes, draw a tail. It consists of three fat short stripes. The character is almost ready. It remains to finish the tummy - a semicircle at the level of the beak, and specks under the eyes and cheeks. The last step is coloring. It will require red, pear, beige, burgundy and black. We put the first one on the body of Red, the second we use for the beak, we color the tummy with beige, and the spots near the eyes with burgundy. Black color is needed for the tail, eyebrows and pupils of the bird. Here's how to draw Angry Birds in stages in eight basic steps. And immediately the decisive, quick-tempered and strong-willed character of this fighter for bird rights becomes visible .

What a narcissistic Chuck looks like

Another interesting bird is Chuck, it is cone-shaped and yellow in color. About the character it is known that this is a careless and impulsive hero, the theft of eggs causes him an explosion of inconceivable rage. How to draw a yellow Angry Birds named Chuck? Let's start with the cone. Mentally divide it across into two parts and at the bottom we will begin to depict frowning eyebrows and beak. Draw eyebrows with thick stripes that converge to the center, but do not close together. Chuck's beak looks the same as that of Red - two triangles bordering the sides, the upper of which is longer.

how to draw an engry birds bird
With two semicircles extending from under the eyebrows, we depict the character's eyes with small black dots of the pupils. Note that, unlike Red's sparkling righteous anger, Chuck's eyes are not set so close together. On the top of the triangular figure, we will depict a pointed tuft of three feathers. Exactly the same feathers stick out on the side of Chuck as a tail. Under the beak, we note the belly of the bird. Now let's colorize our hero. It is yellow, the belly is white, the beak is orange, the eyebrows are light brown. The crest and tail of the bird are black.

On the other side of the front

How to draw "Angry Birds" (characters of the game) with piglets? Pigs are sworn enemies of birds. When those fail to defeat them, the green pigs laugh maliciously. Let's draw one of the representatives of the enemy camp.

Draw a green pig

how to draw engry birds pencil

Let's start with the circle too. Let's draw it into four parts according to the example with Red, only the horizontal line will be located above the line of the "equator". On the vertical line in the lower part of the circle we draw a flattened smaller circle - the future pig piglet. In the upper part of the circle we denote by circles drowning in the cheeks, two wide-set eyes, let the pupils look mischievously a little to the side. Under the patch of curved line depict the mouth.

how to draw engry birds

On the patch we sketch two ovals of the nostrils. Then we draw the loops-ears that are not far from each other on the top of the head. Let us complement the character’s appearance with details: we will depict teeth and tongue, half-circles raised surprised eyebrows.

Having learned about how to draw "Angry Beards" with a pencil, we will try to colorize the hero of the cult game with paints. The bright green color is suitable for the body of the pig, for the patch we take light green paint, the tongue will be red, and the holes of the mouth, nostrils and ears will be painted black. So one of the opponents of our cheerful and brave fighters Angry Birds is ready.

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