Do I need to treat milk teeth: dentist's advice

There is a widespread belief that it is not necessary to treat milk teeth, as they will still fall out and be replaced by other teeth. But it’s not so simple. So is it necessary to treat milk teeth? Many parents are particularly interested in this. There are some nuances in this matter. This will be discussed further.

Do I need to treat milk teeth?

According to dentists, milk teeth play an important role in the formation of the jaw in a child. They are the basis for the future, which will come to replace them. In the case when the child loses milk teeth too early, this affects the development of his jaw. It should also be remembered that future permanent teeth are formed directly in the place where the milk teeth are located. Therefore, there is a chance that the infection will spread to the gums. And this will negatively affect future teeth. In this case, new ones will grow already infected with the infection.

Do I need to treat milk teeth

Therefore, the answer to the question of whether milk teeth should be treated will be in the affirmative. In connection with the foregoing, it should be concluded that temporary incisors need careful care and treatment until the time comes when they fall out. Usually the age period in which a change of teeth occurs is 9-10 years. The front teeth begin to fall out earlier, namely at the age of seven. Usually in the first grade, children come with missing front ones.

Maybe you can delete it?

Do I need to treat milk teeth or can I remove them? If you tear out the incisors affected by caries, this will lead to malocclusion in the child, improper development of the jaw. A similar phenomenon will be a big problem. This is due to the fact that the process of digesting food is disrupted. As a consequence of this, stomach and intestinal diseases can occur. Also, with an incorrect bite, the aesthetics of the face are violated.

Preventative measures

Children's teeth are highly susceptible to caries. This is due to the fact that the enamel is not strong enough and is easily exposed to carious effects. The final formation of enamel occurs by the age of twelve.

Do I need to treat milk teeth in children

Due to the fact that the enamel in young children does not have sufficient strength, caries has an instant spread on the teeth. Young children should carefully monitor their oral cavity. It is necessary to carry out actions related to its hygiene. You need to brush your teeth in the morning and evening every day. Also, after eating, you should teach your child to rinse his mouth. Sometimes these measures can not protect the baby from tooth decay.

Despite the fact that modern medicine is constantly evolving, a tool has not yet been invented that would protect the teeth from tooth decay. In this regard, parents need to take preventive measures in order to avoid its occurrence.

Do I need to treat milk teeth in 5 years? If the child allows, then it should. Otherwise, it is worthwhile to take other measures to prevent caries.
Is it necessary to treat milk teeth in 4 years? It is still advisable to conduct therapy.

Using a laser

In order to get rid of the carious effect on children's teeth, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics through special tests. Examination of incisors allows you to make a forecast of the risks of an ailment for a child, taking into account its individual characteristics. One way to diagnose is a laser. With it, the dentist can diagnose the localization of infected bacteria and prevent their further impact on the tooth. Caries may not be noticeable during a routine examination.

Do I need to treat milk teeth in 5

In this case, with the help of a laser, the doctor will see the spread of infection on the baby's teeth. The device looks like a small lamp. With the help of such a device, a tooth is scanned. It is carried out from all sides. Upon detection of caries, the device emits a sound signal. This suggests that there are bacteria on the tooth. The latter contribute to the spread of this disease.

A number of European countries are constantly testing the condition of their teeth in children. Seals are not allowed there, since problems are identified at the initial stage. Examination of teeth with a laser does not cause any pain in the child and is tolerated without fear. Also, using this method, an assessment of the effectiveness of treatment is carried out. The results of the examination of the condition of the teeth allow you to assign individual preventive measures aimed at strengthening the enamel, the withdrawal of microorganisms that contribute to the formation of an adverse environment. Also, through preventive measures, a protective barrier to the spread of harmful bacteria can be made.

Treatment of caries with ozone. Do I need to treat tooth decay?

When the detection of caries occurs at an early stage, there is the possibility of completely restoring the dental tissue. One effective treatment is to use a gas such as ozone. Its action is that it kills bacteria that contribute to the spread of caries in the oral cavity of a person. This is due to the fact that ozone has a high oxidizing effect.

Do I need to treat milk teeth in 4

The action of ozone is very fast. For half a minute, it saves a person from all harmful bacteria. The introduction of ozone into the growth cavity is carried out through a special silicone cup. It is very soft and does not cause any discomfort. After the ozonation procedure is carried out, a special composition is applied to the teeth. Another property of ozone is that it activates the metabolic processes in the body. Therefore, the applied substance is quickly absorbed and will have a positive effect on the condition of the teeth.

It is well known that caries more often occurs on teeth that have been treated. This is due to the fact that bacteria can remain in the tooth cavity. Tooth treatment with ozone will help prevent the recurrence of tooth decay.

Tooth silvering

Another way to help young children in the fight against tooth decay is the silvering of the teeth. During this procedure, the baby’s teeth are treated with a special solution, which includes silver. This procedure is used to prevent the further spread of caries. Usually it is done to children under 3 years old.

Do I need to treat milk teeth in 6

Silvering is usually carried out at the initial stage of development of caries. Also, this procedure is an alternative to treatment. Quite often, children do not allow the dentist to treat their teeth. Then they make silvering. You should be aware that this procedure is not a treatment. The action of this procedure is aimed at stopping the spread of carious infection. This procedure should be repeated after six months so that its effect is effective. The procedure does not cause any discomfort in the child. It is done fairly quickly. The dentist uses a cotton swab to apply the solution to affected teeth.

There are a number of drawbacks to the procedure.

Do I need to treat tooth decay

Silvering is believed to be ineffective for chewing teeth. However, if other therapeutic measures are not carried out, then it is advisable to do this procedure. It will have an antimicrobial effect for a certain time.

The disadvantages of silvering include the dark color of the teeth after the procedure. However, for children this does not matter much. Therefore, you can do this procedure.
Silvering is useless if the child has deep caries. Such a tooth lesion should be treated in another way.


Now you know the answer to the question of whether to treat milk teeth at 6 and 5 years old. Now let's talk about one good method. In addition to silvering, there is such a procedure as deep fluorination. It does not cause any pain in the child. The solution that is applied to the teeth has a high fluorine content. During this procedure, the child’s teeth remain white.

Fluoridation refers to preventative measures for tracking teeth. It cannot be attributed to treatment. This procedure has contraindications. They consist in the fact that it can not be done to those people whose place of residence refers to the area where there is an increased content of fluoride. It is customary to use it only when the child has caries present as a white spot. At this stage of the disease, the effect of the procedure will be. The decision on the use of a particular technique is made by the dentist after examining the patient.

How to prepare your child for a dentist?

Not every adult goes with pleasure to this doctor. And children are doubly afraid of this doctor. Therefore, you should have a conversation with your child before visiting a doctor. Tell him that the dentist will look at the teeth, clean them. It will be better to visit a doctor more often.

Do I need to treat Komarovsky milk teeth

For example, every 3 months. The fact is that in a child all processes in the body go much faster than in adults. Therefore, it is necessary to inspect as often as possible. The more often a child will come to the dental office, the less fear he will have for dentists.

What does Komarovsky think?

Do I need to treat milk teeth? Komarovsky has an opinion on this issue. He believes that milk teeth must be treated. Silvering can be used in the early stages of caries. If the process went further, then the tooth should be filled.


Is pulpitis on milk teeth treated? Of course. Pulpitis is a neglected form of caries that affects the pulp. How to treat this disease, determines the attending physician, depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the mental state of the child.


Now you know the answer to the exciting question of whether to treat milk teeth in children. We hope that the information in this article has been helpful.

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