Competent paper abstract

An essay is the simplest form of student writing. In this case, a large amount of in-depth analysis is not required.

The student has the right to independently choose a topic of his choice from the proposed list and coordinate it with his teacher. Next, you need to study the problem, reading the materials on the topic. Based on the analysis of the selected literature, it is logical to state the essence of the problem in this essay. If you yourself do not have time to complete the work on time, employees Univerest.Ru always ready to quickly and competently fulfill your order.

It is generally accepted that educational institutions adhere to the rules of the state standard for research work when drawing up requirements for abstracts. Since this GOST applies to the scientific sector and does not cover the humanitarian profile, the student, when performing work, must follow the recommendations set out in the manual on the discipline being studied.

The paper should have a standard structure:

  1. first page - title page;
  2. second page - content;
  3. third page - introduction (1-2 pages);
  4. the main part, consisting of several sections (12-15 pages);
  5. conclusion (1-3 pp.);
  6. Bibliography.

Content - a list of all sections of the work, drawn up in strict sequence, with the indication of the pages. Numbering is assigned to each page, on the title page - not affixed.

In the introduction, it is necessary to state the purpose and objectives of this work, the rationale why you chose this particular topic.

The number of sections in the main part depends on the requirements in the training manual, and at the same time should be sufficient for a complete presentation of the material of the selected topic.

An important part of the work is the conclusion! In it, the student draws conclusions, gives his suggestions on the topic of the essay. The conclusion should be logical, clear and to the point: from one to three pages.

The work is printed on A4 sheets in black ink. We recommend the font Times New Roman (most often the 14th size) and one and a half spacing between lines. Alignment of the general text in width and indentation from the beginning of the paragraph - 1.25 cm are accepted.

Titles are always highlighted in bold, and no end is required. In the work, if necessary, you can use the drawings, formulas and tables, not forgetting their numbering.

The list of used literature is compiled according to the generally accepted bibliographic description of the document.

Remember that each of your work, from an essay to a graduation project, requires the ability to think logically and correctly express your thoughts!

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