"WebMoney" certificate: how to get it? Instructions for obtaining Webmoney certificates. Credit "WebMoney" with a formal certificate

Using electronic currency greatly facilitates the life of a modern person. Shopping in online stores, paying utility bills, money transfers and much more has now become available to everyone who has access to the Internet. In this article, you will learn all about the most popular payment system "WebMoney".

What is WebMoney?

webmoney certificate

The electronic payment system "WebMoney" (from the English WebMoney) was created in 1998 and has been successfully operating to this day. According to data for 2015, the number of accounts in the system reached 25 million. Among Runet users, more than 40% are registered in the WebMoney system.

The virtual currency allows you to conduct any cash transactions online, which makes it mobile and most convenient to use. In addition, WebMoney allows you to issue loans with a low percentage per annum.

How to register WebMoney

In order to create your own account in the system, you only need a valid e-mail, mobile phone number and a strong password. The latter should be given special attention, since recently cases of account hacking have become more frequent.

On the official website of "WebMoney" you need to go to the registration section and specify all the data. After that, an SMS message with a one-time code to identify the account will be sent to the mobile phone number. Thus, the user confirms that he is a real person, not a computer program. In addition, a telephone number will be used in the future to confirm payment transactions.

Immediately after registration, an access to your personal account becomes available, in which it is proposed to select a currency for creating an account. For the convenience of making purchases and currency exchange, it is recommended to create two types of accounts at once - ruble and dollar, which in the nomenclature "WebMoney" are designated as WMR and WMZ. The service of opening an account is absolutely free, as well as the maintenance of the system.

how to get a formal webmoney certificate

WebMoney in a mobile phone

In order to make payments anywhere in the world, you can install a special application "WebMoney", which is available for the operating systems Android, Windows and iOS. Maintenance of the application is absolutely free and requires only confirmation of the login and password.

After installing WebMoney mobile, a user can transfer funds and pay for services directly from his phone. The main condition is the availability of an Internet connection.

How to fund WebMoney account

You can transfer money to the WebMoney account in the following ways:

  • Make a bank transfer or transfer money from a card.
  • Deposit money through a payment terminal that supports WebMoney.
  • Transfer money from another WebMoney account.
  • Use the services of an intermediary by paying a commission for depositing funds.

You can top up your account without even having a "WebMoney" certificate. However, for operations in the future it will be needed.

webmoney certificate

Integration "WebMoney" in other services

Many network users have several electronic wallets in different systems at once. This allows you to transfer money between accounts in cases where payment is required on certain services that support only one virtual currency.

The second most popular in Russia is the Kiwi Wallet, which allows you to make money transactions directly from your mobile phone account. In addition, Qiwi is the first unique electronic currency in the space of the CIS countries.

In order to integrate WebMoney and Qiwi accounts, you need to go through the procedure for identifying both accounts, which requires confirmation of the identity of the account holder. This is done to ensure security and to prevent hacking and transferring money to the accounts of attackers.

However, if for identification in the Qiwi system you just need to fill in the passport data in your account, then in WebMoney you need to receive a special certificate.

how to get a webmoney certificate

Certificates "WebMoney"

A digital passport, which contains all the information about the account holder, is called a WebMoney certificate. Such a document allows you to adjust the status of the system participant and the degree of trust in him from other users. Therefore, the question of how to obtain a WebMoney certificate becomes very relevant when registering for a payment resource.

In total there are 11 WebMoney certificates:

  • Alias ​​certificate. This is the very first step, which is assigned to absolutely all users immediately after registration. The monthly cash flow limit at this stage is 30,000 WMR, which can only be carried out internally. It is not possible to make purchases or pay bills with a pseudonym status.
  • Formal certificate "WebMoney" - the second and most important step. This level have 80% of users of the system who are individuals. Formal certificate "WebMoney" allows you to withdraw funds from the system, pay any bills and increase cash flow up to 50 000 rubles per month.
  • The initial certificate "WebMoney" - a paid digital passport for businessmen and individual entrepreneurs. The cost of this level is about 5 dollars. In this case, the limit of funds increases to 90,000 WMR. The user receives many functions that allow you to control funds and conduct a virtual calculation of expenses.
  • Professional or personal certificate "WebMoney" - the highest level. The cost of this level ranges from 10 to 50 dollars, while all WebMoney tools are available and the ability to fully and officially conduct remote business. The fourth step is divided into several components indicating a narrow focus of user activity: seller, currency operator, developer, registrar and so on.

webmoney formal certificate

How to get a formal certificate "WebMoney"

To get more opportunities in the electronic currency system, you need to get the second level of certificate. Simple instructions will help solve the problem of how to get a WebMoney certificate. This will require a minimum set of documents and some free time.

After entering your personal account you need to select the section "WebMoney Certification Center". In the window that opens, the function "Get a formal certificate" will appear. By clicking on the function, you will be taken to the field for filling in personal data, where you need to specify the full name, date of birth, place of registration, passport number and series, TIN code. Please note that all data must match the information in real documents.

After filling out the questionnaire, select "Download copies of documents." In this section, you need to upload to the server a scan of all pages of the passport and TIN. If there is no way to make a copy of the documents, then you can simply take a picture of them. The main thing is that the image is clear, and the moderator can compare the authenticity of the data.

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12-72 hours after the documents are uploaded to the server, a notification should be sent to your account about confirmation or rejection of the application for the assignment of a formal certificate. A refusal comes only if the data stated in the questionnaire do not match the documents.

In order to check the status of your certificate, you just need to go to your personal account. In the upper right corner next to the personal WMID number will be indicated "WebMoney" certificate.

Can I get a loan in virtual currency

Recently, many services began to offer virtual loans. And now any Internet user can take a loan "WebMoney". A formal certificate in this case will be a guarantee of trust and confirmation of the personal data of the borrower.

The interest rate of the system is 12% per annum with a loan of more than 200 US dollars. Only owners of a personal or initial certificate with a high business level in the system can get such a loan. Therefore, if you are interested in a WebMoney loan with a formal certificate, you should not count on a large amount.

In any case, receiving "money to paychecks" around the world is a very convenient function. Especially now that there is an opportunity to get a loan without leaving your home. The main condition is to repay the funds borrowed from the system on time.

Loan "WebMoney" with a formal certificate

To apply for a loan, you need to submit an application in your WebMoney account. To do this, select the “Loan issue” item and indicate the amount that you need.

When checking the application, the moderator will take into account all factors: the number of monetary transactions for the entire time of using WebMoney, the absence of debts to other organizations and the presence of positive feedback from other participants in the system.

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After confirming the issuance of a loan, which takes from 12 to 24 hours, a wallet with the name D or C is automatically created, from which the debt to the system will be debited. Remember that you need to specify in advance the period for which you can repay your loan so that in the future there are no problems with administrators.

How to withdraw WebMoney in cash

A positive decision to grant a loan is certainly good news. But then another question immediately arises: "How to cash the money received?" To do this, if there is a WebMoney certificate, the payment system offers several options:

  • Transfer to a bank account or card.
  • Withdrawal of funds through the Russian Post.
  • Withdraw through another currency system, for example, Qiwi.
  • Transfer to the account of an intermediary who will withdraw money in an accessible way.

Some payment systems, for example, Yandex.Money, offer a plastic card service for withdrawing money through an ATM.

webmoney loan with a formal certificate

What to do if a WebMoney account is hacked

Unfortunately, such incidents are quite common. In order for your WebMoney account not to be attacked by cybercriminals, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. When registering, come up with the most difficult password. For this purpose, it is best to use a virtual password generator that allows you to create complex combinations of letters and numbers.
  2. Do not leave information about your wallet on suspicious resources.
  3. Do not make payments on sites whose integrity you doubt. Before buying, be sure to check the resource for a WebMoney certificate.
  4. Do not add dubious wallets to your contact list.

Of course, it is difficult to completely secure your money. And if your account was nevertheless hacked, then you need to immediately change the password and contact technical support. However, judging by the reviews on the network, moderators can not always track the transfer of funds and identify the fact of hacking or theft. Therefore, you should not particularly rely on the conscientious work of the service and try not to keep large amounts in a virtual wallet if possible.

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Can I remove WebMoney?

The disadvantage of an electronic payment system is that it is impossible to delete your data and accounts. After assigning a formal certificate, all information remains forever on the resource. Perhaps the creators of WebMoney use this method to attract more customers and set up a database of mailing addresses for spamming.

Trying to delete your data completely is possible only after a personal appeal to the WebMoney office in Moscow. But, you must admit, not every network user has such an opportunity. Therefore, before registering in the system, weigh all its advantages and disadvantages.

Other electronic currency systems

As mentioned earlier, along with WebMoney, Kiwi Wallet is very popular in Russia. Despite the fact that this payment system does not have a deletion function, it has a number of advantages. Firstly, these are instant payments anywhere in the world. Secondly, convenient integration with any payment systems and quick identification. Thirdly, the possibility of obtaining a loan is the same as a WebMoney loan with a formal certificate.

personal certificate webmoney

Yandex.Money is also in demand among residents of the CIS countries. The main advantage of this resource is the issuance of a plastic card, thanks to which you can withdraw cash at any ATM in the city.

Less popular are electronic payment systems such as PayPal, Payeer, PerfectMoney, which are more suitable for currency transactions with foreign resources.

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