Eugene Baglyk: reviews. Facebuilding - exercises for the face at home

The first woman to give the age of her face. And even if she will have a slender figure, which regular training in the gym, shining eyes and an inexhaustible desire to create and live a full life allow to support, however, sufficiently deep nasolabial folds, a fuzzy oval of the face and crow's feet will certainly indicate the number of years lived.

In this case, do not rush and operate heavy artillery in the form of plastic and Botox. Turn the years back and tighten the skin will allow regular exercise for the face.

three persons of different ages

It is worth noting that the beneficial effects of gymnastics on facial muscles were noted in ancient India. And from that period, such a practice has been developing steadily, has undergone numerous transformations and divided into various directions. One of them is the school of Eugenia Baglyk. It is presented on the YouTube channel in the form of videos demonstrating face exercises and introducing subscribers to the techniques for their implementation.

Judging by the numerous reviews, Evgenia Baglyk is constantly working to diversify the material. In addition, she constantly invites guests who share with the audience their massage and facial care secrets, thanks to which it is not difficult for a woman to maintain a young and flowering look.

The emergence of ideas

Evgenia Baglyk began working on face exercises during the period when she was a fitness trainer. One of the clients complained to the girl about the short-term results that she received from cosmetic procedures. But how wonderful it would be if a person’s face was in accordance with his body taut after training!

Evgenia Baglyk

This conversation made the girl think. After all, the muscles of our body become stronger due to physical activity. How do they differ from those located in the face? And if you select the load correctly, then you can increase their volume. And this will allow the skin to tighten, preventing its age-related “dripping”.

And despite her not yet mature age, Evgenia Baglyk began to develop the idea of ​​prolonging youth. At first, the girl shared it with her mother and received full support from her. In addition, she also agreed to become the first model for the beginning coach. This was the beginning of the path to the development of a new teaching methodology. Eugene began to study the structure of each muscle, as well as the synergism of their action during active facial expressions. She also attended various practices that teach the technique of rejuvenation, which contributed to her knowledge of the world experience accumulated by mankind in this direction. And only after obtaining the necessary knowledge and conducting personal research, Evgenia Baglyk created her own, unlike other method of eliminating age-related changes in facial skin. Each movement of the technique she created was developed based on the structure of the muscles and taking into account the optimal load necessary to obtain a positive result.

What is facebook building for?

On the face of a person there are 57 different muscles that lose their elasticity over the years. The peculiarity of their anatomy is such that they are all woven into the dermis with their fibers. It is thanks to this that a person has the opportunity to consciously change facial expression. But when the muscle tone at rest begins to weaken with age, the fibers stretch. This leads to sagging of the corresponding areas of the skin. Under the force of gravity, folds are formed on the neck, darting or “bulldog cheeks”, nasolabial wrinkles appear and ptosis (overhanging of the upper eyelid) forms. What should be done to avoid this unpleasant process and to delay aging for as long as possible? To do this, keep your muscles in good shape.

Gymnastics for the face of Eugenia Baglyk is based on a simple, but no less than brilliant idea. The author of the methodology proposes to purposefully train facial muscles, which will help maintain them in a constant tone. Unlike bodybuilding, in this case the goal is not to increase the volume of muscles. That is why the ongoing changes do not change the shape of the face, but only return them to those that were inherent in a person in his youth.

It is worth noting that training facial muscles is not a new procedure. After all, Facebook emerged almost a hundred years ago, so that people could get rid of the first signs of aging. Such exercises are suitable not only for women, but also for men. They do not have age restrictions. The technique is designed in such a way that all facial muscles are involved in the movement. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to obtain the most effective result.

Performing Facebook building exercises, any person can quite easily correct those parts of the face that seem to him imperfect. For example, remove the second chin, add volume to the cheeks and adjust the shape of the cheekbones. Why do we need Facebook building? Such training allows you to:

  • preserve youth by maintaining the tone of the muscles of the face;
  • improve skin condition due to increased blood flow during exercise;
  • smooth out problem areas and adjust the face shape;
  • eliminate subcutaneous fat.

Judging by the reviews, the result of such exercises will not be long in coming. The first changes become noticeable two weeks after the start of training. And if classes are held regularly and correctly, then after a few months a person begins to look 5-10 years younger.

Component Techniques

You can master Facebook building with Eugenia Baglyk by watching video tutorials in which the author of this technique gives a detailed description of the principle of work with each part of the face. Thanks to the visual demonstration of exercises, users not only monitor the technique of their implementation, but also control the correctness of movements. However, opening a video every time is not always convenient. That is why it is recommended to keep on hand also textual descriptions of the necessary exercises and consult them when conducting a workout.

What is Facebook building with Eugenia Baglyk? This is a whole system consisting of many complexes that allow you to work out all the problem areas. It includes:

  • training for the nose and forehead;
  • correction of the second chin and face contour;
  • gymnastics for cheekbones and cheeks;
  • a set of exercises that allows you to work with the area around the lips;
  • training of periorbital zones;
  • gymnastics performed for the lower face.

Features of the technique

Face fitness with Evgenia Baglyk is not just a technique for performing certain movements. These are classes that allow you to discover the inner world of a person who has to love himself. Work on the face requires patience, perseverance and painstaking work. And the one who abandons classes without seeing a week later in the mirror the desired forms is absolutely wrong.

Facebook building with Eugenia Baglyk (and reviews of many users confirm this) allows you to:

  • get rid of puffiness, which occurs due to improved outflow of lymph;
  • relieve facial muscle tension;
  • to develop control of facial expressions;
  • achieve a smooth forehead and a clear oval face;
  • smooth nasolabial folds ;
  • remove wrinkles;
  • clearly outline the cheekbones;
  • raise the upper eyelid, making the eyes more expressive and wider.

General recommendations

Gymnastics with Eugenia Baglyk has no age restrictions. Its implementation is recommended to people based on their individual needs. For example, you can choose for yourself exercises that will allow you to correct some of the shortcomings. If desired, a set of classes is selected that allows you to maintain and extend youth.

Evgeni Baglyk recommends that you perform gymnastics for the face in the morning. Indeed, at this time, the body, which had just begun to wake up, was still relaxed. Thanks to this, he maximally absorbs the benefits of Facebook building, since with a relaxed body only one person will work.

woman looking in the mirror

To perform the exercises, Evgenia Baglyk will need to be in front of the mirror. This will allow you to control each movement at all stages and follow the instructions exactly. In this case, it is important not to overwork the muscles, which can harm them. That is why it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations of the author of the methodology on the exposure time and frequency of repetitions.

If you follow all the minimum rules of gymnastics Eugenia Baglyk, according to reviews who have applied this technique, after a month of regular work you can enjoy your young and beautiful face.


The complex of exercises of Eugenia Baglyk, like any aerobic load, has its own limitations. So, women who have fillers should not start it. It is not recommended to perform such exercises after Botox injections. The fact is that due to the acceleration of blood circulation, drugs will begin to dissolve faster. Do not start classes:

  • after plastic surgery;
  • with hypertension;
  • in case of existing diseases associated with facial nerves;
  • with febrile illness during SARS.

In the case when there are pathologies of the thyroid gland, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of exercises for the neck. This will eliminate the risk of exacerbation of the disease.

The most requested exercises

In our turbulent age, when a person constantly does not have enough time, far from everyone is able to complete the full course of Evgenia Baglyk.

image of problem areas on the face

How, then, to engage in your beauty and youth? For such people, Eugenia Baglyk singled out the most popular exercises, for which five to ten minutes are enough. Let's consider them in more detail.

Elimination of nasolabial folds

How to deal with such age-related changes? To do this, you need to open your mouth and lower your lower jaw. The lips should take the form of an even oval. This will cause the skin to stretch in the area of ​​the nasolabial, upper cheeks and cheekbones. When performing this movement, it is important to ensure that the lower lip and chin are not in tension. In this position, you must remain for 10 seconds. After that, you can relax. Performing such an exercise requires 5-6 repetitions. You need to do it daily. It is recommended to perform exercises for the face (Facebook building) at home in the morning. However, additional benefits will be obtained if such movements are made several times a day when there is free time for this.

Cheek work

The starting position for performing this exercise for the face of Eugenia Baglyk is the same as in the previous case. That is, the lips should form an oval, and the lower part of the face should be relaxed.

exercises for nasolabial folds

Next, you need to bend all the fingers on both hands, except the index and middle. They need to be pressed to the inner surface of the cheeks, adhering to the direction from the corner of the mouth to the angle of the lower jaw. In this case, it is necessary to retract the cheeks by pressing on them with your fingers. Under the middle finger should be a working chewing muscle. It is necessary to perform movements 25-30 times, making 2-3 approaches. It is important at the same time to ensure that the lip contours remain and a feeling of tension arises.

Chin and neck lift

To perform these exercises for the face (Facebook building) at home, you will need to sit on the edge of the chair. The back and shoulders should remain straight. Next, raise the chin so that it forms a right angle with the neck. After that, a breath is made, at the same time you need to lean back. This position should be fixed for a few seconds. When performing this exercise, it is necessary to feel the tension of the muscles of the chin and neck and make sure that the spine bends only in the lumbar region. The neck and chest should remain perfectly flat. During exhalation, we return to the starting position. The exercise is repeated 15 times.

Gymnastics for cheekbones

To perform exercises that correct this area of ​​the face, you should take the initial position, as in the removal of nasolabial folds. The upper lip should be stretched so as to close the teeth. Then you should press certain areas of the skin with your fingers. These are those that are located above the upper lip and in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds. Such actions will prevent the contraction of the muscles located in this area. After that, you will need to work with the zygomatic muscles. To do this, try to squint or wink. Along with these movements, you need to try to push the eyeballs forward. This will reduce wrinkling of the skin in the corners of the eyes. Such movements are performed 20 times with 2-3 approaches.

Performing face-building exercises, it is necessary to ensure that the skin in the working area does not wrinkle. In the case when such a condition is not easy for a person to observe, you need to help yourself with your fingers. They need to hold the skin over the muscle that is currently working.

Eye area training

Very effective exercises by Eugenia Baglyk, according to user reviews, are those that eliminate the sagging of the upper eyelid. They work great and to eliminate puffiness under the eyes. In this case, the fingers of both hands should be used. They are placed on the bones of the orbital openings located directly above the cheeks.

We continue to hold the skin with our fingers. His eyes should be closed, and the pupils rolled up, as if trying to make out something on the ceiling. Next, the pupils are lowered down. If the exercise is performed correctly, then under the fingers you can feel how the soft tissues tensed. Such an exercise is recommended to be done 15-20 times. It will become especially relevant for those people whose eyes swell after sleep.

Elimination of crow's feet

Guilty of the appearance of these wrinkles is the circular muscle of the eyes. It should be worked out while performing this exercise.

woman rounded eyes

To eliminate the "crow's feet" the face will need to be relaxed, and the eyes open as wide as possible, put them forward a little. In this position should be within a few seconds. After that, it’s important to relax and blink. Perform an exercise of 25-30 repetitions several times during the day.

Universal workouts

To begin fitness classes for a person who uses the technique of Evgenia Baglyk, preferably with the direct supervision of a trainer. The master will be able to prompt the correct setting of hands, direct the execution technique in the right direction, and also select the most effective complex. If this is not possible, then video tutorials will come to the rescue.

woman raised her eyes up

Consider several universal exercises that will give youth to any person.

Evgenia Baglyk recommends moving your ears. And this is not a joke of the author of a well-known technique. Stirring the ears is a fairly effective exercise that promotes a facelift. In this case, you need to try to move your ears up, stretching the skin. In this case, the temporal muscles will be strengthened. There are no restrictions on the repetitions of such an exercise.

Toning the circular muscle of the eyes will allow them to bulge. To do this, you just need to do a wave of eyelashes. His eyes should open, as if in surprise. This exercise requires 6 repetitions. The pace of its implementation is average.

Pressure on the lower and upper teeth with the tip of the tongue allows you to tighten the hyoid area. You can perform such exercises with an unlimited number of repetitions.

It is also advisable for any person to strain the neck muscles. Such activities will not only lead to external changes. The general condition will certainly improve, the manifestations of osteochondrosis will decrease, the pressure will return to normal, and they will also cease to torment headaches.

To relieve tension from the muscles of the neck will allow the successive rise of the shoulders, and after lowering them (also at the beginning of one, and after the other). Such movements will warm the muscles well and eliminate the clamps in the neck. Repeat the exercise 8 to 10 times. Next, you need to raise and lower the shoulders at the same time. Exercise requires 8 to 10 repetitions. In this case, you only need to work with stoves. Hands should be relaxed.

There is no restriction on the exercise that helps pull up the lower contour. In this case, only the cervical muscles should be involved. The starting position is sitting. The body should be extended. . 15 , 5 .

. , «» . , . . . , . , , . 10-12 , . , . .

To form the beloved “apples” and relieve spasm of the muscles located near the nose, which will prevent the appearance of creases, you will need to stretch your mouth into an oval. In this case, place the index fingers with a slight slope under the upper lip. The lower jaw should be relaxed. We shift our fingers down, applying the force of only one lip. The required number of repetitions is from 10 to 12.

As you can see, the facial exercises developed by Evgenia Baglyk, according to reviews, will not cause any difficulty in execution. And it is worth noting that women after 50 years old are simply necessary, as they will effectively resist the accelerating age-related changes. Among other things, classes to train the cervical muscles will help in the fight against osteochondrosis, and thanks to improved tissue nutrition and oxygenation, the person will get rid of wrinkles. And all this without expensive procedures and plastic surgeries.

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