What is uterine fibroids? Treatment and diagnosis

One of the most common diseases is uterine fibroids. Most often, heredity and hormonal disorders contribute to its development. The outcome of the disease depends on the start of treatment. The sooner, the greater the chance of a successful outcome. A gynecologist at the examination can determine if you have uterine fibroids. Treatment is prescribed depending on its size. With a small tumor, hormonal drugs are usually prescribed. In other cases, surgical intervention is prescribed.

Uterine fibroids treatment

Most often, the disease is asymptomatic in the early stages. In the future, minor spotting, pulling pains in the abdomen, and an increase in the abdomen without weight gain may appear. The main symptom is heavy menstruation. If a woman wants to become pregnant, then she is unable to do so. A gynecologist who is examined can determine if you have uterine fibroids. Treatment is prescribed after a series of tests and examinations. If you do not take timely measures, then in the future everything can turn into cancer.

To begin with, we will determine what kind of disease it is and what treatment can be . Uterine fibroids are a benign tumor. It develops in the muscle cavity of the uterus. It is located on the wall or neck. In its development, it can reach the size of a 12-month-old fetus. Most often, women develop several fibroids simultaneously. Why do they appear? First of all, this is due to the level of estrogen. That is why uterine fibroids are most often found in women of reproductive age. With a small size, it itself can resolve during the menopause. Overweight can also provoke its development. After all, fat directly affects the production of female sex hormone. It has been proven that smoking and oral contraceptives reduce the risk of developing the disease.

Uterine fibroids treatment

Myoma in pregnancy
Myoma during pregnancy rarely interferes with the development of the fetus. It can interfere with conception, but not fetal development. Most often, the nodes remain the same size or increase slightly. After childbirth, the womanโ€™s body undergoes hormonal changes. This can lead to resorption of the nodes. But if the fibroid is located in the uterine mucosa, then this can provoke a miscarriage and premature birth. It can cause severe bleeding during childbirth. Therefore, gynecologists recommend a cesarean section. But the uterine fibroids are not so terrible. Treatment is best done before pregnancy.

If this is not done, then cancer may develop in the future. That is, a benign tumor will become malignant, and this will lead to a number of complications. Due to severe bleeding during menstruation, anemia develops. This is also fraught with a number of complications. Therefore, it is better not to delay a visit to the doctor. Removal of the organ - this is what uterine fibroids lead to. Treatment can help avoid such drastic measures. Especially if the woman is young and wants children. Uterine fibroids can cause infertility. For its diagnosis, a routine examination by a gynecologist is sufficient . To clarify the diagnosis, ultrasound and hysteroscopy are used. Biopsy is also important. It is she who will determine whether the tumor is benign.

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