Surely each of you has seen people who have a gap between their front teeth. And, by the way, he saw not only on the street or in a circle of acquaintances, but also on TV screens and on the covers of fashion magazines. Vanessa Paradis and Madonna, Lara Stone and Bridget Bardot and many other stars proudly show this "flaw" to cameras, not at all embarrassed. For them, the gap between the teeth is not a flaw, but a highlight, which makes them unlike others. And at the same time, thousands of men and women rush to the dentist, giving back almost the last money to make their teeth perfect.
It's no secret that every woman wants to be beautiful. But often beauty is cold and not at all attractive, and something unusual in appearance attracts interest and makes a woman truly attractive: a mole above the lip, slightly slanting eyes or a gap between the front teeth. Many movie stars and the modeling business believe that these are the highlights that helped them stand out in the crowd of impeccably ideal beauties.
However, these examples do not stop girls who dream about a career as a model or just about a perfect smile. They seriously believe that crooked front teeth prevent them from living, pursuing a career, and being happy. And in their own way they are really right - the stereotypes are too strong and the advertising is too active, which says that an open radiant smile is the key to a successful career and pleasant acquaintances. In addition, if for self-confidence a girl needs to eliminate such a trifle as a gap between her teeth, then you must definitely do it! Not for the sake of public opinion - for the sake of his peace of mind.
It is for such girls that modern dentistry has come up with many ways to get rid of such a problem as the gap between the front teeth (if we say correctly - diastema).
So, why do many people (according to statistics - about 25% of the population) form diastems? As a rule, the gaps between the teeth are of hereditary origin. Also, late tooth decay, a low bridle on the upper lip, abnormal size of the incisors and even bad habits (biting pencils, for example) can lead to their formation. Sometimes the diastema is almost imperceptible, and sometimes it is very large. With age, it usually increases. There are two types of diastema: true and false. The first is found on permanent teeth, and the second on milk teeth. In the latter case, the diestem usually disappears when the permanent teeth grow, but with a true diastema, you should think about a visit to the dentist, because early correction provides faster results.
There are several methods that help eliminate the gap between the front teeth. Which method to apply in each case is determined by the dentist.
1. Therapeutic treatment using veneers, or art restoration of the front teeth. It is made in one visit to the doctor. Veneers are special plates that are worn on the teeth. This method is considered gentle, because teeth under the veneers practically do not grind. You can wear veneers for up to 10 years. In short, the method is very convenient, but it is not always suitable.
2. The surgical method of trimming the bridle is used in case of low fastening of the bridle. In this case, it is enough to cut it so that the diastema itself gradually decreases and disappears.
3. The orthodontic method is a long-term (from 6 months to several years) method of eliminating diastema. It is based on the use of braces - special devices that attach to the teeth and help to eliminate not only diastema, but also other external defects of the teeth.
4. Orthopedic treatment - installation of crowns. It is used in cases where no other method can be applied, but the effect is impeccable.