Michael Jackson: cause of death, funeral

The death of prominent artists causes no less public interest than their life and work. In June 2009, the most commercially successful pop singer Michael Jackson passed away. The cause of the death of the idol of millions remains a mystery, despite two postmortem autopsy and a coroner's investigation. An official document (certificate) says that the singer was killed. Another secret? On the basis of what was this record made, and why, in this case, the perpetrators were not punished?

life of michael jackson

The zenith of fame

Over the fifty years of his life, Michael Joseph Jackson did a lot, he became the officially recognized king of pop music, received 15 Grammy prizes, hundreds of other awards, recorded many songs published on vinyl records, CDs and other media sold in total over a billion . The cruel father taught the vocal of the future idol, who did not stop to use all kinds of physical and moral humiliation.

The first recordings of The Jackson (later renamed The Jackson 5) he made back in the sixties. The whole life of Michael Jackson, like many other successful pop singers, demonstrated the possibilities that a stubborn and hardworking talent can realize. He became another personification of the American dream, the same as George Gershwin, Elvis Presley or Charlie Chaplin.

The biggest breakthrough was his 1982 album Thriller, after which Jackson was recognized as a planetary star. And today this disc is considered the most massive in the history of pop music. An important role in achieving success was played by the artist’s artistic plastic, in particular, his famous “moon walk”. Spectacular stage entertainment, excellent choreography combined with unusual vocals appealed to spectators and listeners all over the world.

Michael Jackson's children

The singer also knew the joy of fatherhood. Debbie Rove, the second wife of Michael Jackson, gave birth to two children (son and daughter), and another son appeared from a surrogate mother.

Unexpected and tragic news shocked fans on June 25, 2009.

How Jackson Died

According to the official version, the singer suddenly felt bad in the morning and fell unconscious. At the same time, according to the testimony of personal physician Konrad Murray, the patient was found by him in bed, therefore, we are not talking about a sudden attack and fainting. The doctor tried to reanimate the singer on his own, although it was immediately clear that things were bad, the pulse was felt only in the femoral artery, and there was no breathing. It happened in the western part of Los Angeles, Murray did not know the exact address. The house was temporarily rented by Michael Jackson. The cause of death, of course, is not that, but this circumstance nevertheless played a certain role. Murray did not find a landline phone, it was useless to call from a mobile phone, there was nobody to find out the house and the street from. The guard appeared only after half an hour (and they say that this is only a mess with us). They finally called an ambulance (it’s not clear who did it), she rushed quickly, in three minutes, but it was too late. Resuscitation did not produce results; doctors at the University of California Medical Center refused further recovery attempts at 14:26. Two hours later, the coroner officially announced that Michael Jackson had died. The cause of death was not indicated in this statement.

michael jackson cause of death

Autopsy and its results

Further events did not add clarity. According to Ken Erlich, executive producer of the Emmy Award Committee, the day before, namely June 24, he met with Michael, talked with him and watched rehearsals taking place ahead of the big tour. He was shocked by the singer’s performance, his energy and enthusiasm. Did Ehrlich tell the truth? A posthumous autopsy revealed a lot of strange facts, in particular, at least that the singer had not eaten anything for a long time, except for pills (at least there was nothing else in his stomach). Weight - 51 kg, which with a growth of 1 meter 78 cm is a sign of extreme exhaustion. In this state of health, talking about manifestations of vigor is hardly possible. Broken ribs were also, but this is due to the efforts of resuscitators. And the singer’s body was literally covered with scars, traces of surgical plastic. Any ambiguity generates rumors and speculation, and they appeared almost immediately.

Michael Jackson before and after surgery


Fans and just spectators who have watched the singer’s career since at least the eighties could see how much Michael Jackson has changed outwardly. The cause of death can be directly related to many operations carried out by the king of pop. Why he did them, clearly not quite. Shy of African American descent in the United States has not been accepted for a long time, and many black artists are proud of him. Nevertheless, Michael's nose was corrected, pigmentation was bleached, and other surgical procedures were performed. Brian Oksman, the Jackson family lawyer, directly accuses the singer’s entourage of conniving at these costly and dangerous whims. You can easily compare how Michael Jackson looked before and after the operation, and understand that such serious scalpel interventions in the anatomy of the face do not go without health consequences. Reducing the cross section of the respiratory canals inevitably leads to difficulties in supplying the brain with oxygen and possible hypoxia.

Michael Jackson's sister


The second version is directly related to the first. The pains (often arising, and, perhaps, never letting go) were the result of operations and problems with the spine, and for their relief Jackson often took a strong anesthetic Propofol. An excessive dose of this drug, combined with general weakness, could cause an instant cardiac arrest. Similar versions arose about the death (death?) Of other great artists of the modern scene (Anna-Nicole Smith, again Elvis Presley), who were literally healed by doctors who fed them painkillers. It should be clarified that these drugs are not related to drugs, but cause an addictive effect, and therefore they are no less dangerous. A little more accepted than possible, and all - hello ...

And one more sad circumstance. Show business is cruel to beginners, but it shows much greater ferocity to honored veterans of the scene. The tour is exhausting, the schedule is tight, it must be observed. At stake are tens, and sometimes hundreds of millions. Go ahead, the audience is waiting, she does not care about the health of her idol!

Michael Jackson's wife

Last way

Michael Jackson’s funeral differed in luxury even from the ceremonies of the wires of other prominent stars of our time. Tabloids are full of shocking figures:

  • A dozen fans laid hands on themselves.
  • The coffin (the Prometheus model) is gilded and cost $ 25,000. They drove him in a carriage.
  • The ceremony was attended by a million fans. 11 thousand free invitations were distributed to the most loyal of them (choosing a computer), the rest had to pay $ 25 in cash.

And many, many other details designed to create an atmosphere of universal grief, estimated at six-figure sums.

Michael Jackson's funeral

Janet, the sister of Michael Jackson and also a famous singer, tried to give enchanting mourning at least some sincerity, saying that for her Michael was just a family member and brother, whose loss was a terrible blow to her, but her voice again drowned in an enthusiastic listing of articles on funeral expenses .

A lot of attention was paid to the financial consequences of the death of the performer. He prepared a will in advance, in which he detailed his last will. Children of Michael Jackson, in addition to their share in the main capital, received rights to two hundred songs recorded secretly and to be published now that their author has died. According to preliminary estimates, they will bring one hundred million dollars in profit.

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