A lot of girls are afraid to answer the question "Why do not I have a boyfriend?". The answer to it is not so complicated. In order to understand in more detail, we consider in more detail such characteristics as:
1) appearance
2) a figure
3) character
4) culture.
As they say, "they meet by clothes ...", therefore, the appearance deserves special attention. In order to clearly understand "why guys do not pay attention", you first need to look in the mirror. It is desirable that the mirror was large, so you will see all the shortcomings of your appearance. There are no perfect people! On this basis, it makes sense to say aloud those parts of the reflection that do not suit you personally. After all, only with self-awareness of your problems, you can take the path to solving them. Of course, you can ask the best friend or mother about the shortcomings, but they are most likely afraid to offend you, so decide on this crucial step yourself. In the end, it’s your interest in the question “Why I don’t have a boyfriend”, which in essence unites all other suggestive sub-questions.
So, we look at the face ... Pimples and other skin defects, thick eyebrows and so on - all this can be easily fixed with facial cleansing and other procedures in all modern beauty salons. Just make an appointment with a beautician and the main problems will soon disappear. Do not be afraid of the changes that will happen to your face. Maybe this is the solution to the problem with the headline "Why do guys not pay attention."
In any beauty salon there is a hairdresser who is familiar with the latest trends in the fashion world and will easily help you take a short course of transformation. Experiment with the color and length of the hair, and also consider options with and without bangs - this changes the shape of the face.
Now we will discuss the topic “why do not guys get to know each other?” Even if the above requirements are met. Look at your hands, or rather at your nails! Get rid of the habit of biting them, if any, and do manicure. After all, sometimes guys just get scared of scary and bitten “bits”. For a young girl, there is no need for a bright manicure - you can limit yourself to pale or colorless varnish or just gently treat your nails without using a coating.
Now let's move on to the figure . Try to answer the questions: “Why don't I have a boyfriend?” And “Why am I afraid to look at the scales?” Perhaps for some girls the answer lies in a combination of two questions. Most guys like to just watch a girl with a beautiful figure. Undoubtedly, not everyone is given harmony by nature. But there are dance and other sections, gyms, with their help it will not be difficult to maintain your figure in proper form. Therefore, if you have excess weight, do not wait until the diet works, be more active and athletic, just do not overdo it ...
Why don't the guys get to know each other, although everything is all right with the appearance? There was one more point - clothes. Without even following fashion, you can dress neatly and tastefully. But do not be a gray mouse, then no one will notice you. Bright, but tastefully selected blouses, and other well-chosen things, will help create a unique and memorable image.
Of course, the main points that answer the question “Why don't I have a boyfriend?” Are disclosed, but do not forget about the culture of communication and character. Remove mats and other swear words from your vocabulary, learn how to calmly respond to comments, don’t throw tantrums and tearful scenes, these girls usually do not like. Use the tears as intended ... Be more sociable, then you will quickly find friends and like-minded people, and maybe your prince.
Remember that you can get rid of complexes if you try. Who knows, maybe your boyfriend is not as far as you think ...