Female genital infections: what is the danger?

Currently, genital diseases are widespread - both in men and in women. Most of these diseases are infectious in nature and can be transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person through direct sexual contact. It is known that women are most susceptible to the development of sexual diseases. This is primarily due to the presence of certain hormones in the female body. Treatment with hormonal drugs, taking many types of birth control pills may well provoke the development of some dormant disease.

Very often, female genital infections play a leading role in the onset and progression of many gynecological diseases. The causative agents of diseases that remain in the body after improper treatment are especially dangerous with numerous complications. So, latent genital infections, the presence of which a woman may not have suspected for several years, can cause the impossibility of conception and subsequent bearing of a healthy child, the development of some malignant neoplasms (uterine cancer).

Most sexually transmitted diseases affect people, regardless of their gender. For example, the well-known candidiasis (thrush) is conventionally considered a female disease, but it can also affect men with weakened immunity. Until recently, only three major sexually transmitted infections were known to medicine : gonorrhea, mild chancre, and syphilis. Today this list has increased tenfold, it has been added to it: trichomoniasis, herpes, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gardnerellosis, etc.

So, any sexually transmitted diseases are very dangerous for health and require qualified treatment. You can suspect their presence by the appearance of some signs. So, female genital infections have characteristic symptoms.

  • Frequent urination, false urge to the toilet, pain when urinating.
  • Change in the consistency, smell and color of vaginal discharge. Normally, vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) is insignificant, has a white or transparent color, and does not differ in a special strong smell. Greenish, brownish whites of friable consistency, with a pungent smell of fish - a clear sign of the presence of sexual infection.
  • Redness of the external genitalia, their itching and burning. Often the cause of this itching is an excessive amount of secretions that adversely affect the delicate skin of the perineum. The use of special vaginal suppositories allows you to get rid of an unpleasant symptom. Taking a shower, frequent washing, on the contrary, helps to strengthen unpleasant symptoms.
  • The formation of small vesicles, sores and warts in the anus and genitals.
  • Uterine bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle, often accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.
  • The appearance of purulent discharge from the vagina.

Depending on what infection caused the disease, a combination of several main symptoms can be observed at once. For example, itching and burning in the external genitalia are often combined with pain in the lower abdomen and the appearance of purulent or greenish discharge from the vagina.

Today, female genital infections are successfully treated by specialists. Treatment is preceded by a diagnosis, which usually involves a smear, a blood test, in some cases, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs is required. Further, depending on the results of the tests, certain drugs are prescribed. In no case is it recommended to treat female genital infections on their own with the use of antibiotics or traditional medicine. This will not bring obvious positive results, but the precious time, which is of great importance in this case, will be irretrievably lost.

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