"Derinat" during pregnancy (2 trimester): instructions for use, dosage and reviews

No one is immune from any kind of infectious diseases. Pregnant women should take special care especially since an opposite attitude can harm the fetus.

The immunity of the expectant mother at this time is weakened. Due to the fact that the body creates the necessary conditions for reliable attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall, reducing the aggressiveness of its own immunity so that rejection does not occur.

It is important to consider certain seasonal outbreaks of viral infection. It is worth preparing for them in advance. But if a person has already become infected, then in this situation, in addition to antibiotics (if the infection is of a bacterial nature) or antiviral (if the infection is of a viral nature) drugs, doctors recommend immunostimulants and immunomodulators - drugs that increase the level of immunity, which weakens even more with the disease. One of the effective means to enhance the immune system is Derinat. And you can use the drug during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, not everyone knows.

general characteristics

Derinat is a domestic drug. It is a liquid that is transparent and has no color.

The drug Derinat

The active ingredient is sodium deoxyribonucleate, which is a product of extracting valuable species of fish from milk.

pharmachologic effect

Derinat has an immunomodulatory effect. It acts on cellular and humoral immunity, increasing the body's resistance to the effects of viruses and bacteria, as well as fungi.

Derinat during pregnancy: 2 trimester

In addition, Derinat has a reparative and regenerative effect. The drug contributes to the rapid healing of wounds and the restoration of damaged tissues. In addition, it is distinguished by anti-inflammatory, antitumor, anti-allergic actions. It is able to remove toxins and free radicals from the body.

Derinat is well absorbed and rapidly distributed through the circulatory and lymphatic systems, excreted in feces and urine.

Release form

The drug is produced in the form of a solution for external use (Derinat spray during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, drops). As well as a solution for intramuscular injection (can be administered subcutaneously, but cannot be done intravenously).

Indications and contraindications

The main indications:

  • ARVI (acute respiratory viral infections);
  • rhinitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis;
  • bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • stomatitis;
  • trophic ulcers, burns, frostbite;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • allergic reactions and many other diseases.


  • individual intolerance;
  • people with diabetes should be taken strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

Side effects:

  • in the form of drops - no side effects were found;
  • in the form of injections - with rapid administration, pain at the injection site and an increase in body temperature, which quickly passes, are possible;
  • in people with diabetes, the drug may cause a decrease in blood glucose

Detailed information about Derinat can be found in the official annotation approved by the manufacturer. Before buying and using the drug, it is recommended that you consult a doctor.

Use during pregnancy

Derinat is available for adults and children. The need for prescribing the drug to pregnant women is evaluated by a medical specialist and depends on the duration of pregnancy.

The medicine Derinat

During the period of gestation and lactation, the drug is not recommended for use. But if such a need arose, then Derinat is used strictly according to the doctor’s prescription and under his supervision.

It should be noted that at all stages of pregnancy, you can not use the medicine intramuscularly, unless this threatens the life of the mother, which can only be determined by a doctor.

Early pregnancy

Although Derinat is a medicine that includes natural ingredients, it is extremely rare for it to cause less serious side effects. Given its stimulating effect on the immune system, pregnant women should avoid its use. This is indicated in the instructions due to the fact that studies on pregnant women have not been conducted.

Pregnancy medicine

You must be extremely careful in the early stages when the embryo needs to attach to the wall of the uterus. The provocation of the strengthening of the immune system can "mislead" - and the embryo will be perceived as a foreign body, which threatens to reject.

It is better to find an alternative to the drug. If the benefit exceeds the risk, the doctor may prescribe Derinat during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester exclusively for external use (topically, in the form of rinses, in the form of instillation).

Use in the second trimester of pregnancy

During this period, embryo attachment occurred and the fetus holds firmly, thoroughly, organs are formed. Nevertheless, the danger of abortion remains, although the likelihood is reduced. That is why the doctor can prescribe Derinat drops during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester. According to reviews, the drug is effective.

Derinat during pregnancy

The impact of infections and diseases of fungal etiology can not only harm the mother, but also cause all kinds of mutations, lead to a lag in the development of the child. If the consequences and the threat of complications are more dangerous than the alleged harm of Derinat during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, then the doctor makes a choice in favor of the drug. But it is also necessary to observe a safe dosage.

Some may think that the drug is not dangerous and the more, the better and faster recovery will take place. All dosage information must be obtained in advance from your doctor.

Use in the third trimester of pregnancy

During this period, the body of the expectant mother prepares for childbirth, and he no longer perceives the child as a threat or something foreign.

For infectious diseases such as acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, doctors prescribe Derinat quite often, since the drug is very effective in combating them.

Derinat during pregnancy: instructions

The doctor always asks the woman about possible cases of an allergic reaction to the medicine and selects the necessary treatment regimen.

Pregnancy Precautions

Most often, Derinat has no side effects. However, rare cases are possible.


  1. Use the drug only when the need for this is greater than the possible risk of complications of the disease.
  2. Note that Derinat enhances the activity of antibiotics and antiviral drugs. Therefore, it is possible to shorten the period of treatment by them.
  3. It is necessary to maintain an interval of 1 hour between the use of Derinat and antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal agents.
  4. In people who have been identified intolerance to the components of the drug, a local allergic reaction may appear in the form of the following symptoms (on the skin or mucous membranes): redness, burning, tingling, irritation, numbness, swelling, blistering, peeling of the skin.
  5. The use of dressings from Derinat on damaged tissue due to burns or necrosis can provoke a rejection process.
  6. For those with diabetes, Derinat may cause a drop in blood sugar.
  7. The drug is incompatible with fatty drugs (ointments, oils, etc.) and a solution of hydrogen peroxide.
  8. With injections, a short increase in temperature is possible.

For colds, doctors may prescribe Derinat to gargle or instill in the nose, and for conjunctivitis, in the eyes.

You must also consider:

  1. Before you start using Derinat, you need to consult a doctor.
  2. Read the drug annotation.
  3. To determine if the medicine is suitable, does it cause allergies, you can first try to drip 1 drop into each nostril and wait. If no allergic reaction follows, then you should safely continue to use Derinat.
  4. For preventive purposes, the medicine is used as follows: instill 2 drops in each nasal passage 4 times a day. The course is from 12 days to two weeks.
  5. If the initial signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to instill 2 drops every hour throughout the day. Next - 3 drops 3 times a day. Continue for two weeks.
  6. In diseases of the nasopharynx and (or) sinuses (rhinitis, pharyngitis, frontitis, sinusitis), approximately 3 or 5 drops are instilled into each nostril from 3 to 6 times a day. You can also insert cotton balls or gauze swabs moistened in Derinat solution into the nasal passages for 10 minutes, do 5 times a day. The course of treatment can last 3 or 4 weeks.
  7. If the throat or mouth is affected, then you can rinse with Derinat 4-6 times a day. Continue for approximately 5 days or a week. Also, the drug is used in the form of a spray. Perform 2 injections 3 or 4 times a day. The course is from 1 to 3 weeks. You can do inhalation. To do this, dilute the Derinat solution in saline.
  8. In case of eye diseases, for example, conjunctivitis, the medicine should be dripped 1 drop 2-3 times a day. Continue treatment should be from 14 to 45 days.
  9. In case of skin lesions, long non-healing areas make application dressings with Derinat. They are changed every 6 or 8 hours. Such treatment can be carried out from 2 to 3 months.
  10. It is not recommended to douche and make enemas with Derinat solution during pregnancy.
  11. The drug for injection is used only in extreme cases and exclusively in a hospital when the doctor observes the dynamics. Usually prescribed from 10 to 15 injections. Then the injections are repeated at intervals of 1-3 days.


Until now, the question regarding the administration of Derinat remains open, as it has not been adequately studied by experts using an experimental method for pregnant women. However, if a person has ever taken the drug and everything was fine, there was no adverse reaction from the body, you can try to use it during pregnancy, starting from the second trimester, but strictly after consulting a doctor and under his supervision.


Before taking Derinat while carrying a child, you need to familiarize yourself with the official instructions. According to doctors, "Derinat" during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, the instructions to which are attached, gives a good result.

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