Biography of Irina Yarovoy. Political activity of a State Duma deputy

The article below has prepared the maximum information about Irina Yarovaya. The phenomenon of women in politics requires a separate consideration. Paying attention to this character of the political arena is worth it, if only because she is called the most famous woman deputy in the parliament of the Russian Federation. To achieve her goals, Irina Yarovaya overcame a difficult path, however, severity and courage as the basis of the character of this woman did not prevent her from becoming a symbol of market opportunism. So, Irina Yarovaya: photo, family, career, interesting facts. We will talk about the star of Russian politics further.

Irina Yarovaya photo

Irina Yarovaya: biography, family, parents

Few people know, but the phenomenon of modern politics, as a girl, Chernyakhovskaya Irina, was born in a small provincial town. However, the ambitiousness that young Ira was endowed with was reflected in the future of a girl from a family of ordinary workers. The biography of Irina Yarovoy originates in 1966. Then, on October 17, in the territory of the Donetsk region, which was part of the Ukrainian SSR, in the city of Makeevka, a future politician, a deputy of the State Duma and a lawyer, Irina Chernyakhovskaya, was born.

Finally, the question “How old is Yarovaya Irina?”, Which anyone who is forced to ask a person who observes the excellent appearance of a deputy who has crossed the age limit of 50 years, can be considered closed.

Education Irina Yarovoy

Little Irinka received school education at a local educational institution, but she graduated from school in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, where the Chernyakhovsky family was forced to move. Here in the Far East, she received a high school diploma. Irina decided to continue to gnaw at the granite of science at the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Law (VUZI), where she entered after graduation. The career biography of Irina Yarovoy includes many professions and official places, but it is worth paying tribute to the first employment of the future politician - the secretary-engineer of the Far Eastern Trust. Irina's career was developing rapidly, and after a while she was appointed engineer for labor protection.

In 2000, Yarovaya was able to complete her studies at the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation with honors.

Labor activity

In 1988, when Chernyakhovskaya graduated from high school, she took the place of a simple trainee in the prosecutor's office of the Kamchatka region. Working for the benefit of the law for 9 years, Irina Yarovaya advanced from an intern to an investigator, a minion of the prosecutor and, finally, a senior assistant to the regional prosecutor. Further biography of Irina Yarovoy is inextricably linked with politics.

Political activity

In the photo, Irina Yarovaya appears as a strong and courageous person. The photos of the politician fully reflect the woman’s character and position: confident, disciplined and strict, she inspired confidence in her colleagues, and therefore, already in 1997, Irina Anatolyevna was preferred as a member of the II convocation of the Council of People’s Deputies of the Kamchatka Territory from the Yabloko party association. At that time, she held the position of head of the constitutional-legal commission, was the head of the deputy faction Yabloko. As part of the latter, Irina Yarovaya was for ten years, until 2007.

Irina spring photo in youth

Yarovaya’s proactive and active political position led to her inclusion on the federal list of candidates for the State Duma of the third convocation. Nevertheless, an attempt to obtain the powers of a deputy in 1999 was unsuccessful.

The beginning of the XXI century and the politics of Spring

In 2000, according to the results of the balloting of the by-elections of the Kamchatka 1-mandate constituency No. 87, Yarovaya took only fourth place.

The year 2001 was marked for Irina Yarovaya by joining the Yabloko Federal Council and passing training classes in the capital’s school of political analysis. This non-profit organization was created and supported by the European Council. In December of the same year, a woman was elected as a deputy of the III convocation of the Council of People’s Deputies of Kamchatka, and headed the committee for state building and local self-government.

Yarovaya’s bold statements about the overthrow of the governor as her main dream and her only life goal at that time took place during her work in the For Kamchatka bloc. Ironically, he was just in opposition to that same governor of the Kamchatka region, Mashkovtsev.

Financial support for the Spring Policy was provided by the Yukos oil production and production company, as well as the Open Russia Foundation named after Khodorkovsky. Political activity and election campaigns were dependent on two sponsors. In turn, Irina Yarovaya took an active part in the development of the Khodorkovsky Fund: from 2002 to 2006, she oversaw the Kamchatka branch of Open Russia.

Yarovaya expected another failure when in December 2003 she ran for deputy of the State Duma of the fourth convocation from the "apple" fraction. A representative of Yabloko received bronze in the single-member constituency at number 88.

Irina spring biography family

Nevertheless, in 2003, during the Yabloko congress, Yarovaya was appointed to succeed Grigory Yavlinsky, combining the occupation with the leadership of the Kamchatka regional branch of Yabloko.

In 2004, Irina Yarovaya began an active political confrontation. Under her leadership, the “Committee against Lies” was organized, aimed at combating the election of the representative of the United Russia faction Kozhemyakov as governor of the region.

Change of political views

However, three years later, in October 2007, Yarovaya left Yabloko and became a representative of the United Russia party.

Yarovoy’s departure to United Russia, according to Yabloko chairman Sergei Mitrokhin, was caused by the financial inability of the party that Irina had previously been in to meet her needs: “She wanted to live in a Moscow apartment and drive a car. Unlike the United Russia, Yabloko did not have the means to contain and fulfill the request. ”

Irina spring photo with her husband

After the change of party, the biography of Irina Yarovoy began to play with new colors. So, two months after leaving Yabloko, in December 2007, a woman makes another decision to become a participant in the elections of deputies of the State Duma of the V convocation already as a representative of United Russia. The rock, it seems, did not wish Irina victory: Yarovaya gives the first place to the governor of the Kamchatka Territory Alexei Kuzmitsky. However, the man who decided to abandon the deputy’s mandate gives an automatic “Forward!” Signal to Yarovaya. December 2007 - this date will be inscribed in history as the starting point of a new start in the working life of Irina. The biography of Irina Yarovoy, the deputy of the State Duma - that is what we will talk about later.

Activities as a deputy of the State Duma

In addition to working as a deputy of the State Duma in 2007, in 2008 Yarovaya was engaged in active activities as part of the General Council of United Russia. She spends the next year as the successor to the chairman of the Duma committee on issues of the Federation and regional policy. Since 2009, he has replaced the head of the State Duma commission, which is responsible for constitutional legislation and state building.

During the fifth convocation of the State Duma, Yarovoy managed to become the head of the United Russia party club with conservative-patriotic sentiments. Later it will be called "state-patriotic."

September 2011 "United Russia" includes Spring in the list of candidates for the post of deputy of the State Duma of the VI convocation from the Kamchatka region. But without receiving proper support from the election group, Yarovaya accepts a deputy mandate from the governor of Kamchatka.

Since 2011, Irina Yarovaya has been working on security issues and is making every effort to counter the development of bribery.

biography of irina spring deputy of the State Duma

Irina Yarovoy Biography: personal life

Little is known about the personal life of Irina Yarova: she was in two marriages, each of which has one child. The first legalized relationship was with Irina with Alexander Yarov, from whom she took her surname. Her first husband served as a mechanic in the city of Makeevka.

The mass media have more information about the second wife of Yarovaya than about the first. The reason for this is the fame of Viktor Aleksandrovich Alekseenko. The man is engaged in business, being a co-owner of one of the fish factories in the Kamchatka Territory and managing the Kamakfes company. In the past, Alekseenko was engaged in political activities. He was a member of the Council of People's Deputies of the Kamchatka Region.

What does the family biography of Irina Yarovoy hide? The Chernyakhovsky family consisted of four people. Now her brother, Anatoly Chernyakhovsky, is working in the FSB part of the city of Gelindzhik. Yarovaya herself is the mother of two children, Catherine and Sergey, from their first and second marriage, respectively.

Irina Yarovaya does not publish a photo with her husband - she prefers to limit the circle of people who know the details of her marriage. She does the right thing, as befits a politician, leaving her personal life outside of public view. At the moment, the media own only a few joint photos of Alekseenko and Yarovaya. As well as family, Irina Yarovaya does not boast of a photo in her youth.

The inconsistency of political statements

As Yarovoy’s party members recalled, Irina’s views were democratic: a bold criticism of the power and actions of the United Russia party. In due time, the passage of deputies from under one party “wing” to another was subjected to Yarovaya’s conviction.

As part of Yabloko, Irina Yarovaya fought against the merger of the Kamchatka Territory and the Koryak Autonomous Okrug, for which United Russia actively advocated. According to Spring, in the future, the Kamchatka-Koryak Union will become the destiny of the naked and the poor. A sharp change in political sentiment regarding this issue occurred after the deputy stopped wearing the “apple” title.

how old is spring irina

As stated earlier, Yarovaya fought desperately for a seat in the State Duma, although she said the opposite in the Pozner television program. “I never ran for the State Duma from Yabloko,” said Irina, “I spoke only under the flag of a free candidate.”

Yarova’s harsh remarks regarding the transfer of mandates by Dmitry Medvedev to the governor of the Kamchatka Territory disappeared after Irina herself experienced the transfer of powers. Previously, a female politician called such a practice “conspiracy” for voting in the parliament’s Duma “as it should be.”

On socio-political views

Moving from the ranks of Yabloko to the ranks of United Russia, Yarovaya changed her social and political views. Democratic moods with notes of criticism of the authorities and support of Mikhail Khodorkovsky from the moment of transition to United Russia turned into the opposite. Irina supports the position of the authorities, the president and the government unconditionally, being a supporter of the idea of ​​“sovereign democracy”. Spring after the statement by Medvedev on the development of the course towards modernization, she sided with "conservative modernization", although before that she had fought for "Russian conservatism."

What does Yarovaya stand for?

Spring promotes patriotic education of the younger generation, the introduction of a state textbook for the study of history, which is common to all schools. She wants to see the Suvorov and Nakhimov soldiers in the ranks of servicemen passing a parade on Red Square. He is fighting for the legalization of the death penalty in the territory of the Russian Federation.

biography of Irina spring

Income and corruption

Actively opposing corruption, Yarovaya did not support the initiative to expand the circle of officials who would be required to submit a declaration of income. Speaking of Irina’s financial situation, it should be noted that according to official figures, the Yarovoy family does not own real estate or vehicles, and the politician’s annual income is not more than 3.5 million rubles.

Such a personality as Irina Yarovaya will not remain without attention. Biography, photos, work and rumors - everything about her is interesting.

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