Raising space explorers: astronomy for the smallest

We are all attracted by something mysterious, which is difficult to give in to our imagination. And space is probably the most inexplicable of what surrounds us. Because the starry sky, moon, sun are unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. And what can we say about children, they are interested in almost everything.

astronomy work
A thousand "why" may sound a day. This is probably the most fertile period when you can interest a little โ€œlittle thingโ€, instill in him a desire to learn and learn. Therefore, if your child asks questions about space, stars and planets, do not be afraid that he will not understand anything, children have a very developed imagination, start the explanation with simple things. In this article, we will cover a topic such as astronomy for the smallest, and try to consider the methods by which you can instill a child with an interest in space.

astronomy for the little ones
Astronomy for the smallest. Cognitive video

One way to tell your child about space is to watch cartoons and educational programs. Usually in such programs in a game form, using funny characters, they are very interesting and accessible about space. It will be interesting not only to your child, but also to you: from such cartoons, adults will learn a lot of new and interesting things.

Astronomy for the smallest. Modeling

In order to make the baby more understandable of some cosmic phenomena, such as the eclipse of the moon and the sun, the growth of the phases of the moon, twinkling stars, you can use the simulation. With the help of improvised items, such as a table lamp and a ball, you need to show the child why the moon looks like a thin sickle, and after a while it becomes round, like a saucer. Using the same items, it is possible to demonstrate an eclipse.

Astronomy for the smallest. Comparison

It is difficult to imagine the scale of the universe and space objects even for an adult, and it is generally difficult to tell a baby about the size of celestial bodies. To do this, you can use the method of visual comparison. For example, take a pumpkin and a pea and explain to the child, if we assume that the Earth is a pea, then the Sun would be the size of a pumpkin. So the baby is easier to imagine the difference in size.

astronomy development
I will be an astronomer!

Tell about the astronauts who conquered space, astronomers observing the planets with huge telescopes. Tell the child if he chooses a profession related to a science such as astronomy, working at the observatory can be very interesting, because it is there that the secrets of the stars are revealed. Try to get out of the city to look at the starry night sky, tell us about planets, the Milky Way, find some constellations in the sky - this will be very interesting for the child. If there is such an opportunity, then take it to the planetarium.

Astronomy is developing at a rapid pace, more and more cognitive programs, programs, books and magazines are published on this topic, so finding interesting material will not be difficult. If your kid wants to know everything about space, support this interest in him, and perhaps the world will get another Copernicus!

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