Mount Tabor, Israel, Transfiguration Temple: description, history

Mention of this holy place can be found in many sources of ancient literature. Mount Tabor is not only a magnificent landscape adorning the Izdrelonskaya Valley of Israel, but also a centuries-old history. The most important events of different eras are associated with it. And it is hardly possible to overestimate the role that she played in the development of the spiritual history of the entire human race.

Where is

Mount Tabor, or, as Hebrew says, Tabor, is located closer to the east of the central part of the Izdrelonskaya Valley, in Israel. Just nine kilometers southeast of it is Nazareth, and two times further west lies the Sea of โ€‹โ€‹Galilee.

Mount Tabor

Mount Tabor is not included in any mountain range or ridge, but is a separate standing hill. Compared to others, it is quite low - 588 meters. The slopes here are gentle, and the shape has soft and slightly rounded outlines. Therefore, in many sources the Hebrew name Tavor is translated as "navel", drawing an analogy with the human organ.

What does the name mean

Historians cite several versions. The name Tabor, or, as they say in the Russian-speaking tradition, Tabor, is not translated and is given in the Old Testament in the same way. However, there is a version that says that the name Tavor is derived from the word "Tabur". The latter is translated as "navel". In support of this version, characteristic external features are given separately, with gentle slopes and a slightly concave peak, which is Mount Tabor.

Mount Tabor Israel

There is another option. Its author is Theresa Petrozi. She claims that the modern name is derived from the name of the pagan deity Tabor, who in these places in pre-Jewish (Canaanite) times patronized blacksmithing. And the traces of paganism of this period found by archaeologists in some way confirm the assumption.

Stories related to Mount Tabor

For the first time this name is found in the Old Testament. In those days, Mount Tabor was a border, a kind of watershed that delimited the three tribes of Israel. The favorable geographical position, a good overview of the adjacent territories made this place desirable for any tribe. Therefore, wars did not stop here.

Particularly vivid is the story of the battle of Varak and the Asor military commander Sisera, who led the army of King Javin. A special role in the battle was played by the prophetess Deborah, who encouraged Varak to battle with Sisera, foreseeing his victory over the numerous army of the latter. The name of this prophetess is immortalized in the name of the village of Deburia, which lies at the foot. Where Mount Tabor originates.

Mentions in the Old Testament

The fact that this is a special place was said in ancient times - before the birth of Christ. The first time Tabor is said to be a special place where the lands of the three tribes of Israel came together.

You can also find other references that remained in the books of the Old Testament: Joshua, the prophecies of Jeremiah. Since ancient times, if they talked about the significance, importance of man, then they compared him with how majestically Mount Tabor rises.

Israel today is a modern state, but, despite this, carefully and reverently keeps its history, which has become the property of all mankind.

What did the New Testament testify to?

As is known from the ancient Christian Tradition, it is Mount Tabor that is considered the place where a great miracle happened - the Transfiguration of the Lord. However, the New Testament does not contain any mention of Mount Tabor. The place where the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ took place is not exactly called. Mark and Matthew in their Gospels mention the high mountain, but they do not give any evidence that this is Tabor.

Therefore, until today, some scholars of theology have expressed their doubts about the fact that the Transfiguration took place here. They consider Mount Hermon to be the more likely version.

Perhaps there is one of those mysteries that surround the Bible. And, probably, its whole meaning is hidden in the fact that people should believe the Word of God without requiring any evidence.

Transfiguration of the Lord

A lot has been said about this miracle. Matthew, Mark, and Luke in the Gospels narrate this. The Transfiguration of the Lord is evidenced by ancient icons and frescoes of temples, beautiful paintings and wonderful stories. This event was immortalized with a glorious joyful holiday, which marks the whole Christian world on August 19 (6).

All three evangelists associate the Transfiguration of God on Mount Tabor with events that occurred six days before him. It was then that Jesus Christ told his disciples about the sufferings that he had to go through. What a difficult fate awaits the followers who took upon himself his cross. That the Kingdom of God will soon be revealed.

jesus on mount tabor

Jesus took with him up the mountain his three most faithful and congenial disciples, who were close at the most difficult and crucial moments of his life: Peter, James, and John. Having ascended the high slopes, the apostles, tired of the ascent, lay down to rest. Jesus on Mount Tabor began to pray. His face shining with divine light became like the sun, and his clothes were transformed. Here, each of the evangelists describes in his own way: Luke sees them shining, Mark - white as snow, and Matthew says that they became like light. Also, probably, the opinions of those who saw the miracle of the apostles, who could not believe their eyes, would have diverged.

Christ on Mount Tabor, appearing to the disciples in his heavenly glory, had a conversation with two strangers who were the prophets: Moses and Elijah. The conversation between them was about the outcome that awaits Jesus soon.

Why exactly these prophets appeared - there is no exact answer. But it is known that many of the Jews venerated Jesus for Elijah. Apparently, the appearance of the latter was supposed to show all the absurdity of the Israeli assumptions. And the conversation of Jesus Christ with the most revered prophets among the Jews became yet another eloquent confirmation that he is the son of God, to whom everything is subject.

Christ on Mount Tabor

The apostles, who saw all this, felt the wondrous presence of divine grace, were overcome by an irresistible desire not to leave Mount Tabor. Therefore, Peter invited everyone to stay here: to build homes and not return to where anger, envy and hatred rule, threatening the life of their teacher.

Cloud over Mount Tabor

This is a marvelous commemoration of the nature of the Transfiguration of Jesus. For the first time, the cloud is spoken of in the Gospels that describe the details of this wonderful event. The light cloud that enveloped all those on the mountain was a vivid evidence that God is present here. The voice, suddenly heard and saying that Jesus is the son of God to be listened to, led the apostles in great fear. They fell to the ground and were afraid to raise their eyes to the sky.

Such an unusual phenomenon, confirming the reality of those events, is happening in modern times. On the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, a cloud arises in the sky above Tabor. An interesting fact is that it arises exclusively on the Orthodox holiday of the Transfiguration and covers not only the top of the mountain, but also people. It is difficult to find a natural explanation for this wonderful phenomenon, since clouds are a very rare occurrence here at this time of the year.

What is the meaning of the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ?

The search for the deepest meaning inherent in this wonderful event has become for many Christians the meaning of life. Indeed, life in Jesus Christ is impossible without the Transfiguration: without the sacrament of Baptism, without confession that brings repentance, without the Eucharist connecting man with the Lord.

The Transfiguration itself is the path that a person who believes in the Savior and that a new transformed state is possible only in union with the Lord must go.

Transfiguration of God on Mount Tabor

Transfiguration marks the changes taking place in a person who is trying to get away from his former, sinful and weak beginning. And strives for the new, which is strong with God's grace, pure and righteous.

Events after the Transfiguration

The veneration of Mount Tabor as the place of the Transfiguration of Jesus was laid by the Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen, who was popularly called St. Helena. She in the fourth century erected a temple here, which she dedicated to the witnesses of the Transfiguration: Peter, Jonanne and Jacob.

Later, already in the XII century, Latin monks came here. At the end of this century, a tragic war ensues, as a result of which temples are destroyed and the mountain itself becomes uninhabited. It is only on a holiday that Christians visit it to perform a service here.

And only from the end of the 19th century the slopes of Tabor began to attract the attention of Catholics and Orthodox. Already at that time, the differences between them became brighter. This sparked controversy about where the true place of the Transfiguration of Christ is. Therefore, today on Mount Tabor there are two churches: Catholic and Orthodox.

Catholic temple

Appeared here at the end of the XIX century. It is located on the territory where in the XIII century there was a fortress built by Muslims. Also here are the ruins of the temple of Latin monks, the ruins of a monastery of Byzantine times and other sacred places that Mount Tabor hides. Temple of the Transfiguration is the greatest architectural find of Antonio Barluzzi.

where is Mount Tabor

The artist created here a stunning basilica with its beauty. She bears the name of a wonderful event - the Transfiguration of the Lord. The road leading to the temple reveals ancient ruins to the pilgrims - evidence of past eras that Mount Tabor has preserved to our days.

Mount Tabor Temple of the Transfiguration

The Transfiguration Temple has two towers that divide the entrance to the basilica in two parts and are located above the ancient chapels. One is the name of the prophet Moses, and the second is Elijah. From this place begins the huge building of the temple, leading to the main place - the altar. Here the parishioners are led down the marble steps that open up the most ancient place - the ruins of the previously Byzantine basilica.

Orthodox monastery

In addition to the Catholic, there is another temple on Mount Tabor - Orthodox. This is a Greek monastery, which is also called the Transfiguration of the Lord and is located northeast.

His story begins with the emergence of Archimandrite Irinakh, the monk of Lavra, who settled here on Mount Tabor after he had a vision of this place. Having discovered the remains of an ancient Byzantine temple, Irinach and his assistant Nestor began to restore it. But to bring the work to completion failed. At 93, Irinah died and was buried in these places. Finally, in 1862, the temple was completed and consecrated.

Mount Tabor Temple

Today it has three thrones, each of them is dedicated to saints and events. The main, central, is named after the Transfiguration of the Lord. It is here that the miraculous image of the Mother of God is located. This icon, called the "Akathist", is famous for its healing effect on people. The southern throne bears the names of the prophets Moses and Elijah. And the north - Gregory the Victorious and Dmitry Solunsky.

Construction was continued in 1911. A bell tower was erected here.

Also in the possession of the Orthodox church is the cave shrine - the ancient temple of Melchizedek.

Favorite today

Ancient history has left its mark on this wonderful place: it is always filled with pilgrims, tourists who wish to approach the wonderful Divine Transfiguration.

Visiting these places makes it possible to feel the presence of God here, to touch the ancient walls of the temple. It is interesting not only to read, but also to see with your own eyes that mysterious cloud covering this sacred place, which has been called Mount Tabor since ancient times. Israel sacredly preserves all the shrines gathered here, and respects all religions that are represented in these wonderful places.

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