Singer Anastasia: biography, career and personal life

Singer Anastasia was incredibly popular in the 1990s. Now nothing is heard of her. Want to know where she was born and studied? Are you interested in her marital status? All necessary information is presented in the article.

Singer Anastasia

Biography of the singer Anastasia: family and childhood

Born on August 4, 1965 in Moscow. Ukrainian, Polish, Russian and Georgian blood flows in her veins. The maiden name of our heroine Protasenko.

Anastasia's mother, Lyudmila Saldadze, worked as a documentary director. And his father, Vladimir Protasenko, was a professional film actor. Parents were constantly on set and rehearsals. Grandmother Anna Ivanovna was engaged in the upbringing of little Nastya.

Soon the parents divorced. Father created a new family. In his second marriage, his son Gleb was born. And the mother of our heroine never married again.


Nastya Protasenko graduated from music school. At the age of 16, she submitted documents to the VTU. Schukin. The girl was enrolled in the acting department. In 1986, she was awarded the long-awaited diploma. For 3 years she performed as a member of the troupe of the Moscow Drama Theater.

Singing career

In the late 1980s, our heroine was seriously carried away by such a musical direction as rock. Her stage debut took place in Bryansk. The girl sang an incendiary song. In 1989, Anastasia's solo album, High Heel, was released. She found her army of fans.

In 1993, she was named "Best Singer of the Year." A bright and talented performer went on tour in Russian cities. She also visited the United States and European countries.

During her career, singer Anastasia released 14 studio albums, starred in several video clips and gave about a hundred concerts. Her compositions such as “Lip is not a fool”, “Queen of Golden Sand”, “Green eyes have trouble” and others have become truly popular.

Personal life

Singer Anastasia is a bright and attractive woman who has always been popular with the opposite sex. The love affection of our heroine is indicated by the number of her marriages - five official and one civil.

The singer’s first husband was Alexey Mintskovsky, a childhood friend. In 1983, their wedding took place. The celebration turned out to be modest. In the spring of 1985, a daughter was born to the couple. The baby was called Anna. The marriage with Mintskovsky did not last long. Even a common child did not help save the family.

In subsequent years, the famous performer officially formalized the relationship 4 more times. And each time it ended in a divorce.

Biography of the singer Anastasia

Her current elect is producer Vladimir Zudin. She has been happy with him for over 8 years. Singer Anastasia is a grandmother. A few years ago, daughter Anya gave her a grandson, who was named Arseny.


We studied in detail the biography and work of the singer Anastasia. We wish her good health and real female happiness!

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