A love affair is not only a combination of two hearts, but also completely opposite actions, for example, quarrels, lapels or conspiracies to separate people.
Moreover, rituals are not only divided between a man and a woman. Such a mess can lead to the separation of business partners, friends, children and parents. A separation conspiracy is able to break off any relationship. But before deciding on this enchantment, one should think carefully about whether it is worth carrying out such a ceremony, because unlike other options of “quarreling” magic, this one is irreversible.
How is this rite different from others?
Separations for separation of people - far from the only magical tool that can bring cold into the relationship. Moreover, in the old days they resorted to such magic only in the most extreme cases, because after the rite, “replaying back” or otherwise cannot be done.
Other variants of rites, the purpose of which is the parting of people, are quarrels and lapels. The lapel obeys the same rules and classification as the enchanting rites, but is carried out with a different energy message.
Divorce is the easiest intervention in a person’s fate within the framework of this magical section. Unlike lapels and conspiracies, this type of divination can be carried out not only intentionally, but also by accident. For example, the evil eye, caused by envy, is the same scuffle.
Is it possible to independently carry out such a ceremony?
Many are convinced that such types of magic are dark magical arts that require great skill and have serious consequences. In fact, to read the "Separation" conspiracies at home, without preparation, is perfectly acceptable. Moreover, such independent actions often lead to faster and more difficult results.
The explanation is simple. Any enchantment is an energy message. Based on faith and experienced emotions. The stronger these components, the faster and more thoroughly the results of the rites.
According to famous practicing esotericists (for example, Stepanova), a separation plot is based on negative emotions and feelings that carry a charge of destruction. But can there be anything stronger than the insult, anger, hatred, envy or fear experienced by a person? Human nature is designed so that negative emotions and feelings are always brighter and stronger than positive ones.
For example, how many words or epithets exist to describe happiness? And how much to describe grief? That is, experiences with a minus sign are much closer to each person. Such feelings are always experienced brighter and sharper, and in addition, they are the best motivators for conducting magical rites.
Therefore, to read the plot for separation is even more appropriate for yourself. After all, a hired esoteric does not experience the gamut of emotions that his customer is experiencing. Of course, feelings alone are not enough; faith in one's own actions is required.
Does this rite relate to dark magic?
Such a question worries everyone who would like to use the fortune-teller, but fears the "dark forces." In fact, in everyday magic, that is, in rites that help a person solve any personal issues, there is no clear division into “dark” and “bright”.
In fact, a conspiracy to separate is no different from the same love spell or rite to promote health, except for the result, of course. Technically and energetically, these are absolutely similar interventions in human karma.
Moreover, from the point of view of moral responsibility, this rite is less immoral than the same love spell, which deprives a person of his will and choice. In family affairs, a conspiracy to separate two people only corrects, and does not change the initial plan and does not deprive a person of their choice.
But the human assessment of these rites is completely different. For example, if a wife fights by means of magic with the presence of a lover, then it does not occur to anyone, including herself, that something “dark” and not entirely good is being done. However, if such an act is performed by a mistress, then immediately the “witch” is put on the mark, and conversations begin about the inevitable retribution for the dark witchcraft. Although for the energy field of our universe, both rites will be completely identical.
When is professional help needed?
Reading a conspiracy to read at home alone is more appropriate when it comes to personal or family well-being and simple human relationships.
But if there is a desire to separate business partners, to force a warm company of friends to leave or to perform some other similar actions, then you will not be able to do without experience in witchcraft on your own.
A conspiracy to separate two, three or more people, bound by mutual obligations or similar interests and preferences in spending leisure time, should be read by a practicing esoteric. The point is not only that friends or companions are linked by more complex feelings and realities than lovers. And it’s not only that a person who wants to separate a warm company gathering in the evenings at a bar, or to eliminate a person who interferes in business, does not have such a bright and strong range of emotions as an offended lover.
A conspiracy to separate two or more people who are not bound by intimate ties and have any obligations may have consequences that the amateur in witchcraft does not think about.
In practice, it looks like this. For example, the company has three founders, but I want the business to belong only to, say, my spouse. A woman is reading a separation plot. The spell is triggered, something happens to the companions, or they themselves just leave the business. But at the same time, people can sell their stake to someone, and the "newbie" will be much worse than them. Or, the company completely ceases to exist due to a quarrel between partners, a sudden bankruptcy, or something similar. That is, as they say, be careful in your desires. Everything may happen not at all as it seems in dreams. Although nominally a fortune-telling will give exactly the result that it should. In this example, it will eliminate specific companions.
The same applies to all other similar interventions. It is necessary to clearly and precisely formulate the final goal, which the novice in witchcraft affairs is unable to cope with.
Are there any general requirements for such a ceremony?
Any strong plot for separation is usually read on a waning moon. This is the only requirement for this type of divination, in addition to having faith in your actions and emotional mood, of course.
The technique of performing the rituals is different, as in all other types of magic. This can be a lining, a charm on an image, rituals with biological material or a personal thing, singing, feeding, conspiracies on the elements. To solve personal problems, they usually use the technique of lining, conspiracies to drink and eat food, or witchcraft on the image.
Are there any popular separation plots?
The most popular conspiracies of this type include:
- Woolen
- drinking;
- spontaneous.
And, of course, rituals using the image of a person.
For conspiracies on wool, threads and animal fur are required, for feasts, salt and water are most often used, and elemental ones involve invoking the forces of nature and enchanting the landscape. That is, in practice, this is “closing the road” to the object, for example, a husband to his mistress. After such rituals, a man physically cannot get to the desired place, something constantly happens and interferes, for example, a tire will burst, or a traffic police officer will stop.
On the wool
Most often, such a conspiracy is used to separate the wife and husband of the girlfriend of the wife, the parents of one of the members of a young family, or simply those who enter the house. This rite is carried out by the lining technique.
To carry out will need:
- animal fur - dogs and cats, it is customary to use black, but this is not a fundamental point;
- candle;
- plate, old with chips, cracked;
- woolen thread.
There is a variant of this ritual using cat fur and bird feather or down.
The ceremony is carried out as follows:
- need to light a candle; position it so that the flame casts a shadow;
- put a plate on this shadow in which to put the thread and animal hair;
- sit on the contrary, relax your own thoughts, surrendering to fantasies on the subject of quarrels and separation of objects;
- tie the fur, accompanying the action with a sentence.
No later than the current day, toss knitted wool into the house to those who need to be separated. You need to attach it so that the bunch is not found and not thrown away. The most popular place is the gap between the wall and the baseboard.
If there is no way to get into the house, then the lining must be done at the entrance, for example, between the entrance wall and the door frame trim.
You can say the following:
“Like a dog nibbling a cat and beating it, it doesn’t eat or sleep. So (the name of the man) beats in mortal combat (the name of the woman). And (woman's name) he drinks everything and blushes. He wanders around other people's houses. He won’t go back, he’ll come to go goofing. A dog with a cat does not live. And (name of man) with (name of woman) does not live. ”
After reading the words, you need to break the plate, collect the fragments in a paper cul, put a candle in the same place. It is necessary to bury it near the house of those who are separated immediately after the lining.
To salt
Conspiracies for salt for separation, mainly used in the form of food, that is, the charmed spice is added to the man's food.
An example of such a conspiracy:
“As the cat eats, it will lie on the stove in the corner. So you (the name of the man) lay down, not even a step beyond the threshold. ”
But there are more complex rituals, such as witchcraft for decay. For the ceremony, you will need:
- any vegetable or fruit, usually used apples or onions;
- a thread of wool, a long thick new needle;
- coal or ash, you can use eye shadow;
- candle;
- knife;
- salt;
- a plate or a circled circle;
- a wooden box with a lock; a plastic bag is suitable as a replacement.
The ceremony is carried out as follows:
- you need to light a candle, put a plate on the cast shadow, in which to put an onion or an apple;
- place the knife and salt on the right, the needle and wool on the left, ash or cosmetics in front of you;
- to burn iron objects over the fire, not strongly, without burning;
- cut in half a vegetable or fruit, on each part write the first letters of the names in shadows or charcoal;
- salt and reconnect;
- flash, leaving the thread in the eye, pierce;
- put in a box or in a bag, lock or tie;
- put in a damp “rotten” place, as close as possible to the house of those who are separated, you can bury.
A knife, a plate and a candle should not be buried with fruit or vegetables, a thread and a needle. They are thrown into the flowing water. If a box with a lock was used, the key is also thrown out along with them.
You can accompany the actions with these words:
- “Fire pots, cleans. Memory (names of men and women) erases. Good is forgotten. Evil happens, remember. ”
- “It was a whole. It has become spoiled. "
- “Like (woman's name) sitting here. Like (man’s name) sitting here. Eyes will open to look, and they are covered with salt. So hurt and go blind. They cannot see each other. ”
- “One, but not the whole. Connected, but not tight. The wound is sore, a wormhole comes from it. Rot grows - do not pull out. And it will rot. Will fall off (name of man) from (name of woman) forever. The splinter will remain rusty, but the worm is large from it. They will not let me go back. They will not let me turn. They themselves will not decay. ”
There is a variant of this rite, in which the casket was hidden in the hollow of a rotting tree or dug in its roots.
Into the water
The conspiracy to part in water was most often used by women seeking to get rid of hateful husbands. There are a lot of variations of such magic. The most common are reading a sentence over water for washing or drinking.
For such a ceremony, you will need:
- candle;
- the container into which water is poured for drinking or washing.
The ritual itself is as follows:
- you need to light a candle and wait for it to flare;
- drip three times with wax to the bottom of the tank, accompanying the action with a sentence.
You can pronounce the following words:
- “As water flows, so my (proper name) misfortune will twist. As it gets on (spouse's name) it will cool it, wash it clean. Will go from the yard, will not return. ”
- “As he wants (name of spouse) to get drunk, he will take up water. Scoop up with a bucket, mine (proper name) will swallow bitterly yes and take it. It will become toil, let it go into a pure field, and it will remain there. ”
Today, it is difficult to use such conspiracies at first glance, because there is no tub with water and a bucket in the entrance. Yes, and no one gives water for washing to anyone. However, you can always get an opaque jug in which to collect pre-filtered water intended for drinking.
Per image
To read a conspiracy to separate from a woman’s husband from a photograph, you need a “live” picture that has not been processed and taken without any filtering. There should be two people in the photograph, whom we must separate, and no one except them. The image should not be more than a month. Images printed from social networks are not suitable for the ritual, since each “application” processes the images “for itself” automatically.
In addition to the image itself, you will need: scissors, a candle, a plate or a circled circle.
The rite itself is as follows:
- a candle is lit, a plate is placed on its shadow or a circle is drawn;
- the picture fits into the dishes;
- then you should relax and clearly present the desired;
- the face of a man is buried with wax;
- scissors are scorched over the fire and the image is cut.
You can cut the photo with a knife. When cutting, one should not damage the figure of a man if the purpose of separation of the couple is to communicate with him. Accordingly, when such a conspiracy is used by a man who wants to get a woman, then wax must be poured over her face, and not damage her silhouette when cut.
You can accompany the actions with these words:
- “As the moon and day do not meet, as the sun does not see the night sky. So (the name of the man) does not see (the name of the woman), never from now on. ”
- “Like iron, fire cleanses and kalit. So the memory (the name of the man) erases, (the name of the woman) separates. Yes, strengthens with a red-hot line. ”
- “There was one thing, it became two. It was a whole and its own, it became alien and past overgrown. "
The photo needs to be stored in the box with the candle in a secluded place, but only that part of the picture in which the face is covered with wax. Unnecessary half is burned and scattered in the wind or drown in water. You can just throw it in the trash.
How long to wait for the result?
The duration of waiting for the results after the ceremony depends on many factors, among which the most important:
- the faith of the one who is bewitching, and the strength of the emotions experienced;
- the strength of feelings of the couple to be separated;
- the presence of any protective charms at the object of witchcraft;
- the presence in a destructible relationship of a love spell or something like that.
As a rule, in the absence of divorce on separated people, sincere relations without the participation of fascinating actions, the results become tangible throughout the year.
That is, cooling occurs immediately, develops and intensifies. Misunderstanding grows between people, they quarrel, try to see each other less often, and eventually part.
However, this applies only to those couples who live under the same roof and see each other daily. In the event that people are rare, for example, if a man works as a trucker, or simply is constantly on the move, and the woman has enough intelligence to maintain the appearance of well-being, the results will have to wait a very long time.
Moreover, they may not come at all. That is, there will be no actual, genuine feelings within such a pair after the ceremony, but people will not part, because they do not interfere with each other at all.