Political activity: concept, forms, goals and examples

The main problem in the definition of political activity is its frequent substitution of a completely different concept - political behavior. Meanwhile, not behavior, but activity is a form of social activity. Behavior is a concept from psychology. Activity, however, implies a social, social or political context.

Before proceeding to the main terms in the article, it is necessary to revise the concept of “politics”. If we consider politics from the point of view of activity, then this is an integrated concept: both managing people, and science, and building relationships - all for the sake of gaining, retaining and exercising power.

One of the main signs of politics, as well as political activity, is rationality, which determines the levels of political activity. Rationality is always understanding and mindfulness, planning deadlines and means. Rationality is usually supported by a strong ideology: people and communities should have a good understanding of why and why they are engaged in one or another political activity. A strong ideology determines the vector and rate of activity of subjects in the political arena.

Fundamentals of Political Activity

Countless definitions, theories, and currents are connected with this concept. Therefore, instead of yet another “author's” wording, it is better to present existing ones. The reader will have to tolerate, there are three of them:

This is a systematic conscious intervention of individuals or groups in the system of social political relations in order to adapt it to their interests, ideals and values.

Political lobbying

In the second version of "cannibalism" less:

This is the action of political actors to achieve political goals, characterized by a holistic unity of its constituent elements (goal, object, subject, means).

And the most appropriate wording in the context of this article:

This is leadership and public relations management through institutions of power. Its essence is the management of people, human communities.

Goals and means

The goals of political activity are easier to understand: they are always associated either with preservation or with a change in socio-political relations. All politics, as well as political activity, exists and is aimed at fulfilling goals. Goals, means and results are the main and only components in political activity.

The means of political activity include various resources and tools, with their help political goals are achieved. The variety of political means is huge, they can be of completely different nature and of different scales: elections, uprisings, finances, ideology, lies, legislative acts, human resources, bribery and blackmail - the list goes on and on.

Today, new tools have joined this list - the Internet and social networks with the brightest results and examples of political activity: the Arab Spring, the British exit from the European Union or the referendum for the independence of Catalonia.

On the independence of catalonia

One cannot but recall the famous saying that "the end justifies the means." The sad history of this statement is connected, first of all, with the Bolshevik terror. This approach is characteristic of totalitarian regimes, radical groups and other communities prone to extremism and violent methods of influence.

On the other hand, participants in political processes find themselves in a situation where it is necessary to decide on very tough measures to maintain, for example, security. It is difficult to determine where the absolute limit of morality is in such cases. Therefore, politics is often called the art of compromise and exclusive solutions - each case should be considered separately, taking into account all external and internal factors of influence.

One thing is certain: the goals of political activity do not justify any means.

Objects and subjects in the political interior

This paragraph contains the highest concentration of philosophical content, because objects and subjects have been a deeply favorite philosophical theme for a long time. Understanding the labyrinths of high scientific reasoning is not always easy, but you can make an attempt.

An object is a part of political reality, on which the activities of political entities are directed. The objects in this case can be both social groups with various institutions, and political relations. A person can also be an object - if only this person was included in the political context.

The subject of political activity is a source of activity directed at the object (groups, institutions, relations, a person in a political context, etc.). It is interesting that the subjects can be all the same persons: individuals, institutions, various groups of people and their relationships.

Politics is manipulation

Objects and subjects of political activity are completely interchangeable and not only. They mutually influence each other. The object of political activity determines the space and methods of influence of the subject, which, in turn, also changes the object.

Options for Political Activism

A huge number of types of political activity is explained by the subjectivity of this concept. They can be combined into three large varieties:

  • Political alienation (escapism). Despite the exotic name, it is much more common than can be expected. Moreover, escapism of different colors can be found in representatives of society that are completely opposite in their attitudes - from Sergei Shnurov with his manifestations from the category of "I lay on your fuss" to the ruling parties that have been in power for a long time.

"Pofigism in a Shnurovsky style" is a convenient and advantageous position: you are clean and free from choice and responsibility. In fact, such behavior cannot be attributed to the positive aspects of public life. Seasoning in the form of courage is not political heroism, but quite the contrary - it is nothing but political alienation.

The alienation of the ruling party is manifested precisely in the reduction of the political component of its activity. Actions are reduced to serving their own interests, which are increasingly detached from public political interests (often such alienation comes unnoticed by the ruling elites).

On the other hand, alienation can occur on the other side - if these are civic groups, then their alienation from political life can become a very unpleasant and even dangerous fact for the authorities.

  • Political passivity (conformism) - consciously or unconsciously, the subject is under the complete influence of social stereotypes or the opinions of others. No initiatives and allusions to independent behavior. If we talk about the political aspect of conformism, then this is pure adaptationism: without principles and own positions. One of the most interesting varieties of conformism is the “citizenship of political culture”: the authority of the government is fully recognized, participation in political life is zero.

The most fertile ground for political passivity has long been totalitarian and authoritarian regimes. Conformism is still here. It includes political opportunists - party functionaries in considerable numbers, who move from party to party in search of the most profitable "place in the sun."

  • Political activity is, first of all, the realization of political views. This is the best way of political activity, to which you must be able to "grow". This is not about simple activity, but about political activity, which implies purposeful, conscious and time-bound actions.

“Agree, otherwise I will kill”

Violence is the oldest political tool for resolving many social conflicts. In the ancient world there was only one form - direct physical violence, the destruction of opponents and those who simply interfered with life. The second, more progressive stage was the realization that it would be more profitable for the enemy to force them to do what was needed. “Agree, otherwise I will kill” - this was not only slave labor, but also agreement with the political conditions. The third, most advanced stage was a mutually beneficial economic motivation and social exchange: do it, and I will do it.

It would seem that the volume of violence as a whole should decrease in parallel and in proportion to the change in social methods of conflict resolution. Unfortunately, logic does not work here, political violence still remains a "method".

Political extremism is also political activity with the achievement of their goals. Just a little different means - violence. The objects of extremism are either the existing political system, or the existing parties, or parts of an existing society.

If we talk about political terrorism, then first we need to separate it from the concept of "terror." Terror is individual when the unwanted people involved in the political process are eliminated. The death of the victim in this case meant the end of this process. Mass terror has always had a preventive character - instilling fear into the masses of the population through the execution of certain particular groups.

Modern political terrorism is a “mixture” of individual and mass terror. “The more, the better” - to destroy an objectionable person and “hook” more people around. Over time, terrorism, as a political activity, was based on an increasingly pronounced ideology.

One of the varieties is state terrorism, when the government uses violence against the civilian population with the help of a repressive apparatus.

Political Processes

The political process is a set of interactions of actors on the political stage. These entities realize their political interests and play their political roles. It seems that how many political scientists were involved in the theory of the political process, so many concepts remained after them. Some connect the process with the struggle of groups for power, others with the reaction of the political system to external challenges, and others with a change in the status of subjects. All interpretations are somehow based on changes.

But the most common and logical concept of conflict seems to be the source of most options for the interaction of political actors. In this case, the conflict should be considered as a competition of political parties for power, authority and resources.

The main actor in the political process is always the state. His counterpart is civil society. Minor actors are parties, groups, and individuals.

Factors determining the scale and speed of political processes are divided into:

  • Internal - the goals and intentions of the actors, their personal characteristics, the actual distribution of resources, etc.
  • External - political events, game rules, etc.

Political change

Political changes are always associated with the new regulation of power in society. This new one may appear as a result of gradual transformations, or maybe as a result of the complete change of one system to another. Such political changes are called revolution - the most radical form.

French revolution

A revolution should be distinguished from a coup. The coup does not bring about profound and fundamental changes in the political structure of countries - this is just a violent change of power elites.

The most optimal and widespread form of change is the gradual adjustment of political influence or the introduction of constitutional amendments - all that can be defined in two words - legitimacy and evolution.

The main actor is the state

The political activity of the state is internal and external - it is a classic of the political genre. It seems that these two incarnations are clearly divided both in goals and functions, which are performed by completely different state bodies. In fact, the international relations of any state are an exact mirror image of both domestic policy and foreign. Internal political activity includes:

  • Security and law enforcement.
  • Taxation.
  • Social support of the population.
  • Economic activity.
  • Cultural support.
  • Environmental protection.

The objectives of foreign political activity are as follows:

  • Defense (security, sovereignty, territorial integrity).
  • World order (regulation of international conflicts).
  • International cooperation (economic, cultural and other ties).

It would be a mistake to think that the political activities of the authorities and the state are fundamentally different from those of the opposition political forces. The structure, goals, means and desired results remain unchanged, such is the nature of political activity. We are, of course, talking about civilized states with democratic principles of governance.

Modern states have new functions in the framework of political activity:

Economic support
  • All-round support for entrepreneurship, especially small and medium-sized businesses.
  • Impact on economic processes through administrative means.
  • New social services, especially digital formats of such services.

Political leadership

Political leadership is one of the most important areas of political activity. It is carried out with the help of state or party activities and always consists of the following stages:

  • Definition of goals from the point of view of a political subject.
  • The choice of methods, tactics and means of achieving the planned goals.
  • Communication and people management.
Political communications

An important concept in modern political science is the political platform. This is an integral part of the political leadership, it contains the main ideological provisions, the political course, programs, requirements, slogans, etc. Usually, the political platform is created by state and party bodies together. The political strategy contained in the platform outlines long-term tasks, ways to solve them and expected results in time, developed on the basis of analysis and political forecasts.

Strategies vary in their areas: scientific, economic, foreign policy, cultural, etc. In turn, each of the core strategies can also consist of subsections.

Political Life in Society

In this case, the name speaks for itself. Public associations of citizens of all kinds can play the role of both political entities and political entities. They are quite difficult to classify, so you can start with simple examples.

The most common forms of political activity of citizens are demonstrations, pickets, rallies and many other campaigns. Events of this format today are observed on the streets much more often than literally a few years ago. All this is the socio-political activity of parties and other organizations. The main goal is to draw attention to a specific social problem or to express a certain mood in public life for one reason or another.

Social and political leadership is a very common form of political activity. Such leadership involves the recognition by large masses of citizens of one person or group of people, this is a way of interaction between leaders and the masses.

Another type of political activity is elections. Sometimes elections resemble only a ritual and do not affect the public political life of society - such a situation is observed, unfortunately, in many states even today. If we talk about real elections with high competition between candidates, unpredictability and pronounced intrigue, this kind of political activity can argue with popular TV shows and entertainment shows.

Power transformation

Elections are always accompanied by a vote. The political role (significance) of elections depends on the method of voting in the country. If these are direct forms of democracy, then the majority wins the vote, and the significance of the elections is relatively low.

The importance of elections as a type of political activity of a person can hardly be overestimated: it often happens that general elections are the only political event and the real participation of people in the political life of a country. Elections in any country are watched all over the world - this is a sensitive indicator of the social landscape in society.

Features of modern public political activity are as follows:

  • The growth of alternative formats of political activity in the form of social movements instead of the usual party organizations with their rigid attitudes and behavioral codes.
  • The interaction of the concepts of “political activity and society” today is no longer focused on any party, but around a specific problem. People with different ideologies can unite. They are interested in something else - possible political solutions to a common problem.
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Most often, mixed motivation occurs, it is always rational and at the same time instrumental. Citizens try to influence both the adoption of state decisions and the search and selection of the best representatives of government at all levels.

Every citizen has the right to participate in political activities. To do this, you need very little: political awareness, rationality and ideological motivation. The most important factor is the situation in society and in the state itself. Only with the interaction of actors is possible an effective political activity that will lead to the modernization of processes and the common good.

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