Mini tractor Belarus: great opportunities for a small car

The trade and economic miracle of the Republic of Belarus lies in the fact that this country organized the production of its own products on its territory and entered the international market with them. It exports, among other things, such serious positions as agricultural equipment, among which the Belarus mini-tractor occupies a worthy place.

mini tractor Belarus
These miniature machines can do all the same work that large tractors take on. With their help, you can transport goods in a trailer, mow hay, cultivate and plow the soil. The Belarus 132N mini tractor is remarkable for its compactness. Its width is only 1 meter, and its length is about 2.5 meters. He can walk across the field at a speed of about 2.8 km per hour during some operations and accelerate to 17 km under others. The weight of the unit is less than 450 kg, which allows you to abandon excess pressure on the soil, and it is also easy to transport this mechanism in a car trailer.

mini tractor Belarus 132n
The Belarus mini tractor has 13 Japanese-made horses under the hood (Honda engine) and can easily turn around 2.5 meters. It can be started both from a manual system, and from an electric starter and a battery. Despite its modest dimensions, the Belarus 132N mini-tractor easily copes with a trailer loaded with 700 kg on asphalt and, importantly, on dirt roads. It has front and rear wheel drive. The rear axle can be switched off, if necessary, using a special lever. The operatorโ€™s chair is close enough to the ground, which allows you to perform work with high accuracy due to good visual control.

The fuel used by the Belarus mini-tractor is A-92 gasoline, poured into a small 6-liter tank. The price of a car with such favorable characteristics is more than attractive - in Russia a new tractor of this kind can be bought at a price of less than 200 thousand rubles. These are the general characteristics of the 132H model.

In addition, the Belarus-321 mini-tractor is offered on the market, which has higher performance in terms of power (33 hp engine), load capacity (750 kg in a trailer), can reach speeds of up to 25 km / h and is adapted for work in many climatic zones, including on waterlogged soils. In addition to agricultural enterprises, the machine can be useful in utilities and forestry. Reviews indicate that the unit has a reliable transmission that does not require adjustments, and mechanical lock on the differential of the rear axle.

mini tractor Belarus
The tractor is equipped with a separate-aggregate hydraulic system, through which it is possible to control hydroficated, semi-mounted and mounted agricultural implements. The machine has two types of brakes, of which the parking brakes are fixed using a separate lever device, and the main ones are disk, working in an oil environment, and separated for the rear and front wheels. This model is 2.9 meters long, 1.28 meters wide. Like the model of the H123 series, the tractor has an unprotected workplace (open cab), which involves the use of protective clothing by the operator in bad weather.

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