One of the most significant days in the Orthodox tradition is the Feast of the Epiphany. Signs and ceremonies, fortune-telling, conducted on this day, are considered especially true. Predict their fate on the night of January 19, rural and urban residents for more than one century. And the very history of Baptism is rooted in antiquity. Today, this holiday is recognized by all, without exception, Christian trends. Catholics, Orthodox Christians, and Protestants celebrate it.
The Christian Epiphany is a holiday begun by Jesus Christ himself. At the age of 30, he came to the Jordan River in order to wash away his sins. There was such a custom in Judea at that time. John the Baptist at first refused to perform the rite on Jesus himself, considering himself unworthy of this. However, the Son of God insisted on the fulfillment of tradition. Since then, following his example , many nations have accepted the custom of being baptized with water.
The Epiphany is called a holiday because when Jesus came out of the water after baptism, the heavens opened, and the voice of God was heard: “You, my beloved Son! You have my Blessing. ” Then the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove. Thus, on this day before the people appeared all three hypostases of God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
In different faiths, the Epiphany is celebrated on different days. It is believed that Jesus Christ was baptized on January 6. The Catholic Church, however, celebrates Epiphany on January 13th. Orthodox celebrate Baptism on January 19 - according to the Julian calendar. According to the old style, this is January 6th. Eastern Christian churches conduct ceremonial services on the 6th of the new style.
In general, this holiday is actually very significant - the Baptism of the Lord. National signs, rites of predictions, held on January 19 - all this, of course, no more than echoes of the old pagan beliefs. They were not approved by Christian clergy, but they were never considered a special sin among the people.
Religious holiday
However, to begin with, let's find out how officially the Baptism of the Lord is celebrated. Traditions and rituals left over from pagan times are certainly interesting. But we'll talk about them a little later. Nevertheless, at the moment, most Russians profess the Christian Orthodox faith.
Since the time of the baptism of Rus, the Epiphany was decided to be preceded by a one-day fast. That is, January 18 is not allowed to eat junk food. Traditionally, a “hungry" kutya is put on the festive table, assembled on the eve of the Epiphany. A liturgy is held in the church at this time, which ends with the first great consecration of water. By 12 a.m., believers gather in the temple for a festive service. The latter usually lasts until the morning.
Then the procession begins. All believers, led by priests, go in a column to the nearest body of water. Previously, an ice hole in the form of a cross is cut in the ice of this pond or lake, which is called "Jordan" in honor of the events of the New Testament. Here the father publicly sanctifies the water, and then holds a celebratory prayer. Then, believers who wish, plunge into the hole, according to tradition, three times.
Epiphany water can be typed in the church. No wonder they consecrate it in advance. Sometimes water is collected directly from the hole. But more often on the pond, next to the "Jordan" they simply install vats with a cleaner one. Even tap water is considered holy and healing on the feast of the Epiphany. Epiphany (signs predicting various events on January 19 are often also associated with water) is the day when all lakes and rivers become consecrated. Of course, they were cleansed of the negative at Baptism and the wells. Epiphany water can treat diseases of family members or, if necessary, pets. In addition, she sprinkled with her home and outbuildings to remove all the negative. Holy baptismal water retains its properties throughout the year, and sometimes longer.
Folk rites
Of course, celebrated not only in the church, but also at home this holiday - the Baptism of the Lord. The signs and rituals held on January 19 could be very different. On this day, they recognized the name of the bridegroom, their fate for the whole year ahead, etc. Of course, the Christian church did not approve of such rituals. That is why the one who did fortune-telling on the eve of Baptism, had to swim in the hole in order to wash away the sin of communion with unclean forces. During fortune-telling, which was nothing more than an echo of ancient pagan beliefs, the village and city dwellers without fail removed their pectoral cross, and also untied all the knots on their clothes. Next, we will examine how some of these ancient rituals were conducted in more detail.
How did you find out the name and residence of the future husband?
What could one have predicted on the Lord's Epiphany? Conspiracies, signs, ceremonies - there were simply a huge number of them. However, traditionally, the eve of the Epiphany was still considered to be a holiday of young people. And at that time the girls and boys were guessing mainly on the future husband or wife. In order to find out the name of the spouse, for example, they went out of the gate and asked the first comer what his name was.
Fortune telling with a rooster made it possible to find out whether the girl would marry this year or not. The future bride had to wait until everything in the house was asleep. Then she slowly brought a rooster into the house and placed it opposite the table. If the bird turned around and ran back to the street, it meant that there would be no wedding this year. If the rooster went to the table, this was a very good sign. Guessing you could soon expect matchmakers.
In order to find out exactly where they would come from, you had to go outside the outskirts, remove the felt boots and throw it in front of you. Where his sock pointed, and the groom lived. You could also go to the crossroads, outside the village, and wait for the dog to bark. If this sound was heard nearby, then the groom should have been from the same village or from a neighboring one.
Fortune telling
Whether a person will be rich or financial problems await him in the coming year is also something that could be easily ascertained at the Epiphany. The Epiphany Eve, ceremonies for which were sometimes performed by older people, was celebrated in a rather dark and indefinite time. After all, the old year has already left, and the new one has just begun. Therefore, rituals of welfare predictions on this day were also very popular and were carried out quite often. They learned what awaits the family this year - poverty or wealth - in a fairly simple way. To do this, sprinkled grains on the floor and launched into the house of a rooster. The more he pecked, the better. If the bird ran out into the street without touching a single grain, this was a foreshadow of serious problems and needs.
Fortune telling
In the Baptism of the Lord, rituals, traditions, folk signs took on special significance. This day was actually considered energetically very strong. For example, at the Epiphany, among other things, one could find out what awaits a family or a specific person in the coming year. For this, there were also a variety of rituals. For example, one could predict fate with the help of a cat. He was carried outside and waited for him to want to enter the house. At that moment we watched which paw he would raise above the threshold of the first. If left, then all family members in the coming year will be happy.
Fortune telling
Of course, in a large village it is difficult to find, for example, a sheep or a rooster. Therefore, the townspeople guessed a little differently. For example, on the night of January 19, you could roll up a newspaper and set fire to it. In the shadows falling on the wall and predicted the future. To find out if the wish came true, one could also cut out two squares from white paper and paint one of them black. In the afternoon of January 19, the leaves were thrown out the window and watched which one would fall to the ground first. If black - the desire will not be fulfilled.
Fortune telling
Nowadays, urban residents can tell fortunes a little differently. For example, to go out at night or in the evening when it gets dark, and, turning your back to your own house, mentally ask a question of interest. Then you need to face the high-rise building and count the glowing windows. An even number will mean a positive answer, odd - a negative.
Also very interesting is the method of fortune telling in banknotes. In order to find out whether a wish will be fulfilled or not, you should take the wallet in your right hand, and take out the first banknote from it with your left hand. Ten, a hundred or a thousand means a positive answer, five hundred - a negative.
Signs for Baptism
It was possible to find out the future in the Epiphany simply by observing the surrounding reality. Next, we will look at the signs that exist on the feast of the Epiphany. Both rites of divination and rituals with spells required the performance of some, often complex, actions. By signs, it was possible to find out your fate much easier. So, for example, the barking of dogs, heard at Baptism, was a very good omen, indicating wealth in the coming year.
A good sign was also to get on the Epiphany under heavy snow. It meant health and well-being. Epiphany snow, like the driver, was considered holy and healing. It was collected from roofs both for fortune telling and rituals, and just for the treatment of diseases and getting rid of negativity. It was believed that melt baptismal water is a very good way to cure skin diseases and joints.
Other signs
Well, you and I have figured out in sufficient detail how to celebrate Baptism. Rituals, signs and fortune-telling conducted on this day, of course, are unusually interesting. However, the Epiphany in the environment could determine not only their future or the fate of loved ones. According to various signs on this day, our ancestors also predicted just the weather for a year.
It was believed, for example, that if Baptism fell on the full moon, a strong river spill could be expected. Bright stars in the sky promised a dry summer, early spring and warm lingering autumn. If Baptism coincided with a full moon, very severe frosts were expected in the near future. Also in such years, summer was most often cold, and spring was late and slushy.
Perhaps the signs and rituals adopted at the Epiphany celebrated by many, in fact, can help to know the future. To believe or not to believe in such things is everyone's personal business. However, in any case, such rituals and traditions are certainly unusually interesting, including as part of the history of our country.