Fortune telling on paper with a pen on a guy: review, features and reviews

Girls love to dream. In their thoughts they have a large family, a prestigious job and a man who will carry them in his arms. How do you know if this will actually be? Looking at your life in the future can be very intriguing.

fortune telling on paper with pen on guy

Why do fortunetellers need it, if you can conduct a simple fortune-telling on paper with a pen on a guy? After all, the female soul is vulnerable and always in love with someone. Answers to simple questions: “Is feeling mutual? The name of the future husband? Will we be together? ”, Can be obtained in a simple way, without special preparation, and it’s nice to spend free time.

Internal mood

Fortune-telling on paper with a pen for girls because of its simplicity is popular among high school students. Thus, they are entertained in boring lessons, because of which not everyone can take him seriously, but this is a big mistake. The main thing in magical rites is the mood. If you really believe that numbers predict, feel the magic emanating from them, you can get that true prediction, which will come true in time. Everything is decided by the mood of a person even before the smallest rite.

The conclusion is this: if you just want to “kill” time, then don’t be surprised at the results and don’t take them to heart. But if you really want to know the answers to questions about the future, then tune in to fortune-telling, calm down and think about the person you want to tell fortunes about.

Antique Christmas Ritual

For a long time there was a rite with which you could learn about your future. Such fortune-telling was done on New Year's Eve or Christmas. Before going to bed, you need to cut the sheet into 12 identical parts. On each of them it is necessary to write a question of interest and make a note “will come true soon” or, conversely, “it will come true soon”. Questions can concern any areas in life, both mundane and fateful. All these leaflets are folded under the pillow and the one who guesses goes to bed with good thoughts.

fortune telling guy on paper with pen

The next morning, without getting out of bed, you need to put your hand under the pillow and pull out the first leaf that comes across. Written on it is a prediction. This method was used 50 years ago.

Tubule ritual

There is such a fortune-telling on paper with a pen on a guy who also needs small pieces of paper. To do this, cut the sheet into 10 equal parts. On one part is written the name of a loved one, the rest remain white. Each leaflet is curled into a tube, all of them are put in a bag and mixed thoroughly.

Next, you need to pull out the tubes, while the fortuneteller has only 3 attempts. After reading, the tube must be rolled up and put back in the bag. If one blank sheet falls out and his name is twice, then you are indifferent to him and there will be no relationship. If once his name and twice a blank sheet, then you are his dream and good luck will favor you. If all three times comes across the name of a loved one, then be together.

Fortune telling for today

There is a very simple fortune-telling that will help determine what the events of today will lead to. It is not connected only with love and is suitable for all life situations. It is necessary to write your surname, name and patronymic on a piece of paper, as well as the date and month in words. You can use the future date if you are interested in events that will happen in the future.

fortune-telling on paper with a pen for girls on a guy

Next, delete the duplicate letters. When those that do not repeat remain, they are counted. The number should be one, that is, if you have, for example, 12 letters left, then you add 1 and 2, and in the answer see 3.


  • 0 - ordinary, unremarkable day;
  • 1 - good news;
  • 2 - sad events;
  • 3 - an interesting road;
  • 4 - lead;
  • 5 - pleasant words addressed to you;
  • 6 - unexpected meeting;
  • 7 - longing;
  • 8 - there will be love;
  • 9 - possible betrayal.

Simple fortune-telling on paper with a pen for girls on a guy

A simple fortune-telling called "Heart", which is great for determining whether a guy likes a fortunetelling girl. The heart itself symbolizes love, also with this symbol you can know the future. To do this, draw a heart on a sheet in a cage, while eyes must be closed, you need to think about an object of love, and you need to write not with your leading hand, that is, right-handed people write with their left hand, and left-handed people write with their right hand.

fortune telling on paper with pen for girls on love

Further, fortune-telling on paper with a pen on a guy involves striking out whole cells in blocks of 6 pieces. The number of whole cells that remained and did not fit in the block, we consider and look at the answer:

  • 1 - the guy has feelings;
  • 2 - only friendship is possible;
  • 3 - there is a little sympathy;
  • 4 - jealousy;
  • 5 - his dreams are filled with your person;
  • 6 - there will be no relationship.

Fortune-telling fortune telling

There are also fortune-telling for a guy on paper with a pen for which you do not need to count. For example, the simplest tic-tac-toe game can answer some questions. In this game, a prerequisite is that you need to make a wish and play a simple game without thinking about the next move. Crosses and zeros thoughtlessly, and if the cross wins, then the wish will come true, if the zero is not.

Fortune telling a guy on a piece of paper with a pen on love

Chamomile is the easiest and oldest way to divine for love, but now you can fortune tell a guy on a piece of paper with a pen in love using a painted flower. It is necessary to depict a daisy with the number of petals, how many letters in the name of a loved one. In each leaflet, write in letter, you need to start from the column of flower, moving clockwise. Next, enter your full name in the same order. If the letters do not fit - it does not matter, you can enter not all.

Next, you need to see if there is such a leaflet where any vowels and consonants match. If there is a match, then it is likely that you will be together. The more matches, the greater the likelihood.

Popular fortune-telling "Weaving"

This fortune-telling on paper with a pen on a guy again requires a little math. First you need to take a sheet in a cage and pen. It is necessary to determine any horizontal borders on the sheet, and put points at the ends. Next, you need to enter numbers from 1 to 99 in the cells, while you can not use zeros. That is, reaching 10, for example, you need to write 1, up to 30 - write 3, etc.

Horizontal figures must be written from border to border, all rows should be the same length, vertically they can occupy different places. At the end, after the numbers, it is necessary to write the full date when the ritual is performed. Next, you need to cross out two numbers, which add up to 10, for example, 7 and 3 or 6 and 4. You can also cross out the same numbers, for example, 4 and 4. The pair can be located both horizontally and vertically. In addition, you can cross out numbers between which there are already some crossed out pairs.

fortune-telling pen on paper on boyfriend's love

When there is not a single pair left, on the piece of paper you need to write in a row in each cell the full name of the guy whom they are guessing. Write the remaining numbers in a row under the letters and cross out the existing pairs again. Continue until there are no pairs left to cross out. Next, you need to add the remaining numbers so that it turns out from 1 to 16.


  • 1 - loneliness;
  • 2 - in the future you will be next to each other;
  • 3 - he has a girlfriend or the one he loves;
  • 4 - he is indifferent;
  • 5 - secretly, he loves you;
  • 6 - he has feelings for another girl;
  • 7 - he is jealous;
  • 8 - the road awaits him;
  • 9 - separation;
  • 11 - soon you will meet him;
  • 12 - a serious conversation awaits you;
  • 13 - wedding;
  • 14 - he has feelings for you;
  • 15 - you are in his thoughts;
  • 16 - he is not indifferent.


The article presents the best fortune telling about a guy’s love on paper. They serve not only as a ritual that will help you learn the future, but also as a pleasant pastime when you are bored at work or as a couple. In addition to the simplicity of their implementation, special items and procedures are not needed for carrying out, only a pen and a piece of paper are needed.

best fortune-telling on a guy's love on paper

If you concentrate and truly believe in the result, fortune-telling with a pen on paper on a guy's love can give a fateful result and moderate curiosity. Many girls and women use these simple rituals and claim that the result often comes true, while it does not matter in which setting the fortune-telling was conducted and how difficult it is.

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