Repair headlights without service stations - is it possible?

Every driver knows that repairing a car with their own hands is quite difficult. Not always the most popular elements of optics can be found in

headlight repair
store or at disassembly, and therefore it will not be superfluous to know how to repair the headlights yourself.

Cases of lamps and headlights are usually repaired with a hairdryer, which is fed with air from the compressor. This allows you to attach fallen pieces of parts to their original place. If such pieces are not enough, then they are looking for a spotlight that will act as a donor.

It is worth noting that in this case, the seam should be laid on the inside of the headlight, as well as duplicated on the outside. This should provide the maximum level of strength. There are headlights made of polypropylene, as well as ABC plastic. Thus, if we are talking about the first option, the repair of headlights with their own hands can be carried out exclusively using the above-mentioned welding. If the case made of ABC plastic got onto the operating table, then without fear you can
use cold welding.

In the event that the glass was broken, and repair is not presented

DIY car repair
possible, then the part is made from scratch. To do this, use plexiglass. Before starting work, it is necessary to reproduce the form of broken glass. Plasticine can successfully play the role of lost parts. This will allow you to get the finished form of the product. After the corresponding piece of plexiglass is cut out, on which the existing picture is recreated using milling machines. These manipulations allow you to repair the headlights in such a way that the direction of the light flux will remain at the same level.

Thus, when repairing headlights with your own hands, it is quite advantageous to use plexiglass, since it does not crumble in the event of mechanical damage, but only crackes. True, this material is more prone to clouding and scratching than ordinary glass.

A very annoying problem is fogging of glasses, and not only for
optics itself, but also for the driver. As a result of the accumulation of moisture inside the headlamp, plaque may form on the glass, which will subsequently interfere with lighting. In addition, fogging leads to the loss of the mirror layer of the reflector.

DIY headlight repair
The only way out of this situation is to repair the headlights, which involves sealing.

Before disassembling the headlight, it is worth analyzing the depressurization points. After the lantern is disassembled, its insides are inspected and dried. Then, the repair of the headlights involves the assembly of the element using sealant, which will not allow moisture to accumulate inside. After assembly, the headlight can be installed in its place and used without any problems in the previous mode.

All of the above suggests that repairing a car with your own hands is a simple procedure, and in some cases even very interesting and entertaining. In addition, it allows the driver to accumulate important experience that is useful on the road, and also saves the money of the car owner.

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